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12 th Grade 11 Agenda & Obj. 11/11-11/15. Monday: Movie Tuesday: Review Wednesday: Unit Test. Daily Writing: Goals 11/11/13. Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” ~Unknown
12th Grade 11 Agenda & Obj. 11/11-11/15 Monday: Movie Tuesday: Review Wednesday: Unit Test
Daily Writing: Goals 11/11/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” ~Unknown • What are your goals for quarter 2? Explain them in DETAIL and explain who is going to help you and how you’re going to help yourself. Planner • READ! Make sure to bring your free read book to class DAILY. I’ll be checking next week. • Final unit test Wednesday
Monday: Movie • Let me see your ?s and your free read book. • Notebook title: Frank Movie Notes • Take notes on the movie. • What’s different from what you read? What’s similar?
Daily Writing: Homework 11/12/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • What would you do if you were at home and your homework was at school? • How much time a night do you spend on homework? How much time do you think you should spend to be successful? Why? Explain! Planner • Crossword puzzle due tomorrow • Final test THURSDAY? • Bring in your slightly used, good condition CLOTHES!
Tuesday: Review • Finish movie. • Crossword puzzle! • 5 minutes: NO RESOURCES. • When I give you the OK, use your resources!
Daily Writing: Vacation 11/13/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • “Laughter is an instant vacation.” ~Milton Berle • My worst/best vacation was…describe it! Planner • Unit test tomorrow!
Wednesday: Review • Go through crossword. • Notebook title: Frank All Vocab • Rewrite the words on the crossword puzzle. Study THESE! • Fire drill! Please stay with me! I’ll take attendance here, when we get outside, and then when we come back. • Come back quickly so we can play FAMILY FUED!
Wednesday: Review & Agree/Disagree It’s the FAMILY FEUD! The X Family: Samy, Hafsa, Saadiyo, Siham, Aisha Vs: The Y Family: Maryam, Tume, Muna, Sahro, Faisa Rules: • The host will ask a question and go back and forth down the line of participants. • Family members are NOT able to help with the answer on the first try. • If she/Sammy gets it wrong, the other family gets a chance to STEAL the point (family members are allowed 10 seconds to converse).
Wednesday: Review & Agree/Disagree • Look back at your agree/disagree worksheet. Has your opinion changed? • Journal title: My Opinions After Frank • Choose at least two statements and explain how events in Frankenstein has either reinforced or changed your opinion. Use specific examples from the text to support your thoughts!
Daily Writing: Experiences 11/14/13 Choose one prompt to respond to and explain with detail: • Robert Frost write a poem titled “The Road Not Taken.” Name a road you’ve always wanted to travel. Where do you hope it takes you? What might you see on the way? • Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t. What has prevented you from doing it? Planner • READ!
Thursday: Unit Test • Let me see your free read books! Read this if you are done early. • This is a timed test so use your time wisely! If you don’t know something, circle the question and go back to it.
TGIF! 11/15/13 Planner • Due Tuesday night: 1st draft of Frank Essay(typed and e-mailed to me OR printed for Wednesday): kathleen@stepacademymn.com • On Monday we’ll have laptops. • NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED (even with a pass)! We’ll be revising on Wednesday. • Bring in your free-read books all week next week. This is part of your HOMEWORK!
Friday: Essay Writing Before you leave, you should have: • Lots of ideas to help you determine a thesis (your POINT) and lots of support ammo. • A workable thesis • An outline for an essay • An intro paragraph (or a start of one –typed essay due Tuesday what you don’t get done in class.)
Friday: Essay Writing What are the parts ofan essay? What’s a thesis statement? What’s the formula? Where does it go? What’s a topic sentence? Where does it go? What’s the writing process? How can you write an effective, well organized essay?
Friday: Essay Writing First, choose one prompt to freewrite on (and eventually write 5 paragraph essay): Option 1: Was Victor Frankenstein a victim? You might consider these questions: Why did Frankenstein create the creature? At what points –if any- could the scientist have prevented the deaths of his friends? Could Victor have been a better “parent” to the creature? Option 2: Was the creature evil? You might consider these questions: Why did the creature kill his victim in each case? Did he feel remorse? Why did he want a female? Why did he head north at the end?
Friday: Essay Writing Next, freewrite for at least 8 minutes on your selected topic. Don’t worry about spelling, or grammar, or even writing in complete thoughts. Just don’t let your pen leave the paper! Journal title: Freewrite Option [1 or 2] Don’t let your pencil come up from your paper! FREE WRITE!
Friday: Essay Writing After freewriting (you should have at least a page of info), gather your thoughts and create an outline. Your outline should look like this: Journal title: Outline Thesis: • Topic Sentence • Support • Support • Support • Topic Sentence Paragraph 2 • Support • Support • Support • Topic Sentence Paragraph 3 • Support • Support • Support
Friday: Essay Writing Journal title: Drafting Start drafting your essay! Due Tuesday night: 1st draft of Frank Essay(typed and e-mailed to me OR printed for Wednesday): kathleen@stepacademymn.com On Monday we’ll have laptops. NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED (even with a pass)! We’ll be revising on Wednesday.
Hot Seat • Designated “hot seat” in front of the room. 2 minutes to ask the seated person any question in a rapid-fire succession. The hot seat member is allowed to say “pass” for any too personal questions — avoid asking anything too personal, as it can ruin the fun. Sample questions: • “What would you do if you won the lottery?” • “If you could meet and have dinner with any person who ever lived, who would it be and why? What would you ask that person?” • “What three words would you use to describe yourself?” • Questions can be funny, too, such as: • “What was your most embarrassing moment?” • “What was your proudest moment?” • “What was the silliest thing you’ve ever done?”