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Inspiring Visual Arts Education for K-6 Students

Enhance personal expression and creativity through Visual Arts lessons. Teach skills, techniques, and art appreciation. Motivate, develop, and reflect on children's artworks. Practical tips and subject matters. Engage with emotions, nature, objects, and events. Explore elements of art like line, tone, form, and space. Encourage creativity using shapes, color, and patterns. Discover various art forms in 2D and 3D, such as drawing, sculpture, and photography in the classroom.

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Inspiring Visual Arts Education for K-6 Students

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  1. Chapter 5, MMADD about the Arts Teaching VISUAL ARTS in the K-6 Classroom Deirdre Russell-Bowie

  2. Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he or she grows up. (Picasso) Visual Arts

  3. The benefits of teaching Visual Arts • Enhances personal expression • Develops imagination & creativity • A vital form of communication of ideas & thoughts in a non-verbal way • Develops problem solving skills • Develops language • Fosters self esteem • Develops fine motor skills

  4. Visual Arts Lessons Introduction Motivating Set rules and routines Use stimulus (picture, music, artwork, poem, story, etc) Demonstration If new skills are to be learned Make explanations clear Repeat instructions, question for understanding Visual Arts

  5. Visual Arts Lessons Development of skills, techniques & creative artworks Allow children time to be creative Be available to comment, praise, encourage, extend, keep children on task Plan ahead for early finishers Reflection and sharing Talk with children about their artworks Teach and reinforce the language of art Check achievement of indicators from lesson plan Visual Arts

  6. Practical tips for art lessons Collect resources NOW Check out school resources Check out libraries, internet sites Keep materials clean, tidy, labelled Develop routines Have children bring art smock Visual Arts

  7. Subject matter People Real Imagined Different cultures Different contexts Portraits Realistic/abstract/cartoon Visual Arts

  8. Subject matter Emotions Art can be used to express emotions Use emotions as a stimulus for art Often easier to draw than write about how you feel Visual Arts Unknown Joy: Unknown joy is a mystery but we keep trying to find it in the world around us. JB

  9. Subject matter Other Living Things Animals Birds Fish Reptiles Plants Trees…. Visual Arts I am the independent falcon: I am like the independent falcon who lives by itself and doesn’t need anyone to follow. I am strong and I never give up. TD

  10. Subject matter Objects Still life Fruit Flowers Vegetables Toys Cultural objects Visual Arts

  11. Subject matter Places and Spaces Landscapes Cityscapes Australia /overseas Remembered / pictures Real or fantasy Outer space Visual Arts The Country: Australia is a very dry country, so I chose yellow and orange to show this. JL Sydney Harbour Bridge: from observation (Charcoal)

  12. Subject matter Events Celebrations Special occasions Festivals Cultural, historical, religious Direct experience Reading / internet / pictures Visual Arts New Year’s Eve

  13. Elements of Art Line Give artwork shape Bring focus / emphasis Define or separate an object In the classroom Draw contours Life drawings Still life Buildings, squiggle pictures Using the language of Art My life rules:This artwork represents my life because everything in it means something to me. The big heart stands for kindness. The 4-coloured ball represents fun. The fish represents love and hate. The road signifies my love of cars. KH

  14. Elements of Art Tone Use of light and shade Tonal quality affected by use of light and dark colours In the classroom Use spotlight to show how one side can be light and the other dark; draw or paint this effect Visual Arts Picasso-styled self-portrait uses tone to express the artist’s emotions.

  15. Elements of Art Colour Primary colours Secondary colours Tertiary colours Brown, Grey Complementary colours Opposite Analogous colours Near Visual Arts

  16. Elements of Art Colour Cool Colours Warm colours Monochromatic colours(Colour + black/white) In the classroom Create artworks exploring the different categories of colours Visual Arts

  17. Visual Arts

  18. Elements of Art Shape Flat, 2D area defined by a boundary Geometric Irregular Use lines to form boundaries Can make 2D look 3D In the classroom Draw 3D objects on paper, concentrate on outline and shape Visual Arts

  19. Elements of Art Form 3D shape The space that an object takes up in its environment Looks different from different angles In the classroom Create sculptures, carvings, papier mache artworks Visual Arts

  20. Elements of Art Space Area between shapes and forms Perspective gives 2D depth and reality Crowded, empty Positive (object) or negative (area around object) In the classroom Draw landscapes with background, middle and foreground Examine artworks for perspective and create similar artworks Explore negative and positive space Visual Arts

  21. Elements of Art Pattern All around us Effective in art Symmetrical / Asymmetrical Geometric / Irregular In the classroom Create geometric and irregular patterns Use printing techniques to create patterns Explore the work of Escher; create similar artworks Visual Arts

  22. Elements of Art: Test yourself! L T C T S F S P Visual Arts • Line • Tone • Colour • -Texture • Shape • - Form • Space • Pattern

  23. Art Forms 2D Drawing Painting Printmaking Marbling Photography Visual Arts

  24. Art Forms 3D Sculpture Mask making Puppets Collage Paper making Visual Arts

  25. Art Forms 3D Ceramics Cards Textiles: Silk painting Batik Tie Dying Weaving Digital forms Visual Arts

  26. Art Appreciation What does it represent to you? Who created it? What is it called? Why was it created? What media and techniques were used? In what historical, cultural and geographical context was it created? Visual Arts

  27. Art Appreciation What message or emotions does it convey? What might have happened before or after what is portrayed in the artwork? What elements of visual art were used to convey the message? How? How does it compare with other artworks you have explored? What is your personal response? Visual Arts

  28. With this WEALTH of different visual arts learning experiences at your fingertips…… how could you EVER consider that colouring in a STENCIL would be a valid Visual Arts activity???? Visual Arts STENCILS

  29. Disordered Scribbling / Manipulative Controlled Scribbling Named Scribble/ Symbolic/ Shape Stage Recognisable / Pictorial Stage Developmental Stages

  30. The child enjoys the muscular sensation of scribbling or watching marks appear The child is not trying to draw, model or build objects, the experience is purely kinesthetic (movement) Scribble /Manipulative Stage (2-4 years)

  31. Lines stop and start at different points Begins to make circular movements on the page. Experiments with dots and lines Controlled Scribbling

  32. Children all start by experimenting with materials Scribble drawings Squeeze and pound clay Use one colour of paint and makes a patch Simple 2 piece construction Experiment with collage Manipulative Stage (2 - 4 years)

  33. The child: Begins to make lines and shapes Begins to name some of these shapes Interest in pattern making begins Circle evolves to represent a head First recognisable figures appear Beginning of naming Usually not recognisable to adult Symbolic Stage (4 - 7 years)

  34. • One shape may represent more than one thing Begins to attempt more elaborate shapes Emergence of form and pattern Concern with shape and balance Does not know beforehand what she is going to draw Name may change several times during drawing Emergence of mandala and sun Symbolic Stage (4 - 7 years)

  35. Beginning of recognisable figures (figures, houses, animals, vehicles, plants) More complicated patterns Figures become more detailed Outward facing presentation People floating in space - no horizontal ground line Decorative element, development of symmetry Announces beforehand what it will be Representational Stage (7-10 years)

  36. Use of ground line and skyline Appearance of profile Objects are shown in relationship to each other Later Representational Stage

  37. Visual Arts Education For further information, see Chapter 5 in MMADD: About the Arts: An introduction to Primary Arts Education by Deirdre Russell-Bowie, published by Pearson Education Australia

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