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Country Report: Innovation of Library Services at the National University of Laos through mobile Technologies. Chansy Phuangsouketh Director Central Library National University of Laos Lao P.D.R. Introduction.
Country Report: Innovation of Library Services at the National University of Laos through mobile Technologies. Chansy Phuangsouketh DirectorCentral LibraryNational University of LaosLao P.D.R
Introduction • Many libraries in Laos have innovated from traditional to dynamic information systems through the use of mobile technologies. • There is an increasing demand for improved information and knowledge management solutions in research organizations and universities, integrating access to e-resources. • The Internet, the World Wide Web, the computer and other information and communication technologies have greatly influenced library and information services to improve efficiency of access, flexibility and availability.
Introduction (cont…) • By making the information resources available online, access to the information has extended beyond physical boundaries and is now available to distant library users throughout Laos and abroad. • The Central Library of the National University of Laos is a network of 20 libraries including the National Library, institutional libraries and a public library. • Its mission is to provide information to students, academic staff and the wider community, enabling the University to achieve its mission in teaching, learning, researching and community service through the use of available technology equipment.
Introduction (cont…) • National University of Lao, libraries have used open source software, which is now widely used to empower users, particularly in university libraries and other public service institutions. • At present, and regarding the technology environment the Central Library, National University of Laos ( NUOL) is stepping forward to provide e-resource services to the students, academic staff, researchers and community through mobile technologies as required.
2. Innovation of Library Service through Automation • In 2007 the Central Library started developing its own integrated library system using Open Source Software (PMB). • This software then was further carefully modified by the local specialist to store bibliographic records for the entire library collection, as well as membership and circulation information. • Using this software the library users can locate library resources from anywhere in the world.
Innovation of Library Service through Automation (cont…) • In 2011, a digital library was launched at the Central Library, National University of Laos. The digital library was made possible through the use of DSpace Software. • The Central Library has innovated its information services by making information as full text available in electronic formats to ensure that knowledge can be shared all over the world quickly and easily. • This increase in the amount of information available can facilitate research and increase knowledge.
Innovation of Library Service through Automation (cont…) • The purpose of having the Digital Library is to provide the following types of electronic information: • Peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings • Research Data • Monographs and books • Master and Ph.D. theses, dissertations and other research-related outputs presentation and manuscripts.
Innovation of Library Service through Automation (cont…) • In 2012, a one-year project supported by the Elsevier Foundation entitled “Improving Library Resource Sharing through Union Catalogue among Laos Libraries” was implemented. • Digitizing materials and making them available through networks would help share and increase access to limited resources among a number of institutions.
Innovation of Library Service through Automation (cont…) • With the grant from the Elsevier Foundation, researchers from across the 20 member library consortium will be able to access one search engine that compiles all materials from the library collections’ network and electronic databases across library collections. • The University Central Library’s Website (http://www.library.nuol.edu.la)launched in 2002, serves as a gateway to the internal and external e-resources and services.
Innovation of Library Service through Automation (cont…) • Other than the in-house developed online systems linked from the University Library Website, the following e-resources are also available: Digital Library of the World Bank, Cambridge Journals Online, Oxford Online Products, IOP Science, OECD-iLibrary, Oxford Journal Collection, Royal Society Journal Collection, JSTOR and, SAGE Research, and Open Access databases such as the INASP Directory of Online Journals and Databases,
Innovation of Library Service through Automation (cont…) • Wikipedia- the free Encyclopedia, INASP Guide to Open Access Resources, AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture), World Bank e-resources, and Lao44 • Access to these online resources is free and open to the public throughout Laos with internet access.
3. Factors that brought about innovation -Standardization: strict compliance with international standards, especially Machine Readable Cataloguing (MARC) in the design and implementation of bibliographic databases such as PMB has facilitated easy exchange of electronic cataloguing records among library systems locally and internationally. - Centralization-incorporating the libraries’ holdings into a single database system (Union databases) has promoted cooperative cataloguing, minimized possible duplicates in the collections and has made monitoring of circulations of users among member libraries of the consortium.
Factors that brought about innovation(cont...) - Modern mobile technology has been used for infrastructure in Central Library of the National University of Laos such as Wireless networks that library users have gained seamless, integrated access to digital resources and services. - Use of Free Open Source Technology with the open source revolution which started in the University Central Library in 2003 namely: UCL 2003, PMB, DSpace and DLPMB. A number of applications and database systems mentioned were developed to innovate the major library information services.
Conclusion • The Central Library, National University of Laos has innovated its information services to facilitate cooperation and information sharing among University libraries and member libraries of the Laos Library and Information Consortium and has strengthened the capabilities of staff to provide quality information services. • The move towards making resources Web-accessible and innovating library services using web-based technologies has severely improved the University Library’s capability to provide efficient information services
Conclusion (cont…) • Using Web-based search engines gives library users’ the opportunity to effectively retrieve information required. • The application of Open Source Software and mobile technologies has permitted the University Central Library to conserve financial resources and deliver quality services to its users.
Additional Information • UCL Website: • http://www.library.nuol.edu.la • E-mail • ucl.nuol@gmail.com
Thank you! • Special thanks to AUNILO members and host institution.