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American Association of Community Colleges. Bridges to Healthy Communities Project 2003-04 Quintin Doromal Manager of Health and Wellness. Bridges to Healthy Communities Project. Main Objective:
American Association of Community Colleges Bridges to Healthy Communities Project 2003-04 Quintin Doromal Manager of Health and Wellness
Bridges to Healthy Communities Project Main Objective: Reduce HIV infection in community college students by (1) strengthening the capacity of community colleges to support the goals of Healthy People 2010; and (2) providing students with information on CDC’s six priority health-risk behaviors, emphasizing prevention of HIV, STDs and unintended pregnancies.
Bridges to Healthy Communities Project Grantee Colleges Baton Rouge Community College Georgia Perimeter College Middlesex County College Southern Maine Community College St. Louis Community College Sullivan County Community College
Bridges to Healthy Communities Project Mentor Colleges John Berestecky Kapi`olani Community College Carla Lewis Pitt Community College Susan BroderickandMadeline Burridge Santa Barbara City College
Baton Rouge Community College Sigma Eta Alpha, a student health advocate club was formed to promote HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention programs, such as Don’t Cancel that Class HIV Programs
Georgia Perimeter College Annual HIV Symposium that includes workshops for students and community members who are marginalized (i.e. hearing impaired, international students and community members who are new immigrants from Vietnam, Bosnia, Sudan, and Somalia).
Middlesex County College Dancing Around the Truth: HIV/AIDS, an interpretive dance performance as part of the Winter Dance Concert held on campus for the college and community.
Southern Maine Community College HIV Update for 2004 seminar for health science students and faculty. Revision of Faces of AIDS, as a social science elective that includes a service learning component.
St. Louis Community College Administered ACHA College Student Health Survey on all 3 campuses, developed campus specific social norms marketing campaigns, created innovative SL projects such as a student generated installation titled Starting a Conversation about HIV/AIDS, developed a student organization called HIV International Peer Education Leaders(HIPEL), and used video technology class to develop and disseminate HIV prevention messages.
Sullivan County Community College Recruited students as HIV Peer Health Educators, and used information from student survey, HIV testing survey and Great American Smokeout to generate social norming materials.
Three Initiatives • Bridges Mini-Grant Awards: Five 10-month mini-grants ($3,000 each, from June 2004 to March 2005), to establish or strengthen a partnership with a community agency and develop a collaborative, innovative, and sustainable service learning activity that incorporates HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. • Speakers Tour: Selected former Bridges grantee colleges and Bridges mentors will present at state, regional and national conferences and conventions. • Bridges Stories: Best practices publication from Bridges colleges last year (2003-04), and six additional Bridges grantees from previous grant years.
The College of DuPage Center for Service Learning in collaboration with Canticle Ministries, will present a community dialogue day in November 2004. The dialogue will encourage people to look differently at HIV/AIDS and together craft a future community action plan based on understanding and knowledge. The event will provide an educational prelude to World AIDS Day on December 1, 2004. College of DuPageGlen Ellyn, IL
Danville Area Community CollegeDanville, IL The college will create a service learning class with an HIV/AIDS and STD theme, focusing on awareness and prevention strategies. The class will be taught with an adjunct faculty from our community partners. Students will first learn the basics about HIV/AIDS and STD, after which they will design and carry out awareness and prevention activities.
Owens Community CollegeToledo, OH The college will partner with the Ryan White Program at the Medical College of Ohio (MCO) to conduct service-learning projects emphasizing prevention of HIV, STDs and unintended pregnancies. First year Registered Nursing students receive educational courses on disease processes of HIV/AIDS in Adult Health I, drug intervention in Pharmacology and nursing protocols for HIV/AIDS in Nursing Skills. Students rarely have the opportunity to put a human face on the disease. This experience would allow them to work with individuals who are at risk for HIV, STDs and unintended pregnancies, transforming classroom knowledge to experiential learning.
Rose State CollegeMidwest City, OK Students participating in the Service-Learning HIV/AIDS Awareness program will train in HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention education that will enable them to provide peer counseling and referrals. Once training is completed, students will be certified through CarePoint, Inc., and the Central Oklahoma American Red Cross National HIV/AIDS Education Program. The Rose State College/CarePoint HIV/AIDS Awareness Program will be the first such program in a community college in the state of Oklahoma. Through this program, students will be available to the community to provide group presentations and one-on-one peer education to youths and young adults.
San Antonio CollegeSan Antonio, TX The objectives of this collaborative model with community agencies is to: (1) train a pool of SAC students to become “Safe Sex Experts” (peer educators), (2) provide HIV/AIDS, STDs, and teen pregnancy awareness and prevention workshops, events, and/or health fairs to two groups of community stakeholders (college students, and middle and high school students), (3) strengthen an existing community agency partnership with Community Clinic-Project SAVE; and (4) establish two new community agency partnerships with San Antonio Metropolitan Health District and JOVEN (a non-profit agency that empowers youth who are at-risk through counseling, programming and by involving them in leadership through community development projects).
Bridgesto Healthy Communities ProjectMentor Colleges, 2004- 2005 Ellen Farnsworth Southern Maine Community College Onalie Pettit Sullivan County Community College Kathleen Swyers St. Louis Community College