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WP 5 State of the art - VEGA November, 30th 2011 Budapest. Main tasks Pre-feasibility and feasibility study SMEs Database and interviews. What is WP 5?. How did we organize our work?. Common template for: Pre-feasibility study (do decide wich idea is the most suitable)
WP 5 State of the art - VEGA November, 30th 2011 Budapest
Main tasks Pre-feasibility and feasibility study SMEs Database and interviews What is WP 5?
How did we organize our work? Common template for: Pre-feasibility study (do decide wich idea is the most suitable) Feasibilty study (to analize deeply this idea in all its aspects) SMEs Database and Interview Template proposed by the WP leader, discussed and approved by the partnership)
Lead PartnerMid Pannon Regional Development company From three possible parks, one idea was selected, Alba Innovation Zone The method used for developing the feasibility study was the following: Re-analysis of former results (WP3.1. and 3.2.) Document analysis Field survey Face-to-face consultations
Lead PartnerMid Pannon Regional Development company • No production activities planned in the park but R&D, services and education • There were two concepts for utilization: • A ‘campus’ nature, which leaves the total area of land undivided and • the new organisation move in share property rights on the basis of gross floor area (this is the preferred solution)
Lead PartnerMid Pannon Regional Development company • Number and type of possible tenants/utilization: • - 30 small and medium sized companies (mostly in technology incubator and R&D centre) • - 3 higher education institutes • - 5 R&D organizations (with approx. 10 labs) • - 1 technology incubator • - 1 innovation service centre • - Other service facilities
CERTHCenter for Research and Technology Hellas Scale of Intervention Regional innovation stakeholders point out the need for advanced liaison services to bridge the gap between Greek industry and research community through extroversion activities
CERTHCenter for Research and Technology Hellas • General characteristics of Liaison Office • CERTH is located in the eastern part of Thessaloniki, characterised by an intense rate of development on research as well as entrepreneurial – commercial level. • CERTH is located near all main transportation nodes and very close to the MAKEDONIA airport. • CERTH’s buildings occupy a total area of 20.000 square meters scattered over 45 hectares of land • Business Incubator that occupies 1.200 s.m. providing office space for spin-off companies of CERTH
CERTHCenter for Research and Technology Hellas Staffing The Liaison Office will be staffed for the first three years with 4 employees of CERTH who should have substantial knowledge of CERTH as a whole and should be experienced and have expertise in communication and liaison processes. The permanent staff of the Liaison Office will be assisted by external experts who will perform specific tasks for specific durations, such as graphic designs, events catering, etc. At least 2 members of the Office should be experienced researchers and one member should be experienced in issues of innovation and diffusion of innovation on local and regional level.
CERTHCenter for Research and Technology Hellas Sustainability Analysis The funding of the Liaison Office will come for the first three years of its operation directly and solely from CERTH’s internal budget. During those first three years the Office will bid for European, National, Regional projects that will reinforce its viability and sustainability. It is anticipated that after the 3 first years, the Office will be viable through private and/or public contracts. Furthermore, the Liaison Office will establish collaborations with external teams and organisations for the promotion of its effectiveness, efficiency and efficacy.
SB Sviluppo Basilicata Have realised the feasibilty study with the following structure: • BENCHMARKING • ANALYSIS OF “LOCATION ADVANTAGES” • SURVEY ON INNOVATIVE COMPANIES • STRATEGIC GUIDELINES
The benchmarking activity has clearly revealed that, following the gradual transition from old to new economy, incubators have become “virtual conglomerates” and cognitive interfaces. We are witnessing a sort of smart (r)evolution. To sum up, last generation incubators have proven to be able to give a comprehensive support to companies in the new processes and challenges required by the “smart economy“ (globalization, dematerialization, ICT development, etc.). SB Sviluppo Basilicata
The information provided by the analysis of location advantages represent a further confirmation of what has already emerged from the benchmarking activity. There is a lack of an open and creative Integrated System, able to crossbreed and multiply knowledge, to interconnect Institutions-Enterprises-Research, to generate a virtuous liaison among enterprises, to reduce conflicts and generate new location conveniences. Sviluppo Basilicata
Harghita County Council Harghita County Council has launched and finalized the public procurement procedure regarding the outputs of WP5 (database and FS) on the summer of 2011. According to the contracts for services the database will be finalized in November, while the study will be prepared and handed only in the January of 2012. The database will contain relevant data (based on the pre-agreed methodology and excel file sent) on not less than 400 local enterprises. There were carried out deep interviews with 6 enterprises, potential tenants. The main aspects in selecting the 6 enterprises were: innovative potential, economic performance and the profile of the future park.
Harghita County Council The industrial park should be designed in such a way that: -The dominant approach is the processing industry of agricultural and sylvicultural activities with high added value and nature friendliness (organic). - The synergic effects of the park, will makes possible the break out of the current limited market possibilities. - The barrier of the lack of capital, necessary to carry out investments for satisfying the bigger markets, will be overcome - It will offer support in marketing activities, basic infrastructure and an easy accessibility.
Harghita County Council The feasibility study is not ready yet; it will contain surveys and interviews with different stakeholders (local and foreign enterprises, public administrations sphere, administrators of operating industrial and business parks from Romania, etc.) The main findings of the study so far may be resumed as: - The profile of the park will be designed on the ground of using local resources (agriculture, forestry) and taking into consideration the main local economic activities. - The park should promote local enterprises in the first place but it is open to host foreign companies also - The viability of a new network based mini park model will be tested: 6 sites with 1 ha of area each, operated by local economic agents
WestPa- West-Pannon Regional Development Company • Task: Pre-feasibility study • 3 potential sites in West-Pannon region: : • Industrial Park in Győr • Claudius Industrial and innovation Park in Szombathely • Innovation and Trade Park in Mosonmagyaróvár(MoWinPark)
WestPa- West-Pannon Regional Development Company • Task: To create the regional database of enterprises having innovative activities+ interviews • The database: • Creation of database with 82 micro-, small – and medium sized enterprices with their details related to West-pannon region (Vas, Zala and Győr-Moson.Sopron county) • Detailed questionnaire+ personal interview with 6 enterprises- creation of questionlist, database of results►Feasibility Study
TP Lj – Technology Park Ljubljana Ltd The Feasibility study on future development of Technology park Ljubljana is ready. It analyses the possibilities for a further expansion in different directions. Thereby the future use of several buildings is under consideration; one of the possibilities is the usage for life-sciences research centre purposes which is discussed at the recent times. The study contains a recommendation for the creation of a research centre and laboratories for different life sciences specialities including the necessary structural and technical equipments as well as a rough estimation of the required investment costs and an assessment of the personnel resources and the expected overheads.
TP Lj – Technology Park Ljubljana Ltd. At the moment TP Lj is in the middle of construction of the new building and one of the steps related to future plans is also the development of the medical/biotechnology cluster. Three interviews have been realized with potential residents in the new building and cluster partners. Approx. 30 companies working in the field of biotechnology/medicine related sector have been selected as potential stakeholders The study will be also translated into Slovene language by the end of the project in order to assure a better dissemination of the results
VEGA- Venice Gateway for Science and Technology The experts have defined three possibilities among which the board of the park (director and president) chose one option The SWOT analysis among on these three ideas has been prepared by the experts in order to favour the process of decision
VEGA- Venice Gateway for Science and Technology Enterprises that will be involved by the expansion of the nanotechnology laboratory are selected and will be soon interviewed
Size – 22.872,51 m2 – six floors 5 phases of construction – separately independent Construction period – three years Project size – 18,3 mil € BICRO
BICRO Selected project by survey, face to face interviews and SWAT analysis of chosen criteria is TECHNOGOLY PARK VARAŽDIN – TPV II Type – expansion of existing Technology park in a new location - industrial zone Location – north – between Slovenia, Hungary and Zagreb – best international position for industrial and science development
INOVA - NOVA Potential project for IBP Innovative technology park in Kechnec, Kosice region – European Integral School
INOVA - NOVA • Area divided into three parts: • 80 ha for SMEs • 200 ha for strategic investors • 52 ha for logistic center • Investments already made by companies: 600 mil. EUR • jobs created by 2010: 3000 (potential by 2020: 30 000) • Investments attracted per inhabitant: 555 000 EUR • Good trasport infrastructure: • connection to D1 highway (Budimir – Kosice – Miskolc (HU)) – part of the north-south corridor Baltic – Poland – Slovakia – Hungary – Balcan • Motorway under construction Kosice – Miskolc (HU) • Railway Kosice – Kechnec – Hidasnémeti (HU) • Broad railway transit point (3,5 kms) • International airport Kosice (20 kms)
INOVA - NOVA • Services already offered: • Metropolitan IT network of Kechnec (highspeed net, VoIP, IPTV, FTP,...) • Sport center (terragreen surfaces, massages, saunas, ice board) • Social-health complex (phase II in preparation – hospital) • Appartments for employees • Venues for companies: congress halls, meeting rooms, cultural center (with restaurants, bowling, accommodation..) • Under planning: aquapark and food processing complex
INOVA - NOVA • Services planned: • complex offer of education services from kindergartens to university education • Preparation of qualified workforce for the park • Possibilities of education of families of employees • Possiblities of education for inhabitants of the region on international level • Laboratories for R&D • IT venues • Dormitory for students • Social infrastructure (gyms, pool, kindergartens, doctor, parking)
Thank you! Lidia Seravalli Project Office - Area Ricerca ed Innovazione VEGA S.c.a.r.l. Parco Scientifico Tecnologico Edificio Porta dell'Innovazione Via Della Libertà n. 12 - 30175 Marghera (Venezia) Tel. + 39 041 509 3589 Fax + 39 041 509 3065 www.vegapark.ve.it l.seravalli@vegapark.ve.it