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LDAP Query Access: Challenges and Opportunities. Beth Plale, Georgia Tech. with Peter Dinda, Northwestern. Part of GIS Task Force on Relational Data Models. Goals of Talk. Pose problem:
LDAP Query Access: Challenges and Opportunities Beth Plale, Georgia Tech with Peter Dinda, Northwestern Part of GIS Task Force on Relational Data Models
Goals of Talk • Pose problem: • query interface could be limiting factor in directory server useability and performance. • Pose possible solutions: • Extensions to LDAP query language • SQL query processing front-end • Adopt relational model as information service data model • Stimulate discussion with questions
Yes Data models (e.g., hierarchical, relational, object-oriented) Query languages No Schemas Communication protocols Interchange formats Message-passing layers Event-based services Talk topics
Establishing a Common Terminology • LDAP: protocol or data model? • Difference between schemas and data models • Difference between hierarchical, relational, and object-oriented data models
LDAP: Protocol or Directory? • LDAP v2: “provide access to X.500 directory” (RFC 1777). (i.e., LDAP is gateway to X.500 directory) TCP/IP OSI LDAP client LDAP server X.500 server directory • LDAP v3: “provide access to directories supporting X.500 model” (RFC 2251) (i.e., LDAP can implement directory itself) TCP/IP LDAP client LDAP server directory
Schema versus data model • Data model • Describes entities, structure, relationships • e.g., relations, tuples, attributes, domains • Schema • Description of structure of data in a particular database • e.g., creates the tables, defines the attributes and specifies domains for a given application
Hierarchical, relational, or object-oriented data model? Hierarchical – tree structure; child has only one parent; partitions easily; tree often directly reflected in physical storage. Query language low-level and procedural. alias Relational – set of tables; query language (SQL) efficient, well-founded, and declarative. Doesn’t handle complex data types well; flat organization not always natural. foreign key Object-oriented – enhanced conceptualization; Handles complex data types; SQL-like interface; query language inefficient; no standard exists; no formal model compositional hierarchy Object-relational – adopted OO features into relational
Problem Existing LDAP query access interface is inadequate for typical types of queries posed by users of grid information service.
Example Queries • “Where can I find load measurement stream for host “kanga?”” • source:tcp:kanga:5000, source:udp: • “Need 1 to 4 machines, all same OS and arch, with combined memory of 1 GB” • (mojave),(sahara),((poconos,pyramid,foo),(manch1,2,3,4), etc)
Relational Database Schema hosts normalized IP name hostdata IP numproc mhz arch os osv mem vmem dasd loc user note UR modules MID mt dsid IP note moduleexecs mt arch os minosv ver name note UR endpoints MID EPID endpointdata datasources dsid dst EPID IP protocol port datatype
Hierarchical Schema ou=grid1 host class moduleexecs endpoints datasources endpointdata hostdata modules alias
Relational Query 2: I need 2 machines having total memory between 512 and 1024 bytes SELECT host1.name, hd1.arch, hd1.os, host2.name, hd2.arch, hd2.os, hd1.mem + hd2.mem as TotalMem FROM hosts as h1, hostdata as hd1, hosts as h2, hostdata as hd2 WHERE host1.ip = hd1.ip and host2.ip = hd2.ip and host1.ip != host2.ip and hd1.mem + hd2.mem > 512 and hd1.mem + hd2.mem < 1024 +-----------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-------+----------+ | name | arch | os | name | arch | os | TotalMem | +-----------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-------+----------+ | poconos. | ALPHA | DUX | innuendo. | I386 | LINUX | 640.00 | | poconos. | ALPHA | DUX | pyramid. | ALPHA | DUX | 640.00 | | innuendo. | I386 | LINUX | poconos. | ALPHA | DUX | 640.00 | | pyramid. | ALPHA | DUX | poconos. | ALPHA | DUX | 640.00 | | poconos. | ALPHA | DUX | firenze. | I386 | LINUX | 640.00 | +-----------+-------+-------+-----------+-------+-------+----------+
Hierarchical Version Lacking aliasing to dynamically define logical relationships. Base #define SEARCHBASE “ad=Grid1” LDAP * ld, LDAPMessage * res; Main { ldap_search_s(ld, SEARCHBASE, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, “hostdata.name = *”, “”hostdata.name”, “hostdata.arch”, “hostdata.os”, “hostdata.mem””, 0, &res); … /* results processed using */ ldap_first_entry(), ldap_next_entry(), ldap_first_attribute(), etc. } Scope Search filter Lacking aggregate operator to perform functions over data before it is returned Return attributes +-----------+-------+-------+--------+ | name | arch | os | Memory | +-----------+-------+-------+--------+ | poconos. | ALPHA | DUX | 256 | | innuendo. | I386 | LINUX | 2048 | | pyramid. | ALPHA | DUX | 256 | | firenze. | ALPHA | DUX | 512 | +-----------+-------+-------+--------+ Low-level results processing
dc=att, dc=com LDAP query access limitations dc=research dc=products dc=services objectClass=orgUnit surName=jagadish surName=jagadish A. Use of different base entries (-(dc=att, dc=com ? Sub ? surName=jagadish) (dc=research, dc=att, cd=com ? Sub ? surName=jagadish)) Query: “Locate directory entries whose surname is Jagadish in AT&T except those in research.” B. Selecting parents and children (c(dc=att, dc=com ? Sub ? objectClass=orgUnit) (dc=att, cd=com ? Sub ? surName=jagadish)) Query returns each entry that satisfies objectClass=orgUnit and has at least one child entry that satisfies surName=jagadish.
Relational Version of Query: Where can I find a load measurement stream for host ‘kanga’ SELECT ed.protocol, h.name, ed.port, m.name FROM host as h, module as m, endpoint as e, endpointdata as ed WHERE h.name = “kanga” and ed.datatype = LOAD_MEASUREMENT and h.IP = m.IP and m.MID = e.MID and e.EPID = ed.EPID Search all endpoints for all running modules on host kanga to find endpoints containing data type LOAD_MEASUREMENT. Returns -> tcp:kanga:5000:resource_module
Hierarchical Version Explicit start point in search space: more encompassing queries obtained by starting higher in tree, expense of costlier queries. #define SEARCHBASE “ad=Grid1” LDAP * ld, LDAPMessage * res; Main { ld = ldap_open(); ldap_simple_bind_s(ld, user, Passwd); ldap_search_s(ld, SEARCHBASE, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, “modules.hostdata.name = “kanga” & modules.endpoints.endpointdata = LOAD_MEASUREMENT”, “”modules.endpoints.endpointdata.protocol”, “modules.hostdata.name”, “modules.endpoints.endpointdata.port”, “modules.name””, 0, &res); …} Explicit path traversal to walk aliases: requires users know structural detail; difficult to write accurate queries.
Solutions • Query access language extensions • Database community looking at extensions to LDAP query language. May be possible to influence or adopt. • Adopt relational data model • Relational data model enables efficient query access. Expressive language. Prototype exists as part of RPS. • Embed converter in data stream exported by directory server • dQUOB evaluates SQL-style queries over streaming data; may be part of a solution.
Discussion • Hierarchical model superior for partitioned data space. • Queries across partitions likely? • If so, LDAP referrals using server chaining or front-end interface. • What types of queries are likely? • What’s the metric? • Minimize number of accesses to server? • More expressible queries? • Floating point support