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Applying the Word

Applying the Word. God gave the word for Spiritual Growth Titus 3:8. Application #1. Application must stem from a proper interpretation of the passage. If a text is interpreted inaccurately, then the application will be faulty.

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Applying the Word

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Applying the Word God gave the word for Spiritual Growth Titus 3:8

  2. Application #1 • Application must stem from a proper interpretation of the passage. • If a text is interpreted inaccurately, then the application will be faulty. • In application you look at the significance of that meaning for current situations.

  3. Application #2 • Application must be based on principles. • A principle summarizes a truth in the verse or chapter. • Because of the cultural difference between Bible times and our time, we bridge that gap by means of principles. • Genesis 6:22

  4. Application #3 • Application involves finding the elements the reader has in common with the original audience. • I Cor. 8:7-13

  5. Application # 4 • Proper application must include specific action/response • I will…….. (we should is too general) • Adding a time limit (Next week …..) • Seek the Lord’s guidance • Remember God is at work in you.

  6. Application # 5 • Is there an example to follow? • Is there a sin to avoid? • Is there a promise to claim? • Is there a command to obey? • Is there a challenge to face? • Is there a condition to meet? (If…) • Is there a sin to avoid?

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