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Electronic Crime in Modern Business Cultures Hiram College Online Course By Roger Cram PowerPoint Presentation Atoms, Energy, and Electricity – PART III. At this point you have learned enough about electricity to start studying how criminals intercept our electronic signals.
Electronic Crime in Modern Business Cultures Hiram College Online Course By Roger Cram PowerPoint Presentation Atoms, Energy, and Electricity – PART III
At this point you have learned enough about electricity to start studying how criminals intercept our electronic signals. Source: thehackernews.com Source: onlinetaxprofessionals.blogspot.com
Car Traveling East Above the Zero MPH Line POINT B 125 miles per hour 75 miles per hour 25 miles per hour10 miles per hour ZERO miles per hour 10 miles per hour 25 miles per hour75 miles per hour 125 miles per hour POINT AZERO MPHSTOPPED POINT C POINT D Car Traveling West Below the Zero MPH Line When the car races east on the track, accelerates to 125 mph, then slows down, stops, turns around, accelerates west to 125 mph and then slows down and stops, it has completed one cycle. The amplitude is 125 mph. The frequency is one if it can complete going both directions in one second-almost impossible for a car, but easy as pie for a photon. The frequency is one cycle per second. The electrons forming an alternating electric current start traveling through a wire just like the sports car travels on a road as previously mentioned above.
Electrons Above the Zero Volts Line Travel This Direction POINT B 330 volts 225 volts 150 volts75 volts ZERO volts75 volts 150 volts225 volts 330 volts POINT AZERO MPHSTOPPED POINT C POINT D Electrons Below the Zero Volts line Travel the Opposite Direction In the example above, when the electrons in an alternating current start along a wire (POINT A), the voltage increases just like the racing car increases speed. Increasing voltage causes more electrons become the current, but the electrons do not increase their speed as did the car. When the electrical pressure reaches 330 volts (POINT B), the electrons must come to a stop before they can turn around and go the opposite direction. Remember, this is AC. Coming to a stop at PONT C, the electrons start the opposite direction in the wire until reaching 330 volts again (POINT D), after which they come to a stop and start the next cycle.
Electrons Above the Zero Volts Line Travel This Direction POINT B 330 volts 225 volts 150 volts75 volts ZERO volts75 volts 150 volts225 volts 330 volts POINT AZERO MPHSTOPPED POINT C POINT D Electrons Below the Zero Volts line Travel the Opposite Direction The voltage in the above alternating current varies between zero (when the elections come to a stop preparing to turn around and go the other way – POINTS A & C) and 330 volts (at their peak going both directions – POINTS B & D). With the voltage constantly varying, what is the average voltage? On page 131 Chapter 6 in your text Electricity DeMystified, it talks about RMS or Root-Mean-Square. RMS is a formula that averages out the voltage in an alternating current. You are not required to learn this formula. The RMS voltage for the above example is about 120 volts – just like the electricity in your home.
Does this mean the electricity in my home really peaks at 330 volts as it goes back and forth in the wire and averages out to 120 volts AC? Yes, that is true! How many times does the AC electricity in your home go back and forth, how many Hertz, what is the frequency? 60 cycles per second, 60 Hertz.
The next 5 slides are critical! Read them slowly; they are extremely important! If you understand the next 5 slides, then you will know how hackers and cybercriminals steal your secrets and money.
Critical slide 1 of 5 CRITICAL FACT 1 - Any time an electric current flows in a wire; it creates an associated electromagnetic field. A steady voltage DC current creates a steady electromagnetic field around the wire.
Critical slide 2 of 5 CRITICAL FACT 2 - Any time an ALTERNATING electric current flows in a wire; it creates an associated ALTERNATING electromagnetic field. The higher the voltage during the alternating cycles (peaks of sign wave) the stronger the associated electromagnetic field. Source: Scienceforums.net
Critical slide 3 of 5 Zero Volts, Zero Current When the alternating current is at its peak, the associated magnetic field is at its peak as well; when the alternating current reaches zero volts (at its stopping points where it turns around and reverses direction), the associated electromagnetic field is at zero as well.
Critical slide 4 of 5 Here is the amazing thing that happens! CRITICAL FACT 3 - When an alternating current in a wire creates an alternating electromagnetic field, that alternating electromagnetic field LEAVES THE WIRE AND TRAVELS THROUGH SPACE AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT! Source: wallpapers-hq-ru
An artist’s conception of a photon as an electromagnetic wave. What is an electrometric wave? Visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, television waves, cell phone waves, ultraviolet, infrared, x-rays, radar, etc. Source: cyberphysics.co.uk
Critical slide 5 of 5 CRITICAL FACT 4 – When an alternating electromagnetic field traveling through space at the speed of light crosses a conductor (wire, metal, antenna, etc.), IT CREATES A SIMILARLY ALTERNATING CURRENT IN THAT CONDUCTOR. Electromagnetic waves leaving awire (antenna) and traveling through spaceat the speed of light. Wire (antenna) with alternating current creating electromagnetic waves that leavethe wire and travel throughspace at the speed of light. Electromagnetic field traveling through space crossing a wire (antenna) and creates an alternating electric current in that antenna. Source: inovateus.net
When you use your larynx to speak it vibrates the air in the varying frequencies of your voice. These vibrations (sound) enter your cell phone as you talk to your father. Your cell phone microphone takes the sound of your voice and embeds it into an alternating current. This alternating current oscillates (travels back and forth) in your cell phone’s antenna creating an electromagnetic field (wave) that is also embedded with your voice. This alternating electromagnetic wave leaves your cell phone antenna and travels through space at the speed of light. A cell phone tower ten miles away from you has an antenna on it (conductor). The electromagnetic wave coming from your cell phone antenna (embedded with your voice) passes over the cell phone tower antenna. This electromagnetic wave creates an alternating electric current in the cell tower antenna. This created alternating current is also embedded with your voice. This alternating current travels through land wires to a cell phone tower antenna 2,000 miles away only five miles from your father. As this alternating current oscillates in the cell phone tower antenna, it creates an electromagnetic wave that leaves the cell phone tower antenna and travels through space at the speed of light. Your father’s cell phone has an antenna built into it (conductor). The electromagnetic wave coming from the cell phone tower antenna (embedded with your voice) passes over the antenna in your father’s cell phone where it creates an alternating electric current. This alternating electric current goes to your father’s cell phone speaker where it oscillates in the identical frequency of your voice. Your father’s cell phone speaker has a diaphragm that electrically vibrates the air using the same frequencies your larynx used when you originally spoke into your phone. Your father hears your voice.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form. The energy from the sun helped grow vegetables. This energy was stored in the vegetables. You ate the vegetables where the stored energy from the sun entered your body. When you spoke to your father on your cell phone the energy from the vegetables was used to operate your brain and move your larynx. Your larynx used chemical and electrical energy from your muscles and nerves to vibrate the air. The negatively charged electrons in the outer orbits of your larynx repelled the negativelycharged electrons in the outer orbits of the air. The negatively charged electrons in the air repelled the electrons in the outer orbits of more air atoms carrying the sound of your voice (vibrations) to your cell phone’s microphone. The negatively charged electrons in the air atoms repelled the negatively charged atoms on your cell phone’s microphone where they were changed into electrical energy by starting an alternating flow of electrons in the same frequency as your voice. This alternating current entered your cell phone’s antenna where it created an electromagnetic field the same frequency as your voice which theft the cell phone antenna and traveled through space at the speed of light.
Notice the lower the frequency, the longer the wavelength; the higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength. How far along a wire does an alternating electric current travel at the speed of light? Remember the racing car? Down the wire and back = one wavelength. The longer the wavelength the farther the current travels. Source: Johncarlosbaes.wordpress.com
We use electromagnetic waves to store our data, communicate with others, transmit proprietary information, utilize our user names and passwords, share our corporate secrets, transfer money between bank accounts, pay employees, invest our securities, purchase goods and services with our credit card numbers, guide our missiles and fly our drone aircraft, coordinate and activate our military, operate our computers, spy on foreign governments and terrorist organizations, and millions of other applications. All this information is sent out into the atmosphere in the form of electrometric waves that can be intercepted and utilized by almost anyone; even hackers and cyber criminals.
What Do I Need To Know From This Lesson – Atoms, Energy, and Electrons Part III? • Any time an electric current flows in a wire; it creates an associated electromagnetic field. A steady voltage DC current creates a steady electromagnetic field around the wire. • Any time an ALTERNATING electric current flows in a wire; it creates an associated ALTERNATING electromagnetic field. • When an alternating current in a wire creates an alternating electromagnetic field, that alternating electromagnetic field LEAVES THE WIRE AND TRAVELS THROUGH SPACE AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT! • When an alternating electromagnetic field traveling through space at the speed of light crosses a conductor (wire, metal, antenna, etc.), IT CREATES A SIMILARLY ALTERNATING CURRENT IN THAT CONDUCTOR.
Electronic Crime in Modern Business Cultures Hiram College Online Course By Roger Cram PowerPoint Presentation The End of Atoms, Energy, and Electricity – PART III Next week Atoms, Energy, and Electricity Part IV