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Presented by Heidi L. Alvarez, Ph.D & PI of GCB

Graduate Fellowship Opportunity for Science and Engineering GCB Class Introduction 29 March, 2007 • FIU, CNIC of CAS, and City University Hong Kong. Presented by Heidi L. Alvarez, Ph.D & PI of GCB. Agenda. e-Science & CyberBridges

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Presented by Heidi L. Alvarez, Ph.D & PI of GCB

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  1. Graduate FellowshipOpportunity for Science and EngineeringGCB Class Introduction29 March, 2007 • FIU, CNIC of CAS, and City University Hong Kong Presented by Heidi L. Alvarez, Ph.D & PI of GCB

  2. Agenda • e-Science & CyberBridges • e-Science Applications using Grid Computing and Advanced Networking • e-Science Connections • CyberBridges Pilot Project • What Global CyberBridges? • GCB Benefits, Objectives, Ambitions, & Activities • Objectives for today

  3. e-Science & CyberBridges • e-Science • “computationally intensive science that is carried out in highly distributed network environments, or science that used immense data sets that require grid computing” (Wikipedia) • e-Science uses “Cyberinfrastructure” • e-Science requires people to work collaboratively at a distance • CyberBridges tested the hypothesis that students can act as • “bridges,” showing researchers how they can use • cyberinfrastructure (CI) to further their knowledge. • CyberBridges NSF Award OCI-0537464 to Florida International University; Center for • Internet Augmented Research & Assessment

  4. Grid Computing and Advanced Networking e-Science Applications Providing Tools for e-Science

  5. Other scienceapplications The Open Science Grid Consortium Large US gridprojects LHC experiments Universityfacilities OpenScienceGrid Educationcommunities Multi-disciplinaryfacilities ComputerScience Laboratorycenters Technologists

  6. An International Grid Enabled Center for High Energy Physics Research & Educational Outreach at FIU An integrated program of research, network infrastructure development, and education and outreach at one of the largest minority schools in the US http://www.chepreo.org

  7. Particle Physics Data Grid Global Collaboration of Laboratories Effective end-to-end capabilities Experiment-specific applications Grid technologies Storage resources http://www.ppdg.net

  8. UltraLight http://ultralight.caltech.edu Explores cutting-edge network technology Grid computing and data infrastructure Support for LHC-HEP and OSG-Astronomy Nat’l / Int’l e-Science Collaborations

  9. UltraLight

  10. Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Experiment Multi-purpose particle detection & measurement Designed to run at highest luminosity at the LHC CMS magnet will be largest solenoid ever built Collaboration of 1889 physicists & engineers

  11. Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Requires high-speed, real-time data filtering Next-generation particle collision machine Largest superconductor installation Unprecedented energy range and sensitivity Mimics early universe conditions http://lhc.web.cern.ch/lhc

  12. Gemini Observatory Telescopes in Chile and Hawaii Data Center in Canada Remote observation from partner sites Tracks deep space activity http://www.gemini.edu

  13. Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN) Test bed projects for brain imaging • Human neurological disorders • Associated animal models Neurological Disease Studies • Function BIRN • Morphometry BIRN • Mouse BIRN http://nbirn.net

  14. BIRN Studies on Neurological Disease Functional Imaging Research of Schizophrenia Brain Morphometry Test Bed Multi-Scale Mouse Models of Disease Test Bed

  15. e-Science Connections Instruments Data Processing Resources Data Resources People People Diagram by Professor Kuldeep Kumar

  16. CyberBridges Pilot Project • Teaching Grid Cluster Diagram • Fellows and Project Areas • Successes • Outcomes • Presentations & Graduation at Supercomputing 2006 • Research Publications

  17. CyberBridges Pilot Project Fellows • In 2005-06 CyberBridges funded four Ph.D. students from: • Physics • Biomedical Engineering • Biochemistry • Bioinformatics / Computer Science • CyberBridges has helped these students and their faculty • advisors transform their research by connecting them with CI.

  18. CyberBridges’ Success • Tom Milledge • CyberBridges fellow, Tom Milledge, is producing a protein pattern discovery method that is similar to BLAST, a widely used algorithm for rapid searching of nucleotide and protein databases. • Milledge, was selected for a competitive six-month internship to help optimize software for bioinformatics applications on IBM’s Blue Gene supercomputer system, beating out many applicants due to his CyberBridges experience. • Milledge’s faculty advisor, computer science professor, Giri Narsimhan, says that the work will benefit his own research. He and his students have pursued the project on a small scale for several years. Now, because of CyberBridges, Narsimhan believes the project will reach new heights.. • CyberBridges exposed over 200 students • and researchers to CI during SC06, when • the four CyberBridges fellows gave talks • on their work. • CyberBridges made it possible for each • of the fellows to acquire competitive • summer internships.

  19. CyberBridges Outcomes • Re-focusing expenditures from technology support functions to synchronous fellowships can have a profound impact on the effectiveness of scientific investigations. • CyberBridges fellows and their advisors have benefited from such re-focusing. They have successfully implemented CI into their research and teaching. • Globally distributed institutions can replicate the CyberBridges model individually.

  20. CyberBridges Fellows Present & Graduate SuperComputing 2006, Tampa, Florida November 11-17 www.sc06.supercomp.org Top from left: Professor Yan BaoPing, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Professor Paul Avery, UF; Dr. Miriam Heller, NSF; Tom Milledge; Ronald Gutierrez; Alejandro de la Puenta; Cassian D’Cunha Bottom row from left: Ernesto Rubi, FIU/CIARA; Michael Smith, FIU/CIARA; Dr. Eric Crumpler, FIU Engineering; Julio Ibarra, Co-PI & Executive Director CIARA; Heidi Alvarez, PI & Director CIARA, Dr. S. Masoud Sadjadi, FIU SCIS.

  21. CyberBridges Research Publications • CyberBridges; A Model Collaboration Infrastructure for e-Scienceaccepted for publication in the proceedings of the *Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid and Workshops (CCGrid 2007) to be held 14-17 May 2007, Rio de Janeiro Brazil. * • CyberBridges; Integrating Cyberinfrastructure into Science and Engineering Research accepted for presentation and publication in the conference proceedings of the 2007 Teragrid Conference 4-8 June 2007, Madison Wisconsin.Authors include the CyberBridges Co-PIs, Student Fellows and their faculty advisors: Heidi L. Alvarez, David Chatfield, Donald A. Cox, Eric Crumpler, Cassian D’Cunha, Ronald Gutierrez, Julio Ibarra, Eric Johnson, Kuldeep Kumar, Tom Milledge, Giri Narasimhan, Rajamani S. Narayanan,Alejandro de la Puente, S. Masoud Sadjadi, Chi Zhang

  22. What is Global CyberBridges? Cyberinfrastructure Training, Education, Advancement, and Mentoring for Our 21st Century Workforce (CI-TEAM) • National Science Foundation Program Solicitation • http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf06548&org=NSF Three year award from the US NSF to CIARA at FIU Expands on CyberBridges to help scientists and engineers advance their research through cyberinfrastructure (CI).

  23. Trans-national and cross-discipline communication is the future for science and engineering research and education. • Global CyberBridges extends the CyberBridges concept from FIU to an international level. • Adding distance and cultural differences makes GCB more complex. • International Partners • CNIC - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (researchers) • CIARA, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA (researchers) • University of Sao Paolo, Sao Paolo, Brazil (researchers) • City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (Distance/Global Collaboration Observer and Facilitators) • University of California, San Diego, California, USA (Technology Providers).

  24. GCB Format; Time & Teams • One Year Team Projects • Each Year new set of teams formed and operate on a topic • First Year - Miami and Beijing • Second and Third Years - Miami, Beijing, Sao Paolo • Common Online Course used to train teams • Team of Network Engineers to support the researcher projects • Common Course for GCB Network Engineers developed and provided by Calit2 at University of California in San Diego (UCSD) • Multi-disciplinary teams - young scientists, other scientists and computer scientists, with senior faculty mentors • Global Teams • City U of Hong Kong - People to People Team facilitation

  25. Technology Transfer; Enabling GCB • Co-PI Peter Arzberger, Calit2 provides a bridge to the SAGE Tile Display Wall technology for GCB • SAGE TDW developed as part of the Optiputer Project, PI Larry Smarr, Director of Calit2 • TDW is the next generation of people-to-people and data visualization collaboration • TDW is a key technology enabler for GCB Picture courtesy of Electronic Visualization Laboratory, UIC

  26. Global CyberBridgesBenefits Brings together graduate students & faculty from various disciplines Offers greater understanding of R&E CI Increases opportunity for cross-disciplinary R&E Increases scientists’ rate of discovery Creates a CI empowered workforce. Research fellowship stipend may be available

  27. Objectives of GCB • Improve people connections to the CI resources (Instrumentation, Data, and Data Processing) • Increase awareness and provide training • Assess usability of resources and feedback information to developers for further improvement • Learn how to use CI for People to People Connections, especially at GLOBAL DISTANCES • Based upon use experience, provide feedback to CI developers for further improvement of CI • Initiate the Development of a new generation of CI literate Global Scientists Slide by Professor Kuldeep Kumar

  28. 3 Ambitions of Global CyberBridges • To foster working relationships and collaborations between young scientists in China, United States, and Latin America (Brazil) • To develop a generation of young scientists who are adept in using and promoting the use of Cyber Infrastructure (CI) and e-Science • To assess the use of CI and provide feedback for improving CI Slide by Professor Kuldeep Kumar

  29. GCB Activities(and objectives supported) Cross-National Network Engineer’s Team Cross-National Collaborative Projects Prof. Masoud’s Course Provide CI Knowledge Introduce Students in a Course setting Students learn how to work together with each other at a distance Support Student use of CI To provide feedback to CI developers Diagram by Professor Kuldeep Kumar

  30. GCB Activities • Create Global Research Teams (Four or more teams each year) • Train team members in the use of CI (Masoud's Course) • Observe and Learn from Teams: • Use of CI - Feedback to developers • Group Collaboration - Feedback to GCB for developing people to people collaboration protocols • Develop an ongoing team of Network Engineers

  31. GCB 5 Partners • CNIC - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (researchers) • CIARA, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA (researchers) • University of Sao Paolo, Sao Paolo, Brazil (researchers) • City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (Distance/Global Collaboration Observer and Facilitators) • University of California, San Diego, California, USA (Technology Providers)

  32. Teams • One Year Research Projects • Multi-disciplinary teams - young scientists, other scientists and computer scientists, with senior faculty mentors • Global Teams • First year - Miami and Beijing • Second and Third Years - Miami, Beijing, sao Paolo • UC San Diego - Technical Support • City U of Hong Kong - People to People Team facilitation

  33. Outcomes & Evaluation A new generation of scientists & engineers • Capable of fully integrating CI into the whole educational, professional, and creative process of their diverse disciplines. Short Term Outcome Measurement: • Proposed and realized timeline for implementing the activities Longer term Outcome Measurements: • Publication, presentation, and other metrics determined by the outside experts to be appropriate for the research activities

  34. Fellowship Requirements CI Course offered in Spring 2007 • Advanced Networking • Grids/Distributed Computing • Virtual Teams • Scaleable Adaptive Graphics Environment (SAGE) Independent Study- Summer 2007 • Students and faculty will collaborate on a paper based on the research • Research results to be published & presented at a conference • Some Student travel expenses covered as available

  35. Fellowship Qualifications Candidates must be on a research path that can be augmented by CI Open to graduate students in science or engineering Some programming background desired • C or C++ preferred, JAVA or Fortran OK

  36. Dr. S. Masoud Sadjadi, Computer Science Time TBD Special Topics in High-Performance Networking and Grid Computing Spring 2007

  37. Objectives for Today; Agenda Items 2-8 • 2. Keys on smooth cross-nation/cross-cultural collaboration (5 min) • by Kuldeep Kumar, Ronnie Shroff, and Doug Vogel • 3. Introduction to the course (15 min) • by Masoud Sadjadi • 4. Student introduction (15 min) • by the students • 5. Brief project introduction (15 min) • by our GCB fellows • 6. Forming groups (15 min) • coordinated by GCB Advisors • (one GCB fellow, one/two supporting US students, and one/two Chinese students) • 7. Planning on the collaborations (20 min) • coordinated by GCB Advisors • 8. Agreement on the course time and dates (10 min) • coordinated by GCB Advisors

  38. Questions? LambdaVision 100-Megapixel display and SAGE (Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment) software developed by the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Major funding provided by NSF. Emailinfo@cyberbridges.net Websitewww.cyberbridges.net