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Eris. NASA’S Solar System Exploration Paradigm: the First 50 Years and a Look at the Next 50. Jim Green Director, Planetary Science May , 2012. Exploration Telerobotics Symposium. http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/50th. “ Flyby, Orbit, Land, Rove, and Return Samples ”. NASA ’ s.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Eris NASA’S Solar System Exploration Paradigm: the First 50 Years and a Look at the Next 50 Jim Green Director, Planetary Science May , 2012 Exploration Telerobotics Symposium

  2. http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/50th

  3. “Flyby, Orbit, Land, Rove, and Return Samples” NASA’s

  4. Year of the Solar System Planetary Science Mission Events • 2010 • September 16 – Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in PSD • November 4 - EPOXI encounters Comet Hartley 2 • November 19 - Launch of O/OREOS • 2011 • February 14 - Stardust NExT encounters comet Tempel 1 • March 7 – Planetary Science Decadal Survey released • March 17 - MESSENGER orbit insertion at Mercury • May 5 - Selection of 3 Discovery-class missions for study • May - Selection of the next New Frontier mission for flight, OSIRIS-Rex • July 16 - Dawn orbit insertion at asteroid Vesta • August 5 - Juno launched to Jupiter • August 9 - Mars Opportunity Rover gets to Endeavour Crater • September 10 - GRAIL launch to the Moon • • November 26 - Mars Science Laboratory launch to Mars • • December 31 - GRAIL-A (Ebb) orbit insertion at Moon • 2012 • • January 1 - GRAIL-B (Flow) orbit insertion at Moon • August 5 - MSL lands on Mars • Late August - Dawn leaves Vesta starts on its journey to Ceres •Completed http://solarsystem.nasa.gov

  5. Top Priority for PSD in 2012 • Safely land MSL on Mars! Aug 5 (~10 PM Pacific)

  6. Dawn From Vesta To Ceres

  7. Upcoming Launches • MAVEN and LADEE in final phases of development for a 2013 launch readiness date

  8. Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx ) Science Objectives: • Return and analyze a sample of pristine carbonaceous asteroid • Map the global properties, chemistry, and mineralogy • Document in situ the properties of the regolith at the sampling site • Characterize the integrated global properties to allow comparison with ground-based telescopic data of entire asteroid population • Measure the Yarkovsky effect • Mission Overview: • Launch in September 2016 • Encounter asteroid (101955) 1999 RQ36 in October 2019 • Study RQ36 for up to 505 days, globally mapping the surface • Obtain at least 60 g of pristine regolith/surface material • Return sample to Earth in September 2023 in a Stardust-heritage capsule • Deliver samples to JSC curation facility for world-wide distribution RQ36 - Apollo r ~ 280 m P ~ 436 days

  9. Next Discovery Mission – Candidate Studies TiME: Titan Mare Explorer PI: Ellen Stofan, Proxemy Research CHopper: Comet Hopper PI: Jessica M. Sunshine, UMD InSight PI: Bruce Banerdt, JPL • Step-2 Proposals due March 19 (all arrived!) • Selection announcement on track for mid-July

  10. Planetary Program Architecture Recommended by the Planetary Decadal Survey Large Missions (“Flagship”-scale) “Recommended Program” (budget increase for JEO new start) “Cost Constrained Program” (based on FY11 Request) “Less favorable” budget picture than assumed(e.g., outyears in FY12 request) Mars Astrobiology Explorer-Cacher – descoped Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO) – descoped Uranus Orbiter & Probe (UOP) 4/5) Enceladus Orbiter & Venus Climate Mission Mars Astrobiology Explorer-Cacher – descoped Uranus Orbiter & Probe (UOP) Descope or delay Flagship mission Discovery $500M (FY15) cap per mission (exclusive of launch vehicle) and 24 month cadence for selection New Frontiers $1B (FY15) cap per mission (exclusive of launch vehicle) with two selections during 2013-22 Research & Analysis (5% above final FY11 amount then ~1.5%/yr) Technology Development (6-8%) Current Commitments (ie: Operating Missions)

  11. Interaction With Human Exploration • Some solar system bodies are likely targets of future human exploration: • Earth’s Moon • Mars and its moons • Asteroids • It is vital to maintain the science focus of peer-reviewed NASA missions to these bodies. • Both the Space Science program and the human exploration program can benefit from carefully crafted intra-agency partnerships (LRO is a good recent example).

  12. Inner Solar System Venus Climate (FS) Venus In-situ (NF) Geophy Network (NF) Sample Return (FS) SPA – SR (NF)

  13. Earth’s Moon SPA – SR (NF) Geophy.Network (NF)

  14. ~ 3.8 Billion Years ~ 4.5 Billion Years “Late Heavy Bombardment”

  15. Earth’s Moon

  16. Earth’s Moon • New Frontiers: • South Pole Aiken Basin Sample Return • Geophysical Network Lander

  17. Lunar Gravity GRAIL after 1 month Lunar highlands S.P-Aitken basin

  18. Mars Sample Return (FS)

  19. Mars

  20. Mars

  21. Mars Biotic? Abiotic?

  22. Curiosity’s Landing Site: Gale Crater 1 M. Golombeck et al 2011, Final four landing sites for the Mars Science Laboratory: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science, Abstract #1520, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston. 07/22/2011

  23. Mars Exploration ProgramAn Integrated, Strategic Program 2013 2009 2007 2011 2016 & Beyond 2005 2001 2003 MSL Curiosity Mars Express Collaboration Mars future planning underway! MAVEN Odyssey MRO Spirit & Opportunity Phoenix (completed) Strategic, Core Missions Competitive PI-Led Missions Advanced Planning with Community Input E/PO Programs MEP Base Technology Program MRO Focused Technology MSL Focused Technology Future missions Focused Technologies

  24. Moon/Mars/Asteroid Analog Activities The best way to maximize science return from human (and robotic) missions is to get people and instruments out into the field. We are testing instruments, mission architectures, and operational protocols in a wide variety of environments on Earth.

  25. Outer Solar System & Small Bodies Io Obs (NF) Orbiter (FS) JUICEOrbiter (ESA) Orbiter (FS) Orbiter (FS) Probes (NF) Surface SR (NF)

  26. Comets Surface Sample Return (NF)

  27. Near-Earth Objects

  28. Future Planetary Missions • Next 50 yrs of solar system exploration will occur in the green • Radioisotope power and the development of critical technologies will be needed for all types of missions • As humans leave LEO - telerobotics can play a major role

  29. http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/yss Questions?

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