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Activity at the July 2002 IEEE 802 Plenary Met during all session slots available Held brief joint sessions with .11 TGg, TGh, and WNG SC Peak attendance 24 with 15 gaining voting rights (including Chairs of .11/.15/.16, who automatically have voting rights)
Activity at the July 2002 IEEE 802 Plenary Met during all session slots available Held brief joint sessions with .11 TGg, TGh, and WNG SC Peak attendance 24 with 15 gaining voting rights (including Chairs of .11/.15/.16, who automatically have voting rights) Reasonable balance of representation across .11/.15/.16 Carl Stevenson confirmed as Chair for remainder of 2 year term Prepared 3 regulatory filings for FCC 18-02-013r0 Comments to FCC Spectrum Policy Task Force 18-02-016r0 Reply Comments in ET Docket No. 98-156 (24 GHz Part 15) 18-02-017r0 Comments on FCC WAC Proposal 115 (5 GHz) All 3 documents approved for filing with FCC by wireless WGs and SEC Carl Stevenson designated by SEC as spokesman for IEEE 802 at FCC Spectrum Policy Task Force workshops in Washington, August 2002 Opening Report 802.18 to Wireless WGs Carl R. Stevenson, Agere Systems
Report on results of August 802.18 teleconference meeting Report on significant developments in regulatory area since July 2002 Plenary Hold joint meetings with TGg, TGh, WNG SC (.15.x ???) Prepare any necessary regulatory documents Review/seek answers/respond to regulatory questions re: 802.11 update and 802.15.4 Regulatory Annex Work on 802.18 operating rules (based on recent re-write of 802.11 operating rules as a starting point) Consider/appoint?/confirm? candidates for Vice-Chair and Secretary of 802.18 “Ping” wireless WG Chairs for designation of liaisons and alternates (not all WGs have designated one or more) Objectives for Monterey InterimSeptember 2002 Carl R. Stevenson, Agere Systems
1 TAG filing with FCC 18-02-024r0f (.doc and .pdf) available on 802.18 website Reply comments of IEEE 802.18 in ET Docket No. 02-98 (2.4 GHz Amateur) Responds in general to the Comments of the ARRL, AMSAT-NA (the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation) and others Reiterates the fundamental points expressed in the comments of IEEE 802, as approved by 802.11/.15/.16 and the SEC in May Reply Comments of ARRL best characterized as dismissive Reply Comments of AMSAT show significant misconceptions Chair of 802.18 had an informal, “amateur to amateur” chat with AMSAT officials in an attempt to clear up their misunderstandings of our intent Some progress made … more knowledgeable AMSAT members in their “inner circle” actually sent e-mails supporting some of the clarifications voiced to AMSAT It may be advisable to prepare a brief ex parte presentation to the FCC in order to get it in the record of the Proceeding that some of AMSAT’s misconceptions are just that … misconceptions. (FCC indicates this proceeding not likely to be “fast track” due to heavy workload in OET with “3G” and other issues) Report on results of August 802.18 teleconference meeting Carl R. Stevenson, Agere Systems
Changes in Regulations for 2.4 GHz in the People’s Republic of China Changes (upward, favorable) to EIRP levels from previously enacted 10 mW EIRP limit Hong Kong Public Consultation on Public WLAN Services 2400 – 2483.5 MHz, 5150 – 5350 MHz, & 5725 – 5850 MHz Filing deadline Sept 15, 2002 (file comments, even if slightly late???) LMS Petition for Reconsideration Seeks delay of implementation of portions of the recent changes to 15.247 (recommend filing late-filed or ex parte opposition/comments on principle, with aim of retaining precedent of “safe harbor” provision for Part 15) ANATEL Certification Changes in Brazil Explore changes, consider action (possibly letter to ANATEL) FCC Seeks Comment on Possible Revision or Elimination of Rules Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Public Notice DA 02-2152) 802.18 will review for areas where response may be appropriate US still has no formal position on 5 GHz globally-harmonized allocation for WAS/RLANs of WRC-03, Agenda Item 1.5 (decisions could be made soon) Consider ex parte presentation to FCC, encouraging support for a position favorable to the proliferation of 802.11a+h (presentations to DoC and selected Members of Congress as well???) Report on significant developments in regulatory area since July 2002 Plenary Carl R. Stevenson, Agere Systems
Comments on Hong Kong Public Consultation on Public RLAN Services Late-filed/ex parte opposition/comments (or presentation to FCC) on LMS Petition for Reconsideration in ET Docket 99-231 (and related Petition for Rulemaking by Progeny) Letter to ANATEL (Brazil) regarding changes to certification procedures Response to FCC Inquiry on Revision/Elimination of Unnecessary Rules (Public Notice DA 02-2152), as it pertains to Part 15 Ex Parte presentation to FCC (DoC/Members of Congress???) Urging Support for US Position at WRC-03 Favorable to 5 GHz Harmonized Allocation of WRC-03 Agenda Item 1.5 Ex Parte presentation to FCC on ET 02-98 (2.4 GHz Amateur) Responses to questions on 802.11 update and 802.15.4 Reg. Annex Draft version (at least) 802.18 Operating Rules Potential Output Documents Carl R. Stevenson, Agere Systems