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BackgroundCST Mission and LocationsUnit Organization and EquipmentTrainingEmployment and DeploymentQuestions. Briefing Overview. Oklahoma City bombing April 1995: Focus was increasing on Nation's ability to respond to Domestic terrorismPresidential Decision Directive 39, June 1995: Feder
1. 45th Civil Support Team (WMD) Information Briefing
2. Background
CST Mission and Locations
Unit Organization and Equipment
Employment and Deployment
Questions Briefing Overview
3. Oklahoma City bombing April 1995: Focus was increasing on Nations ability to respond to Domestic terrorism
Presidential Decision Directive 39, June 1995: Federal Responsibilities to combat terrorism
Presidential Decision Directive 62, May 1998: crisis management and rapidly deployable interagency teams in response to crisis generated by a terrorist attack
National Security Strategy; Defense Reform Initiative Directive #25:
Directed Military to maintain augmentation forces for WMD
Deputy SECDEF approved the integration of reserve forces and charged DoD with support of domestic consequence management
Congress Directed and funded DoD to provide Direct Support to the 1st Responders Background
4. Why National Guard National Guard relationship to communities
History of responding to national emergencies
Capability to provide essential resources and manning to emergency managers
National Guard has geographical dispersion to the majority of the country
Can respond as the lead military element or deploy as a state response asset
In some cases, state and local resources require military support - 95% of the requests are performed by the National Guard as a state response asset under command and control of the Adjutant General
Assets can shape immediate actions for follow-on support
5. CST Mission Statement Support civil authorities at a domestic Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) incident site by identifying CBRN agents/ substances, assessing current and projected consequences, advising on response measures, and assisting with appropriate requests for state or federal support. Several key principles for response operations in the United States are:
Operations conducted in a Mature Theatre
Emergency Management Structure works well
The Military is not the lead
Military response integrated into 12 functional areas, i.e. Emergency Support Functions (ESF)
Terrorism Preparedness & Response Program
Operations organized and supported using a Tiered Response conducted by Local, State, and Federal responders
Several key principles for response operations in the United States are:
Operations conducted in a Mature Theatre
Emergency Management Structure works well
The Military is not the lead
Military response integrated into 12 functional areas, i.e. Emergency Support Functions (ESF)
Terrorism Preparedness & Response Program
Operations organized and supported using a Tiered Response conducted by Local, State, and Federal responders
6. CST (WMD) Locations Phase I (10 WMD-CST's) FY99 Authorization
1st - MA - Natick, Massachusetts
2nd - NY - Scotia, New York
3rd - PA - Ft. Indiantown Gap, Annville, Pennsylvania
4th - GA - Dobbins ARB, Marietta, Georgia
5th - IL - Camp Lincoln, Bartonville, Illinois
6th - TX - Bergstrom Airport, Austin, Texas
7th - MO - Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri
8th - CO - Buckley ANGB, Aurora, Colorado
9th - CA - JAFRC, Los Alamitos, California
10th - WA - Camp Murray, Tacoma, Washington
Phase II (17 WMD-CST's) FY00 Authorization
11th - ME - Waterville, Maine
34th - VA - Ft. Pickett, Virginia
41st - KY - Louisville, Kentucky
43rd - SC - Eastover, South Carolina
44th - FL - Camp Blanding, Starke, Florida
52nd - OH - Rickenbacker IAP, Columbus, Ohio
55th - MN - Minneapolis/St. Paul IAP, Minnesota
61st - AR - Camp Robinson, North Little Rock, Arkansas
62nd - LA - Carville, Louisiana
63rd - OK - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
64th - NM - Santa Fe, New Mexico
71st - IA - Des Moines IAP, Iowa
91st - AZ - Phoenix, Arizona
93rd - HI - Honolulu, Hawaii
95th - CA - Hayward ANGB, Sacramento, California
101st - ID - Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho
103rd - AK - Ft. Richardson, Alaska
Notes: California has two WMD-CST's, all other states with heavy teams are authorized just one.
Blue font units are located in 1st CONUSA area
Black fount units are located in 5th CONUSA areaPhase I (10 WMD-CST's) FY99 Authorization
1st - MA - Natick, Massachusetts
2nd - NY - Scotia, New York
3rd - PA - Ft. Indiantown Gap, Annville, Pennsylvania
4th - GA - Dobbins ARB, Marietta, Georgia
5th - IL - Camp Lincoln, Bartonville, Illinois
6th - TX - Bergstrom Airport, Austin, Texas
7th - MO - Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri
8th - CO - Buckley ANGB, Aurora, Colorado
9th - CA - JAFRC, Los Alamitos, California
10th - WA - Camp Murray, Tacoma, Washington
Phase II (17 WMD-CST's) FY00 Authorization
11th - ME - Waterville, Maine
34th - VA - Ft. Pickett, Virginia
41st - KY - Louisville, Kentucky
43rd - SC - Eastover, South Carolina
44th - FL - Camp Blanding, Starke, Florida
52nd - OH - Rickenbacker IAP, Columbus, Ohio
55th - MN - Minneapolis/St. Paul IAP, Minnesota
61st - AR - Camp Robinson, North Little Rock, Arkansas
62nd - LA - Carville, Louisiana
63rd - OK - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
64th - NM - Santa Fe, New Mexico
71st - IA - Des Moines IAP, Iowa
91st - AZ - Phoenix, Arizona
93rd - HI - Honolulu, Hawaii
95th - CA - Hayward ANGB, Sacramento, California
101st - ID - Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho
103rd - AK - Ft. Richardson, Alaska
Notes: California has two WMD-CST's, all other states with heavy teams are authorized just one.
Blue font units are located in 1st CONUSA area
Black fount units are located in 5th CONUSA area
7. Unit Organization
8. Equipment Approximately 90 Line Item Numbers (LINS) authorized on the Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA)
30% Standard Military Equipment
70% Non-standard
Total equipment dollar value - Approximately $6M
Equipment requirement for military support operations within the United States
Intended to be latest technology
Goal is to keep the teams on the Leading Edge of technology
9. Vehicle Fleet
10. The second is the Unified Command Suite, built by the Navy, to provide not only interface across the varied first responder frequencies and other response organizations, but also communications to command and control agencies and technical support. This reachback to technical support adds tremendous capabilities for the incident commander. The CST team acts as the on-site observers for experts from around the country and can take the samples, readings, and observations those experts need to provide invaluable assistance to the incident commander.The second is the Unified Command Suite, built by the Navy, to provide not only interface across the varied first responder frequencies and other response organizations, but also communications to command and control agencies and technical support. This reachback to technical support adds tremendous capabilities for the incident commander. The CST team acts as the on-site observers for experts from around the country and can take the samples, readings, and observations those experts need to provide invaluable assistance to the incident commander.
11. Analytical Laboratory System (ALS)
15. Training Individual Training
NFPA 472 and IFSAC HazMat Tech Certified
Military Technical Escort Certification
FBI Crime Scene Preservation and Evidence Collection
Crime Scene Photography
Toxic Agent (Chem/Bio) Training at Dugway Proving Ground
CIA Small Scale Production Lab Course
Indiana, University of Pennsylvania Graduate Level Studies
Seeded Radiation Field Work at Kirtland AFB, Defense Nuclear Weapons School
IFSAC-International Fire Service Accreditation College
USAMRIID: United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious DiseasesIFSAC-International Fire Service Accreditation College
USAMRIID: United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases
16. Training Section Training
Section leadership performs internal mini-exercises to combine techniques, tactics, procedures and protocols for their section, using the individual training accomplishments as a base for evaluation.
Unit Training (Full WMD Scenarios)
Scenario and time-line injects are usually performed by personnel outside of the team.
Always involve 1st Responders.
Full evaluations given to Section Leaders upon conclusion of exercise. IFSAC-International Fire Service Accreditation College
USAMRIID: United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious DiseasesIFSAC-International Fire Service Accreditation College
USAMRIID: United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases
17. Operational Employment Assigned to the Governor for State response in support of local, state, or federal Incident Commanders
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for rapid recall and rapid deployment for WMD terrorism response operations. Primarily deployed in-State, however, on call for a Southeastern regional mission
May be federalized for out of state military support to act as a reserve or reinforcing element for other CSTs, or as unilateral military support in a State without a CST
18. Methods of Deployment Responses within 250 miles radius of unit location, generally deploys using organic vehicles
Deployment greater than 250 miles, airlift may be required to meet response time
Situation, weather conditions, and urgency influence decisions to self-deploy or move by air assets Several key principles for response operations in the United States are:
Operations conducted in a Mature Theatre
Emergency Management Structure works well
The Military is not the lead
Military response integrated into 12 functional areas, i.e. Emergency Support Functions (ESF)
Terrorism Preparedness & Response Program
Operations organized and supported using a Tiered Response conducted by Local, State, and Federal responders
Several key principles for response operations in the United States are:
Operations conducted in a Mature Theatre
Emergency Management Structure works well
The Military is not the lead
Military response integrated into 12 functional areas, i.e. Emergency Support Functions (ESF)
Terrorism Preparedness & Response Program
Operations organized and supported using a Tiered Response conducted by Local, State, and Federal responders
19. 45th Civil Support Team (WMD) Information Briefing