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8/20/2012. 2. Presentation Outline. PurposeBackgroundGrant's Strategic GoalProcuring of PSPProgress Per Province Progress Per MunicipalityOverall Challenges of the ProgrammeInterventionsConclusion. 8/20/2012. 3. Progress Report on the Implementation of Rural Household Infrastructure Progr
1. 8/21/2012 1 ADD NAME/TITLE HERE
2. 8/21/2012 2 Presentation Outline Purpose
Grants Strategic Goal
Procuring of PSP
Progress Per Province
Progress Per Municipality
Overall Challenges of the Programme
3. 8/21/2012 3 Progress Report on the Implementation of Rural Household Infrastructure Programme Background
The current government has recognised the vital need of provision of basic services to the remote rural areas.
Since 2007, the government has identified rural development as one of the countrys major priorities.
Rural development has been incorporated in government outcomes which need to be prioritised by the various Ministries.
4. 8/21/2012 4 Background (cont.) In response to the prioritization of rural development by government, National Treasury has established the Rural Household Infrastructure grant over the 2010 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period.
This grant is gazetted as schedule 7 administered, managed and implemented by the National Department of Human Settlements (NDHS) for the provision of on-site sanitation and water facilities (where necessary) to rural communities through NSPU.
A total of R1.2 billion has been allocated over the 2010 MTEF i.e. R100 million for 2010/11, R350 million for 2011/12 and R750 million for 2012/13.
5. 8/21/2012 5 Strategic Goals Facilitates hands-on involvement of the beneficiaries into the implementation of the programme benefitting them, so as to instil a culture of ownership towards sustainable communities.
Encourages the use of CBOs, NGOs and Public Entities to ensure the communities are trained on how to sustain and maintain the infrastructure beyond implementation.
Seeks to alleviate poverty by implementing programmes through labour intensive methods.
6. 8/21/2012 6 Procuring Services of PSPs Through open tender process NDHS has secured the services of two Service Providers i.e. the Mvula Trust and the Independent Development Trust (IDT).
In the first financial year fifty two percent (52%) of the allocation has been awarded to the IDT (with a budget of R52 million) and
Thirty six percent (36%) of the allocation has been awarded to The Mvula Trust (with a budget of R36 million) this financial year.
Twelve percent was set aside for programme/ project management
7. 8/21/2012 7 Progress Per Province
8. 8/21/2012 8 Progress per MunicipalityProvince: KwaZulu Natal
WSA: Umkhanyakude DM
Municipality: Hlabisa LM
400 target
385 units completed
15 not completed
The municipality was dissatisfied with the manner in which the programme was implemented by Service Provider (IDT). It sent a request the Department to remove the Service Provider & its contractors
WSA: Amajuba DM
Municipalities: Dannhauser LM
400 target
396 sanitation units are complete.
4 not completed
There were delays in the delivery of pre-cast top structures
WSA: Sisonke DM
Municipalities: Ingwe LM
571 target
402 units completed, 169 n0ted
There was a delayed start due to disagreement on appointment of local contractors
9. 8/21/2012 9 KZN Cont. WSA: Uthungulu DM
Municipality: Nkandla LM
667 target
150 units completed
517 not completed
The IDT wanted to use its own contractors to dig pits and that was challenged by local contractors and labourers.
WSA: Uthungulu DM
Municipality: uMlalazi LM
533 target
196 units completed, 337 not completed
There was a delay in beneficiary communities identification and appointment of contractors
WSA: ILembe DM
Municipality: Ndwedwe LM
400 target
53 units completed, 347 not completed
The programme started late and it is experiencing labour relation challenges.
WSA: UThukela DM
Municipality: Emnambithi LM
533 target, not completed 533
No progress, programme has not been introduced to benefitting communities
10. 8/21/2012 10 Province-Limpopo WSA: Capricorn DM
Municipalities: Aganang LM,
400 target
50 units completed, 350 not completed
Blouberg LM
400 target
260 units completed, 140 not completed
and Lepele-Nkumpi LM
400 target
215 units completed, 185 not completed
WSA: Lephalale LM
Municipality: Lephalale LM
400 target
The digging of pits has not commenced.
Disagreements on the appointment of contractors have impacted on progress. Lephalale LM insists that local labour should be used.
WSA: Waterberg DM
Municipality: Mokgalakwena LM
400 target
400 pits have been dug but no structures constructed
IDT has appointed a contractor who has no capacity and the contractor handed the contract to another contractor.
11. 8/21/2012 11 Limpopo Cont Mopani DM
Municipalities: Greater Giyani, Greater Tzaneen and Greater Letaba
Target was 400 each nothing done
No agreement in the manner of implementation of the programme. The DM feels the budget must be transferred to it to implement.
12. 8/21/2012 12 Limpopo Cont. Greater Sikhukhune DM
Municipality: Elias Motsoaledi LM
400 target
217 units completed, 183 not completed
Programme started late due to late appointment of contractor
13. 8/21/2012 13 Province-North West WSA: Madibeng LM
Municipalities: Madibeng LM
400 target
263 units completed, 137 not completed
Heavy rains in Dec. and Jan. delayed construction
WSA: Moses Kotane LM
Municipalities: Moses Kotane LM
428 units completed and target reached
Final inspection and hand over to be completed soon.
14. 8/21/2012 14 Province Northern Cape WSA: Joe Morolong LM
Municipalities: Joe Morolong LM
400 target
392 units completed, 8 not completed
Final inspection and hand-over to be completed soon.
15. 8/21/2012 15 Province Eastern Cape WSA: Amathole DM
Municipalities: Amahlathi LM
571 target
57 Units completed., 514 not completed
Ground has some hard rock and beneficiaries are digging their own pits.
WSA: Amathole DM
Municipalities: Mbhashe LM
570 units completed and happy letter received, target met
WSA: Amathole DM
Municipalities: Mnquma LM
571 target
202 units completed, 319 not completed
Hard rock and heavy rains delayed progress.
16. 8/21/2012 16 Province Eastern Cape WSA: Chris Hani DM
Municipalities: Lukhanji LM
429 target
320 units completed, 109 not completed
There was a delay appointment of contractor
WSA: OR Tambo DM
Municipalities: Mhlontlo LM
426 target
406 units completed , 20 not completed
17. 8/21/2012 17 Province Free State WSA: Ngwathe LM
Municipalities: Ngwathe LM
400 target
100 units completed. 300 not completed
Heavy rains affected the programme
The number of units may be reduced due to travelling costs long distances between farm households.
18. 8/21/2012 18 Province-Mpumalanga WSA: Nkomazi LM
Municipalities: Nkomazi LM
450 target
435 units completed,15 not compled
Heavy rains and high water table delayed the project
There were also delays in the appointment of the contractor.
19. 8/21/2012 19 Expenditure as at 31/3/2011
20. 8/21/2012 20 Job Creation (man hour)
21. 8/21/2012 21 Health and Hygiene Health and Hygiene is part of the programme and is conducted pre, during and post implementation
Figures of people impacted with Health and Hygiene education will be determined once the programme is complete
The formula is based on avarage of 5 people per household
22. 8/21/2012 22 Overall Challenges
Five benefiting municipalities are rejecting the appointment of certain Services Providers appointed as per approved government procurement procedures.
They insist that local contractors and Labourers be used.
One of the appointed Service Providers does not have sufficient experience in implementing sanitation projects at Municipal level.
23. 8/21/2012 23 Overall Challenges (cont) The programme commenced very late in October 2010 as opposed to the beginning of April 2010.
During the months of December 2010 and January 2011 many projects were severely affected by excessive rainfall and flooding which have hampered construction on site in the beneficiary municipalities.
Hard rock impeded penetration
Inaccessibility of some of the benefiting households.
24. 8/21/2012 24 Interventions
Where benefiting municipalities are resisting the nationally appointed Service Providers, the department will enter into funding agreements with the relevant Water Services Authority to implement the programme with the hands-on support provided by department.
In cases where an appointed Service Provider has declared that it has no experience in the implementation and delivery of rural sanitation, the department should consider reviewing the scope of work in the coming financial years.
Several meetings have been held with IDT to unblock challenges
25. 8/21/2012 25 Conclusion Although there is a significant progress in the last two months, a decision should be taken about the non performing Service Provider
26. 8/21/2012 26