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1862 Bureau of Chemistry established (within Dept. of Agriculture) 1883 Dr. Harvey W. Wiley becomes Chief Chemist 1898 Association of Official Agricultural Chemists establishes Committee on Food Standards 1902 Congress appropriates $ 5 000 for BoC to study Chemical Preservatives and Colors .
1862 Bureau of Chemistry established (within Dept. of Agriculture) • 1883 Dr. Harvey W. Wiley becomes Chief Chemist • 1898 Association of Official Agricultural Chemists establishes Committee on Food Standards • 1902 Congress appropriates $ 5 000 for BoC to study Chemical Preservatives and Colors
“Anyone who says saccharin is injurious to health is an idiot” Theodore Roosevelt (26th President of the USA, 1901-1909)
Food and Drugs Act (1906) Prohibits interstate commerce in misbranded and adulterated foods, drinks and drugs. • 1927 Bureau of Chemistry split: • Regulatory functions into Food, Drug and Insecticide Administration (which becomes Food and Drug Administration in 1930) • Nonregulatory research into Bureau of Chemistry and Soils
1938 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act • Requires that “safe tolerances” be set for “unavoidable poisonous substances”. • 1940 FDA transferred from USDA to Federal Security Agency, first Commissioner of Food and Drugs appointed • 1944 Public Health Service Act • 1968 FDA placed in Public Health Service
1958 Food Additives Amendment • Generally • Regarded • As • Safe • Delaney Clause
The Delaney ClauseNo Food Additive Shall be Deemed to be Safe if it is Found to Induce Cancer when Ingested by Man or Animals, or if it is Found, After Tests which Are Appropriate for the Evaluation of the Safety of Food Additives, to Induce Cancer in Man or Animals
1996 Food Quality Protection Act • Amendment to FDCA, removes application of Delaney Clause to pesticides and pesticide residues