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INTERTANKO Members Seminar Singapore 27 th March 2010 Vetting Committee Work Plan Items & Chemical Update. Bahrain- 2nd March 2010. Capt. Howard Snaith Master Mariner. FNI. Director Marine, Ports, Terminal, Environment & Chemical Section INTERTANKO.
INTERTANKO Members SeminarSingapore 27th March 2010 Vetting Committee Work Plan Items & Chemical Update Bahrain- 2nd March 2010 Capt. Howard Snaith Master Mariner. FNI. Director Marine, Ports, Terminal, Environment & Chemical Section INTERTANKO Tim Wilkins Regional Manager Asia Pacific Environmental Manager INTERTANKO
Tanker Officer Training Standards (TOTS) working group Winner of the Seatrade Awards 2009 for “Investment in People” • Recognised as an Industry Standard • Now functional E-TOTS version available from Seagull • Contact our publishers Marlin http://www.marlins.co.uk/tots.htmfor E-TOTS and Paper version of TOTS • Objective – Ease Compliance with Officer Matrix Requirements
Tanker Officer Training Standards (TOTS) working group 3 X “Time in Rank” Training Books 1 X “Time in Company” Training Book 3 x Simulator Training Model Courses 3 x Simulator Verification Model Courses 2 x CD-ROM Computer Based Assessments
TOTS working group Standard Approvals TOTS is approved as a Professional Standard by: • The Nautical Institute. • The Institute of Marine Engineering Science & Technology.
TOTS working group Auditing Process All IACS Members Granted Authorisation for TOTS auditing by INTERTANKO Those currently undertaking TOTS Audits: • Germanischer Lloyd (GL) • Lloyds Register (LR) • Det Norske Veritas (DNV) • Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
TOTS working group TOTS Approved Maritime Training Centres • INTERTANKO is delighted that MTC Hamburg is the first certified training centre to run TOTS simulator courses • February 2010 • Module 4A Chemical Tanker simulator Training • Module 4B Chemical Tanker Simulator Verification • Module 4C Product Tanker Simulator Training • Module 4D Product Tanker Simulator Verification • Module 4E Crude Oil Tanker Simulator Training • Module 4F Crude Oil Tanker Simulator Verification
TOTS working group “E-TOTS” Licensing In response to many of Seagulls customers and INTERTANKO members : Seagull and INTERTANKO have negotiated a non exclusive agreement to TOTS in E-Format In the Seagull “Training Administrator” E-TOTS provides a simple tool to administer and monitor Officer progress remotely and allow more companies to adopt the initiative with minimal extra workload. E-TOTS Launched April 2009 Fast becoming an Industry Standard
Vetting Committee Main work Issues“Smart Vetting The Issue: • 1. Many parcels-one ship • 2. Multi-port calls/Multi-berth calls • 3. Multiple requirements to achieve “acceptability” • 4. Some Charterers only accept own inspections • 5. Conditions of Class/Memos/Recommendations can restrict trade • 6. Different interpretations of acceptability • 7. Poor transparency from charterers • 8. Different interpretations of incident root cause and corrective actions
Vetting Committee Main work Issues“Smart Vetting” The objective: • Cooperation with stakeholders to simplify and address operational efficiency of multiple inspections and screenings. • Address the issue of “Innocent” Conditions of Class (CoC) & Enhanced Transparency of Reporting. • Improve response times from charterers following an inspection with regards to notification of the vessels acceptability or not, (if the owners are not advised why the ship is not acceptable the owner cannot address the problem). • Harmonisation of standards regarding assessment of root cause analysis and correct identification of corrective actions. • Address the dilemma between reporting or non-reporting of incidents to oil/chemical companies. When an owner is open, transparent and fully reports any incidents or findings no matter how minor, this can result in penalisation with possible long delays or technical hold as a consequence, which can discourage the very transparency we wish to promote.
Confidential Accident Reporting Platform(CARP) working group CARP database will provide a simple functionality allowing the quick & easy updating of accident data. Enable members to input their own incident data in a fully confidential basis whilst allowing INTERTANKO to use the information entered so that: • Lessons can be learned and shared. • Similar accidents prevented. • Standardise accident data and categorisation. • Standardise simple accident analysis, root cause, direct cause and corrective actions. Platform Now Available http://www.intertanko.com/templates/Page.aspx?id=47899
Vetting Publication working group • 8th Edition Available as an E-Book and Hard Copy. • Objectives • Collect information from the Oil Majors & PSC • Prepare and publish the information, making available to the INTERTANKO membership. • Considering other material which may assist members in dealing with vetting issues.
Vetting Clause working group • Issue Vetting clauses abound which are unreasonable and arbitrary and contrary to industry practice. Objectives Collect all the clauses, which are in circulation today and publish them with an advisory commentary so that people can know and understand the benefits and pitfalls of each of the clauses. • Developed a balanced model INTERTANKO Vetting clause with Documentary Committee which satisfies Owners & Charterers: INTERTANKO Vetting Clause Book Released September 2009.
Terminal Vetting Database working group • Access now opened to non-members of INTERTANKO, including tanker owners/operators, terminal owners/operators, PSC authorities and others with a legitimate interest in improving safety, • Access to the TVD continues to remain free of charge, although access still requires agreement and compliance with the TVD's terms and conditions of use. • Such broadened access to the TVD will benefit all with an active interest in improving the safety of the vessel at the ship shore interface. The TVD designed with several levels of utility as follows • Company access TVD prior to your vessel calling at the terminal, review previous comments submitted and advise your ship accordingly. • If Any ships’ reports a score of “2” or less : (items rated 1-5) (<2 = low) The terminal is automatically notified, and asked to directly provide “Terminal Comments” within 30 days for entry into the TVD. A “Low Score Alert” is sent to INTERTANKO and to the Chairman of the TVD Working Group. INTERTANKO Vetting Committee regularly discusses selected Terminal Vetting Reports (TVR’s) during their bi-annual Vetting Committee meetings.
“Inspection” working group • Updated “Vetting Inspection Feedback Forms” (VIFF) now meets SIRE Inspector Compliance Requirements! • Updated “PSC Inspection Feedback Form” (PSCIFF) meets IMO PSCO code of conduct guidelines! • New Confidential VIFF “E-Database” Available April 2010 • New Confidential PSCIFF “E-Database” under construction available 2nd Quarter 2010
TMSA working group Working group produced: • TMSA 2 Gap Analysis Document http://www.intertanko.com/templates/intertanko/issue.aspx?id=44647 • TMSA 2 Benchmarking database http://www.intertanko.com/templates/Page.aspx?id=46718 • Guidance on Change management http://www.intertanko.com/templates/intertanko/issue.aspx?id=41452
TMSA working group Lost Time Indicating Frequency (LTIF) Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF) Benchmarking Based on OCIMF’s Marine Injury Reporting Guidelines: • LTI = Σ (Fatalities, Permanent Total Disabilities, Permanent Partial Disabilities, Lost Workday Cases) • TRCF = LTI + lost workday cases + restricted work cases • LTIF (frequency) = LTI’s x (1,000,000 / Exposure Hours) • TRCF (frequency) = TRC x (1,000,000/Exposure Hours) Data: • Covers 12-month rolling period • Input data Confidential
TMSA working groupLTIF AND TRCF Lost Time Frequency as per 31 Dec 2009 T. Rec. Case Frequency as per 31 Dec 2009 TRCF Pool Average: 3.23 Entries below pool average: (68%) LTIF Pool Average: 1.39 Entries below pool average: (65%)
TMSA working groupCREW & OFFICER RETENTION Launched March 2009 • Crew and Officer Retention Rates formula is modeled upon the "Abelson adjusted turnover rate“, modified by INTERTANKO to ensure that the output is a measure of the company percentage retention rate as opposed to a turnover rate. % Retention Rate (RR) = 100 - [ ({S – (UT + BT)} / AE) x 100 ] S = Total Number of terminations from what ever cause UT = Unavoidable Terminations BT = Beneficial Terminations AE = The average number of employees working for the company (12 month rolling period). • Data input Confidential
TMSA working groupCREW & OFFICER RETENTION Crew Retention Rate (Average 93.6%) (As per 31/12/2009) Officer Retention Rate (Average 91.3%) (As per 31/12/2009) Entries Entries
TMSA working group VIQ Benchmarking • Launched March 2010 • Traffic Light System, incorporating either Red, Yellow or Green, to indicate if the number of SIRE VIQ observations for your fleet are either above or below, the number of SIRE VIQ observations for the collective of the INTERTANKO fleet. • Red = above INTERTANKO fleet average • Green = below INTERTANKO fleet average • Fleet Average Deficiency: "Total number of deficiencies per SIRE VIQ chapter, divided by Total number of inspections“ • 12 month rolling period • Confidential http://www.intertanko.com/templates/intertanko/issue.aspx?id=47207
TMSA working group VIQ Benchmarking “Sample Output Data” Intertanko Fleet Gas Average Intertanko Fleet Petroleum Average Intertanko Fleet Chemical Average Petroleum Chemical Gas
ILO 180 Joint working group HEiSC ILO 180 MSC 2006 Guidance Book Hours Work & Rest • Summary / overview of the Maritime Labour Convention "ILO180" • A summary of the ILO180 definitions, work and rest hours requirements • A summary of the STCW work and rest hour requirements • An explanation of the current minimum safe manning certificate • Broad general guidelines regarding manning levels • Guidelines for compliance with requirements for Implementation of ILO 180 hours of work or rest • Maintaining records/endorsement monitoring/auditing • Watch keeping patterns/Optional watch keeping systems • Providing evidence of compliance for Port State Control (PSC)Book Available fromhttps://www.intertanko.com/shopping/itemlist.aspx?id=19076
Questionnaire 88 working group • The committee revised its industry standard Questionnaire 88 Version 3 to ensure that it meets the needs of today’s commercial environment. • The revised Questionnaire 88 incorporates further up-to-date information required for the ship assessment decision, its is more user friendly and will find greater appeal within the industry.” • The new version takes into account new questions and changes to the document’s format, which makes it much easier to view. • Questionnaire 88 easier to transfer between various parties’ internal systems by publishing an XML version of the questionnaire. • Further revisions are expected in the future to ensure the questionnaire remains up-to-date and continues to be seen as an industry standard.
Inert Gas – A Summary • 13 June 2003 – The Chassiron explodes with 1 fatality. France recommends to MSC 79 that there should be IG on all tankers. • Industry conducts an investigation into 35 incidents. • The IIWG recommends • IG on new oil tankers below 20,000dwt and new chemical tankers as an additional safety measure. • Human element investigation on failures to follow procedures.
Inert Gas – A Summary (Cont’d) • MSC 83 puts this on FP Work Programme. • Norway submit an FSA to FP 52 and propose the “property based approach” • FP 53 agrees that IG would contribute to safety and requests submissions to FP 54. • FP 54 agrees to keep 5,000dwt & 8,000dwt as options for lower limits; agrees on draft amendments to SOLAS; proposes that related instruments (FSS Code, IBC Code) be reviewed as well. • Invites proposals and comments from member governments and NGO’s regarding these agreements for consideration at FP 55.
Inert Gas – The Intertanko Position • INTERTANKO believes that the inert gas regulations should be consistent. • INTERTANKO supports the principle of installing all new SOLAS tankers with inert gas systems (IG/IGG/N2 as appropriate), irrespective of ship size, ship type or cargo tank size. • INTERTANKO supports the logic that the use of inert gas on new tankers should be a product based approach. (i.e. the inert gas requirement, IG/IGG/N2 as appropriate, should apply to the annex 1 or annex II product with a flash point less than 60 deg C). • INTERTANKO recognises the importance of the human element aspects and supports the continuation of further studies and training to address these aspects. • INTERTANKO supports the future consideration of the application of Inert Gas requirements to existing ships, including those which are currently not required to have an inert gas system under SOLAS, in a manner similar to the above use of inert gas on new tankers, (i.e. product based approach).
Inert Gas – IO discussions & Conclusions • April 2008: CTC/CTSCA proposes strengthened position. Reviewed by ISTEC and finally endorsed by Council on 21 April 2008. • March 2010: ISTEC review IO position in light of papers submitted to FP 54 and don’t find sufficient evidence to propose a change. • March 2010: CTC/CTSCA review the IO position and continue to support the position. CTC form a WG to review the papers submitted to FP 54 – proposal to recommend the FP WG to review the papers and information provided. • INTERTANKO will work with members to submit appropriate papers to FP 55.
Thank you For more information, please visit: www.intertanko.com