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Our Trip to Japan

Our Trip to Japan. By Kymber Moore and Chris Heintzelman. Hinomaru !. The red dot on the whit e background symb olizes the sun. Japanese flag. J A P A N E S E.

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Our Trip to Japan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Our Trip to Japan By Kymber Moore and Chris Heintzelman

  2. Hinomaru! The red dot on the white background symbolizes the sun. Japanese flag

  3. J A P A N E S E The name Kymber was not in the website’s database so I used my middle name Dawn. In Japanese it would be pronounced “Doon.” This is Chris in Japanese Characters. It is pronounced “Kurisu.” Shodo! Shodo is Japanese Calligraphy. It is an art. To do shodo you would use a brush and black ink to write Kanji of Chinese characters.

  4. Good morning : Ohayo gozaimasu You're welcome :Do itashimashite My name is _______ :Watashi no namaewa ________ desu

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