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Gardening Is For Birds?

Gardening Is For Birds?. Thomas G. Barnes, Ph.D. Extension Professor Department of Forestry. If you build it, they will come. The Key is to Create Wildlife Habitat. Food Water Cover Space. American Goldfinch love sunflower seeds (common weedy sunflower) but love other

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Gardening Is For Birds?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gardening Is For Birds? Thomas G. Barnes, Ph.D. Extension Professor Department of Forestry

  2. If you build it, they will come

  3. The Key is to Create Wildlife Habitat Food Water Cover Space American Goldfinch love sunflower seeds (common weedy sunflower) but love other species like coreopsis, purple coneflowers, and black-eyed Susan even more!!!!!

  4. Important Points to Remember • A little less lawn please! This leads to the creation of a healthy environment. • Diversify your plantings – the more variety of plants, the more variety of animals that will use them. • Use the plants the critters are adapted to using – natives!!!

  5. Is Turf Good Wildlife Habitat? • It depends • Yes - starlings, robins • No - Songbirds & butterflies

  6. The Single Most Important Factor in Creating Habitat • Reduce the amount of lawn

  7. Gas mower (1 hr) 63 g VOC 858 g CO 4.2 g NO x 67.2 g Smog .43 g particulate 1990 g CO2 New Subcompact Car /mi driven .09 g VOC 4.20 g CO .3 g NO x .39 g Smog .08 g particulate The Turf Wars Source: EPA Note: string trimmers even worse than mowers

  8. Think Ecologically!Create Healthy Environment • Batty about bugs • Birds & other predator food supply!

  9. Once You Reduce Lawn:What’s NEXT????? • Diversity of Plant Material • Most Bang for the Buck • Flowers • Flowering (fruit) Shrubs

  10. Use a Variety of Groups & Species Within Groups • Large Trees • Small Trees • Deciduous • Evergreen • Shrubs • Flowers, ferns • Vines • Grasses

  11. Large Trees • Long term investments • Think outside the box --- don’t use those that are over planted (silver, red maple, pin oak, etc.) • Unusual – like buckeye, persimmon

  12. Small Trees Think Fruiting Serviceberry, paw-paw, dogwood

  13. Evergreens Spruce, pine, cedar Use for providing a cover screen against winter winds

  14. Shrubs Think flowering & fruiting Serviceberry shrubby dogwoods viburnums hawthorns native mulberry gooseberry blueberries, raspberries, blackberries

  15. Wildflowers • Those that provide seeds • Those that provide nectar (hummingbirds) • Those that attract insects

  16. Native Grasses • Widely underused • Provide excellent winter color in landscape • Birds & butterflies use food & or cover

  17. What Type of Plants?? • Why Native of Course! • Wildlife Are Adapted to Using Them • Naturally Hardy • Incredible Diversity & Beauty • Meet Any Challenging Gardening Situation

  18. Spring - Hummingbirds

  19. Late-Spring - Hummingbirds

  20. Early -summer Hummingbirds

  21. Early -summer Hummingbirds

  22. Summer Hummingbird Flowers

  23. Summer Hummingbird Flowers

  24. Summer Hummingbird Flowers

  25. Summer Hummingbird Flowers

  26. Late- Summer Hummingbird Flowers

  27. Hummingbird Vines & Shrubs • Trumpet Creeper • Cross-vine • Trumpet Honeysuckle • Azaleas • Rhododendrons • New Jersey Tea

  28. The Seed Producers The Best of the Best – Sunflowers & Silphiums

  29. The Seed Producers The Best of the Best – Sunflowers & Silphiums

  30. The Seed Producers The Best of the Best and Now The Rest

  31. The Seed Producers The Best of the Best and Now The Rest

  32. The Seed Producers The Best of the Best and Now The Rest

  33. The Insect Attractors

  34. The Insect Attractors

  35. Vines • Virginia creeper, passionflower, leather flower

  36. Woo Wildlife With Water • Shallow – no more than 2” deep • Dripping & flowing is better

  37. Bird Baths • Best if placed on the ground

  38. Water Gardens • Death traps for songbirds • Great for herons, raccoons

  39. The Best & Most Consistent Attractor • Seeds

  40. There are some downsides to feeding wildlife • If you provide it, they will come – • Squirrels, chipmunks, deer, etc.

  41. Remember • Create a healthy environment • We are asked to be good stewards of our environment, including our yards

  42. Remember Reduce the amount of lawn Provide food, water, cover Diversify your plantings Use native plants

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