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Distributed Database Systems. R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Local Queries Lothar F. Mackert, Guy M. Lohman R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Distributed Queries Lothar F. Mackert, Guy M. Lohman R*: An Overview of the Architecture
Distributed Database Systems • R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Local Queries • Lothar F. Mackert, Guy M. Lohman • R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Distributed Queries • Lothar F. Mackert, Guy M. Lohman • R*: An Overview of the Architecture • R. Williams, D. Daniels, L. Haas, G. Lapis, B. Lindsay, P. Ng, R. Obermarck, P. Selinger, A. Walker, P. Wilms, and R. Yost
What is System R? R*? • System R is a database system built as a research project at IBM San Jose Research (now IBM Almaden Research Center) in the 1970's. System R introduced the SQL language and also demonstrated that a relational system could provide good transaction processing performance.
R* basic facts • Each site is autonomous as possible. • No central scheduler, no central deadlock detection, no central catalog, etc. • R* uses snapshot data – a “copy of a relation(s) in which the data is consistent but not necessarily up to date.” used to provide a static copy of the database
Object naming in R* • For autonomy, no global naming system required. • To keep object names unique, site name incorporated into names, called System Wide Names – SWN • EX. USER@USER_SITE.OBJECT_NAME @BIRTH_SITE
Global Catalogs in R* • All Global Table names stored at all sites • Creation of a global table involves broadcasting global relation name to all sites in the network. • Catalogs at each site keep and maintain info about objects in the dbase, including replicas or fragments, stored at the site.
Transaction Numbering • A transaction is given a number that is composed of the unique site name and a unique sequence number from that site that incorporates time of day at that site so no synchronization between sites is needed. • The transaction number is both unique and ordered in the R* framework
Transaction Numbering (cont) • Numbers used in deadlock detection. • Uniqueness is used for identification purposes to determine which transactions control which locks to avoid case where a transaction is waiting for itself. • In case of a deadlock, R* aborts the youngest, largest numbered transaction.
Transaction commit • Termination must be uniform – all sites commit or all sites abort • Two phase commit protocol. • One site acts as coordinator – makes commit or abort decision after all sites involved in the transaction are known to be recoverably prepared to commit or abort and all sites are waiting coordinators decision.
Transaction commit (cont) • While non-coordinator sites await coordinator decision, all locks held – transaction resources are sequestered. • Before entering the prepare state, any site can abort the transaction – other sites will abort after a transaction timeout. After entering the prepare state, a site may not abandon the transaction. • 3(N-1) messages needed to successfully commit, 4(N-1) messages if a transaction must abort.
Authorization • All sites cooperate in R* voluntarily and no site wishes to trust others with authorization. • Each individual site must check remote access requests and all controls regarding accessing data are stored at that same site.
Compilation, Plan Generation • R* compiles rather than interprets the query language. • Recompilation may need to be done if objects change in the database during compilation – ie, table deleted. • Recompilation is done at a local level with a commit process similar to a transaction.
Binding in compilation • When/where should binding occur? • All binding for every request can be done at a chosen site? – no, creates a bottleneck site. • All binding can be done at the site where request began? – no, compiling site should not need to remember physical details about access paths at remote sites. • All binding can be done in a distributed way? Yes, requesting site can decide high level details, leave minor/ low level details to other sites.
Deadlock detection • No centralized deadlock detection. • Each site does periodic deadlock detection using transaction wait-for info gathered locally or received from others. Wait-for strings are sent from one site to the next. If a site finds a cycle, youngest transaction is aborted.
Changes Made to R. • Explain – writes out optimizer details such as estimated cost to temp tables. • Collect Counters – dumps internal system variables to temporary tables. • Force Optimizer – order optimizer to choose a particular (perhaps suboptimal) plan.
New SQL instructions • EXPLAIN PLAN FOR <any valid Delete, Insert, Select, Select Into, Update, Values, or Values Into SQL Statement>
R* Cost Structure • Cost = Wcpu(#_instructions) + Wi/o(#ios) + Wmsg(#_MSGs) + Wbyt(#_byt) • Wmsg for some constant penalty for sending a communication over the network • Wbyt penalty for message length.
Is CPU cost significant? • Both local and distributed queries found cpu cost to be important. • CPU costs high in sorts • 1.allocating temp disk space for partially sorted strings • 2. Encoding and decoding sorted columns • 3. Quicksorting individual pages in mem.
CPU costs continued • CPU costs are also high in scans • Although “CPU cost is significant . . . [it] is not enough to affect the choice of the optimizer”
Improve Local Joins • Communicate type of Join • Are there likely to be runs of pages to prefetch? • Can choice of LRU, MRU, DBMin improve performance if Join type known.
Optimizer performance (Local) • Optimizer has trouble modeling unclustered indexes on smaller tables. In such cases, Optimizer actually picks worst plan, thinking it is the best and thinks the best is actually the worst. • Why? • Tuple order unimportant to nested loop join and index on outer table may clutter buffer. • A highly selective predicate may eliminate the need for a scan in which case the index is important.
Optimizer (Local) cont. • Adding an index can increase the cost - The Optimizer models each table independently, ignoring competition for buffer space amongst two tables being joined. • Nested loop join estimates often artificially inflated – optimizer pessimistically models worst case buffer behavior by saying each outer tuple starts new inner scan when may times inner pages are in the buffer.
Distributed Joins • Simplest kind – single table access at romote site • A process at remote site accesses the table and ships back the result. • When doing joins, can try to ship smaller of two tables. • Or can try to ship the outer to take advantage of indexes on inner.
Tuple Blocking • Can get faster response time with Tuple Blocking. • Tuples “stream in” from a query. • Pay more message overhead, one message per tuple instead of one message for entire result.
Transfer Trade-offs • Option W – transfer the whole inner table. • Negatives • No indexes can be shipped with it. • May ship inner tuples that have no matching outer tuples • Positives • Predicates applied before shipping may reduce size • Only one transfer is needed for the join which may result in lower overall network costs
Transfer Trade-offs Cont. • Option F – Fetch matching tuples only • Idea – Send outer tuple join column values, match with inner tuples, then send these inner tuples over network • Negatives • Multiple rounds of sending congest network • May have to send whole table anyway – W better • Positives • Tables may have few actual join values in common, can eliminate need to send many inner tuples.
Use W or F Option? • In W – Network costs only 2.9% of total • Strategy F handy when: • Cardinality of outer table <0.5 the # of messages required to ship the inner table as a whole. • Idea behind rule – beat plan W in theory by sending few join values from outer table that will weed out most inner tuples • The join cardinality < inner cardinality • Idea behind 2nd rule – since most inner tuples will not be needed, we can beat plan W by sending only outer join values and eliminating most inner tuples.
What might be better • Ship outer relation to the inner relation and return results to outer relation • Allows use of indexes on inner relation in nested loops join • If outer is small, this works well
Outer relation shipping Cont. • Shipping outer “enjoys more simultaneity” – ie, Nested loop join For all outer tuples do For all inner tuples do If outer == inner add result to answer. • Can start outer loop and iterate inner loop with only fraction of outer tuples arrived. For shipping inner relation, must wait for whole thing to do loop iterations.
Distributed vs. Local Joins • Total resources consumed in Distributed joins higher than in local joins • Response time in Distributed joins less than in Local Joins • What does this mean? • We have more machines doing work in a distributed join so they can do work in parallel- more work is done but since more machines are doing work, the result takes less time.
Distrib vs. Local Joins Cont. • Response time improvement for distributed queries has 2 reasons • 1. Parallelism • 2. Reduced Contention – accessing tables using unclustered indexes benefit greatly from larger buffers – n machines = n buffer size. • Negatives of Distributed – Slow network speeds make reverse true, then local joins are faster.
Alternative Join methods • Dynamically Create Temporary Index on Inner Table • Since we cannot send an index, we can try to make one • Cost structure may be high • Scan entire table and send to site 1 • Store table and create a temporary index on it at site 1 • Execute best local join plan
Semijoin • Sort S and T on the join column. Produce S’, T’ • Send S’ ‘s join column values to site T, match against T’ and send these actual tuples to site S. • Merge-join T’ ‘s tuples and S’ ‘s tuples to get answer.
Bloom join • Use Bloom filter – bit string sort of like hash table where each bit represents a bucket like in a hash table. All bits start off 0. If a value hashes to bit x, turn x to 1. • Generate a Bloom filter for table S and send to T. • Hash T using the same hash function and ship any tuples that hash to a 1 in S’s Bloom filter • At site S, join T’s tuples with table S.
Comparing join methods • Bloom joins generally outperform other methods • Semijoins advantageous when both data and index (unclustered) pages of inner table fit into the buffer so that efficient use of these tables keep semijoins procesing costs low. If not, constant paging of unclustered index results in poor performance.
Why are Bloom Joins better? • Message costs of Semi and Bloom comparable • Semijoin incurs higher local processing costs to perform a “second join”, ie once send S’ ‘s join column to T’, join, then send this result to S’ and join these T’ values with S’.