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Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah’s Foreign Policy

Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah’s Foreign Policy . Prepared and presented by : Mbark ERRAJI. Outline. Introduction Mohammad III Foreign Policy as a Part of the Reform Policy The Two Major Trends in Mohammad Ben Abdullah’s Policy The Internal Policy The Foreign Policy

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Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah’s Foreign Policy

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  1. Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah’s Foreign Policy Prepared and presented by : Mbark ERRAJI

  2. Outline • Introduction • Mohammad III Foreign Policy as a Part of the Reform Policy • The Two Major Trends in Mohammad Ben Abdullah’s Policy • The Internal Policy • The Foreign Policy • The Confrontation Policy • The Blockade of Mellila • The Battle of El Jadida • The Battle of Larache “lexus” • The Peace Policy • Diplomatic Relations with the Moslem World • Diplomatic Relations with the Western World • Relations with The North African Regencies • Tunis • Tripoli • Algeirs • Diplomatic Relations with the Western World • Relations with France • Relations with Spain • Relations with The United States • Conclusion

  3. I.Introduction The period following the death of Moulay Ismail was chaotic which lasted for more than thirty years (1727-1757).It witnessed, almost, a total absence of the states 'authority. Besides, It was known of the weakness of the Moroccan economy and a severe decrease in its revenues. By the beginning of the mid 18th century, the situation changed slightly towards a better position by the coming of the Sultan Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah(19757-1790). He started to execute a new policy which was based on modernizing the political , economic and social life. That is to say , he brought new financial sources rather than the ones the the state was relying on during the precedent period. His Long term vision was based on opening the country towards European and Moslem countries. In deed, this played the vital role in spreading the image of a strong nation situated on the west of North Africa called Morocco.

  4. II- Mohammad III Foreign Policy as a Part of the Reform Policy After the death of the Moroccan Sultan Moulay Ismail, Morocco was at the heart of a political and economic crisis that lasted for thirty years . The state was in a situation of chaos. Hence, it’s sovereignty on the whole country was limited .The Moroccan economy was weak and this has influenced trade and Agricultural revenues. This situation remained till the coming of Sultan Mohammad Ben Abdullah who lead a reform policy which influenced two major fields: 1-The Internal Policy 2-The Foreign Policy

  5. III-The Two Major Trends in Mohammad Ben Abdullah’s Policy 1-The Internal Policy SidiMohamad Ben Abdullah brought back the stability to the political life. He benefited from the tribal confrontations and called for Arabic and Berber tribes to support him in his military campaign against « Al Boukhari Army » . He provided new financial resources to the Moroccan economy by issuing taxation and assuring land and maritime trade ways.

  6. 2-The Foreign Policy • He Signed many peace and trade treaties with many foreign countries . • He exchanged diplomatic embassies with many European and Moslem countries. • He opened the Moroccan ports for international trade and shipping in both costal sides (Mediterranean and Atlantic) • The corsair activities were reduced . • Exportation and importation increased.

  7. IV- The Confrontation Policy • This policy was tended by Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah for many reasons. • The Geo-strategic site of Morocco at the meeting point of two big seas (the Atlantic and the Mediterranean). "... فالدولة المجاورة للبحر تدعوها الضرورة والحاجة لاتخاذ السفن الماخرة من تجارة بازركانية قرصانيه...” الاتحاف لابن زيدان.ص256 The stats that is near the sea is obliged by means of need and necessity to obtain strong ships for a corsair trade Ibn zaidan,Al Ithaf(p:256) • The nearness of the country from the European continent . • Political religious reasons . • The Decrease in the financial revenues. "...تعطل بما كان يستفاد من المداخيل والمحاصيل وانقطاع خوف امم البحار... " الاتحاف لابن زيدان.ص257-256 « …The decrease in incomes, agricultural yields and the end of European nations’fear… » Ibn zaidan,Al Ithaf(p:256-257)

  8. To meet these goals, Mohamad III renewed the Moroccan fleet and made a great amendments on the Moroccan navy .This was by bringing new war equipments such as : warships , guns, artillery…. "...فقد بلغ في دولته عشرين كبارا من المربع .وثلاثين من الفراكط والغلائط وبلغ رؤساء البحرية ستسن رئيسا كلها بمراكبها وبحريتها وبلغ من عسكر البحرية الفا من المشارقة وثلاثة آلاف من المغاربة. ومن الطبجية الفين.وبلغ عسكره من العبيد عشرة آلاف ومن الاحرار سبعة آلاف .اما عسكر القبائل الذي كان يغزو مع الجند فمن الحوز ثمانية الاف الغرب سبعة الاف ... " الاستقصا في اخبار دول المغرب الاقصى ,للناصري,ص « During his rule there was twenty of squared and thirty of frigates and galleys. The number of captains was sixty with their ships and seamen. Moreover, the navy army was divided to one thousand of the Easterns and one thousand of the Moroccans. The battery soldiers were two thousand. His army was of ten thousand of slaves and seven thousand of free men .however, the tribal soldiers that often raided with the Army were eight thousand of Alhawz and seven thousand of Algharb».

  9. This resulted in extending the Corsair’s activities against the European shipping in the Mediterranean . "...دوخهم في البحر وغنم منهم غنائم كثيرة ..وتكاثرت سفنه في البحر ...وهدا ماجعل ملوك الافرنج وطواغيتهم يهابونه... " الاستقصا في اخبار دول المغرب الاقصى.لناصري .ص He and loot much trophies….His ships multiplied in the sea….This made the ”ifranj“ kings and dispots to be frightned from him. ”…هابته ملوك الافرنج وطواغيتهم ووفدت عليه رسلهم بالهدايا والتحف يطالبون مسالمته في البحر بلغ دلك رحمه الله بسياسته وعلو همته حتى عمت مسالمته النصارى كلهم الا المسكوب ...ووضف عليهم الوضائف فالزموها وكانو يؤدونها كل سنة...وكانوا يستجلبون مرضاته بالهدايا والالطاف وكل ما يقدرونوكل ما لايقدرون عليه ومهما كتب الى طاغية في امر اسرع اليه ولو كان محرما في دينه .ويحتال قضاء الاغراض منهم بكل وجه احبو ام كرهوا... " الاستقصا في اخبار دول المغرب الاقصى.لناصري .ص70 « ... The”ifranj“kings and dispots were frightned from him.They sent their messengers carrying presents and gifts to ask him to sign a peace treaties with them. He reached this with his policy and high mettle , till that he signed peace treaties with all christians except the Russaians….He oblige them to pay tribute and they sticked to pay it every year…and they tried to please him by presents and by any thing that they could afford and what they couldn’t. whenever he wrote to a dispot in a certain matter, he hurry to make it even if it was prohibated in his religion… »

  10. 1- TheBlockade of Mellila • After being crowned, Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah decided to liberate all occupied Moroccan territories either by means of peace or war . • He sent his ambassador « Ahmed Al ghaz’al » went to Spain to meet the Spanish king Carlos III to liberate Moslem captives there. • The Spanish king sent back his ambassador to Morocco « J.Jouan ». • The signing of the Moroccan Spanish peace treaty in1767. • The Moroccan Sultan sent a letter to the Spanish king telling him that he will try all possible ways to liberate Septa. Mlillia and the other occupied Algerian territories (Ohran ) in response to the religious implications.

  11. ان رعايانا ,وباتفاق مع اتراك الجزائر ,وهم لايقبلون باي حال من الاحوال ان يروا الاسبان على السواحل المغربية من سبتة الى وهران,,,واننا اخذنا بعين الاعتبار رجائهم وسنقاتل ضد المعسكرات الاسبانية حتى يقضي الله بيننا عبد الهادي التازي,المجلد رقم 9 • The Moroccan Army blockade the city of Mlillia and its fort. This blockade continues for more than three months. • In 19 March 1775, Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah cease fire with the Spanish army . What happened? And why did the Sultan stop the blockade ? • Stories differ from one historical reference to an other . • According to the western sources , the blockade failed because of the weakness of the Moroccan Sultan and Army • According to Abd Alhadi At’tazzi this was simply a result of the betrayal Of the Algerian Turks. علاوة على نجاح اسبانيا في منع وصول المواد الحربية...نجد داي الجزائر محمد عصمان باشا ومعه اتراك الجزائر يخذلون السلطان محمد بن عبد الله بعد ان كانوا اتفقوا معه بالامس على مساندته في تصفية الاحتلال الاسباني من سبتة الى وهران! عبد الهادي التازي,المجلد رقم 9

  12. 2- The Blockade of El Jadida(1768) • After theCeasefire took place between Morocco and Spain, Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah felt the danger that is represented by the Portuguese occupation of El Jadida . • The Moroccan Army blockade the city of El Jadida • In one month and ten days time , the Moroccan battery fired the city of El Jadida by more than 1000 bombs • The Moroccan Army attacked the city and embarked in a huge battle with the Portuguese one . • After being lost, the Portuguese army submitted to the Moroccan sultan and asked him for three days truce to withdraw their troops and military equipments .

  13. . www.eljadida.ma/galerie_photo_el_jadida/image...

  14. 3- The Battle of Larache • The extension of the Moroccan corsair's activities against the French Shipping in the Mediterranean . • In 1765 Moroccan corsairs seized the French ship « La Sirene » and dragged it to the Larach’s harbor. • As a revenge, the French navy attacked two of the Moroccan ports(Salee and Rabat). • Their attack failed under a strong Moroccan resistance. “ولما لم يحصلوا على طائل قلعوا وانصرفوا ” « …They got nothing. Then, they went away… » • At the same year, they renew their attack and fire the harbor of « Larache» and the French ship « La Sirene ». • The Moroccan navy fought them and they were forced to withdraw their troops. • Many of the French troops were killed and 50 of them were captives.

  15. V- The Peace Policy • Mohamad The Third tended this policy for political ,economic and security reasons. • The need for peaceful relations with his neighbors to build a stability in the political life. • The economic situation in Morocco in the 18th century required new revenues that with the Europeans will provide it. • The Sultan engaged in a huge reforms where national security was an essential factor .

  16. 1- Diplomatic Relations with The Mosleme World Relations with this part of the world were based on the religious concept of solidarity and Jihad. Therefore, It was very justified to see the Moroccan Ambassadors in more than one Moslem country illustrating the notion of cooperation and alliance. Among these, the Othman Empire and the North African regencies were supposed to take an advanced position in the Moroccan diplomacy.

  17. 2- Relations with the Othman Empire • The first initiative in the 18th century was held by Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah. • In March 1765, he sent two well known figures in Morocco: Al haj Att’aher Bennani and Abdallah Alkhiat to congratulate the Othman Sultan « Mustapha The Third » for being throned. • May 1783, the Othman sultan was upset of the visit of the ambassador « Mohamad Ben Abdelmalik » to Austria. • At the same year, Sidi Mohamad sent his Ambassador « Taher Al Fanish » to explain the situation to the Othman sultan. • The Russian Othman war was one of the main issues of the Moroccan diplomacy towards the Othman Empire.

  18. In 1785, the ambassadors Al Amin Abd alkarim Ala’awni ,Abdelaziz Assanhaji and Mohamad Ezzwin Al rahmani went to Istanbul to deliver a letter from Sidi Mohamad to the Othman Sultan about the defeat of the Algerian Turks. “ان لم تدفع ضررهم عن المسلمين فدعني واياهم” «If you won’t stop them from harming Moslems ,so just let me deal with them» • The Othman Sultan asked Sidi Mohamad to intervene between him and the Bashaw of Algiers to make him conform to the peace treaty that was signed between Spain and the Othman Empire. ...ان اهل الجزائر ان فعلوا مع جنس الاصبنيول الصلح الذي امرهم به السلطان العثماني نصره الله صلحا تاما كيف امرهم فبركات الله تعالى وان لم يفعلوا فنوجه عشرة فراكيط من فراكيطنا الجهادية لباب مرسىالجزائر. عبد الهادي التازي ص46 ”If Algerians comformed to the peace treaty as the Othman Sultan ordered them ,may God make him prevail,with all its conditions, this will be good. However, if they do not, we will send ten frigates of our Jihadi frigates towards the Algeirs’harbpur…“ • The Othman sultan was afraid of the naval power that the Moroccan sultan has which can allow him to occupy Algiers.

  19. 3- Relationswith The NorthAfricanRegencies a.Tunis • The relation between Morocco and Tunis was friendly at most of the time and was based on cooperation and solidarity. ”حاضرة افريقية“ دوما متسمة بالمجاملة والود المتبادل, وقد ضلت علاقة المغرب بتونس ,, عبد الهادي التازي,التاريخ الدبلوماسي للمغرب,المجلد رقم The relation between Morocco and Tunis(The Capital of Ifriquia) was always characterized by amiability and courtesy Abdulhadi Attazi, The Diplomatic History of Morocco • Among the examples of cooperation and solidarity , there is the letter of Mohamad The Third to Louis15 the was held by the ambassador Ahmad AL Ghaz’al. In this letter the Moroccan sultan threatened the French king of declaring war on France if he keeps his attacks on Tunis. • The Moroccan Ambassadors were always received generously by the Bashaof Tunis in their way to Istanbul. • Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah always supported Tunis in disasters and starvation.

  20. b.Tripoli • The relation was more friendly with Tripoli than other North African regencies • This friendship dates back to the visit of the Sultan when he was young companying his mother to the pilgrimage. • The privileged stance that Tripoli used to take in Moroccan diplomacy in the 18th century is shown in one of the important articles of the Moroccan French peace treaty(1767).In this Article the Moroccan state prevent the French fleet from attacking the Tripolitan regency. • An other incident that strengthened the Moroccan Tripolitan relations was the sultan’s intervention between Tripoli and the United States. • The notion of solidarity had a part in these relations especially when it comes to food supplies during the dry seasons.

  21. c.Algeirs • Different from the other regencies, Algiers's relations with Morocco were characterized by conflict. • Algerian Turks always show a kind of defeat to the Moroccan sultan. • The Algerian desire of extending over the Moroccan territories was one of the factors that prevented the progress of these relations. • Hosting of the prince Molay Al yazid when he was revolting on his father.

  22. Initiating Moroccan Marabouts from the Abi Al ja’ad zawia to rebel against the Mohamad The Third. • This didn’t prevent Morocco from signing a treaty with Algiers that protect Moroccan Algerian trade ships and corsairs . " ان القراصنة الجزائريين اذاماهاجموا احدى السفن ولجاوا الى احدى الموانئ المغربية فان الحماية المغربية تشملهم وكل مافي السفينة فهو لهم ,لكن اذا حصل ان كان الماسورون الذين ينتمون الى احدى الدول التي لها علاقة بالمغرب فان السلطان يتكلف بشرائهم مادامو فوق التراب المغربي,واذا رفض القرصان تسليمهم فان السلطان يقوم بمبادلتهم باسرى مسلمين " الاتحاف لابن زيدان.ص256 "If the Algerian corsairs attack a given ship and come to a given Moroccan harbor, they are under the Moroccan protection and every thing in the ship belongs to them. However, if the captives are citizens of a country that have relations with Morocco, so the Sultan is responsible of buying them as they are on a Moroccan soil. Moreover, if the corsair refuses to hand the captives to him, the sultan exchanges them with Moslems ". Ibn zaidan,Al Ithaf(p:256)

  23. 4- Diplomatic Relations with the Western World This diplomatic policy towards the western world was tended by the Moroccan Sultan in order to open the state for new economic opportunities( trade, investments …).Furthermore, Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah, to some extent, decided to put an end to corsairs activities that were taking place in the Mediterranean. This allowed him to begin in building the new modern Morocco. .

  24. a. Relations with France • The first initiative in these relations was held by Morocco in 1765 under the demand of France . • The Ambassador Ali Marsil Arrubatti went to Paris to take the ransom of the French captives in Morocco. • In 1766, Conte De Breigom leaded the French Diplomats to negotiate the peace treaty . …" وقدمت رسلهم الى مراكش بهداياهم,,,فاجابهم ايده الله الى ما طلبوه من عقد الصلح و المهادنة بعدمابذلو عدة وافرة من الاموال"… 255 ابن زيدان الاتحاف,ص « …Their Embassadors came to Marrakech with gifts….He ,may god support him, accepted signing a peace treaty,after that they paid a lot of money… » Ibn zaidan,Al Ithaf(p:255)

  25. In 1767, the peace treaty with France was signed. • In 1777, The Moroccan embassador Taher lfanish went to France with the crew of the French ship « La Louise » which sinked infront of the cost of Cap Bojador. بكل اسير من ايالتنا من النصارى ايا كان ففداؤه مسلم راسا براس وان لم يكن عندهم مسلمون فمائة ريال فداؤه لاغير عبد الهادي التازي,التاريخ الدبلوماسي للمغرب “ Each christian captive in our regency have to be exchanged with one moslem on an equal basis.however, if they have not a mosleme one , the amount of ransom would be 100 rial no more… “

  26. b. Relations with Spain • The first treaty was signed in 1767. • The Moroccan sultan wasn’t satisfied with its articles and he waged war against spain. • In 1757, the blockade of Mlillia failed and the moroccan sultan was convinced to negotiate with the Spanish Embassador « J.Juan ». • In 1779 Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah sent his embassador Mohamad Ben Othman to Madrid to ransom the Mosleme captives in Spain. • In 1780, The Moroccan Sultan signed the new peace teaty with Spain . • Mohamad The Third’s disicion was based on his belief that the country needs to limit its enmies and look for a better economic relations with the Spanish kingdom . • This treaty couraged trade between spain and Morocco and spanish ships harboured regulary on the Moroccan ports.

  27. c. Relations with The United States • One of the vital factors that leaded to these relations was assuring safe sailing for American ships in the Mediteranean. • The reduction f the Moroccan corsair’s activities since Morocco have signed peace treaties with the majority of the European . • In 1777, Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah recognize the American independence. • In 1778,he sent his embassador Taher Alfanish to Madrid to negociate peace treaties with spain and other nations.Among them there was the United States. • In 1779, Mohamad the Third appoint the French merchant E.A.Caillé as a consul of the forign countries that don’t have consuls. • The American diplomacy failed in convincing European countries to intervent btween the United states and the « Barbary Powers ». • This was understood by the Moroccan Sultan as an American neglection to the Moroccan rights in tribute .

  28. In 1783, the Moroccan navy seized the American ship « the Betsey ». • The American Congress appoint J.Francklin, Thomas Jeferson and Jhon Adams to negociate for a peace treaty with Morocco • After negotiation with the American comissioner Thomas Barclay Morocco signed the peace and freindship treaty in 1786 in Marrakech. • This treaty opened the moroccan ports for the American trade . • The Moroccan economy and trade benifited from the taxation that was paid on American products entering to Morocco. • This revived the Atlantic costal side of Morocco .

  29. VI- Conclusion When exploring the period of Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah, it is obvious to admit that this Moroccan Emperor, as the western diplomats used to call him, was one of the glorious kings of his dynasty. • He renewed the political, economic and military arenas. • He succeeded in making Morocco, by means of international trade, a link between four continents( Africa, Asia , North America and Europe). However, it is ,also, worthy to note that these reforms initiated the European intervention in more on Moroccan internal affaires. • Sidi Mohamad Ben Abdullah left a very rich diplomatic legacy to his son Moulay Alyazid who will have to deal with a very complicated network of Moroccan foreign relations. • The European intervention will extend in Morocco due to some gaps in the peace treaties signed during his rule.

  30. References عبدالرحمان ابن زيدان" الاتحاف في اعلام الناس".الطبعة الثانية.الرباط 1990 عبد الهادي التازي" التاريخ الدبلوماسي للمغرب من اقدم العصور الى اليوم.عهد العلويين".المجلد الاول .مطابع فضالة المحمدية 1986 عبد الهادي التازي" التاريخ الدبلوماسي للمغرب من اقدم العصور الى اليوم.عهد العلويين".المجلد التاسع .مطابع فضالة المحمدية 1986 احمد بن خالد الناصري"الاستقصا في اخبار دول المغرب الاقصي".دار الكتاب البيضاء.الجزء السابع.1956-1954 جامعة مولاي علي الشريف.الدورة العاشرة."السياسة الخارجبة في عهد السلطان سيدي محمد بن عبد الله"مساهمة محمد المراني العلوي.مركز الدراسات والبحوث العلوية,الريصاني.1991 جامعة مولاي علي الشريف.الدورة الثالثة."الثغور المغربية والاتفاق المغربي الاسباني لسنة 1767"مساهمة حسن الفيكيكي .مركز الدراسات والبحوث العلوية,الريصاني2001 جامعة مولاي علي الشريف.الدورة العاشرة."العلاقات المغربية الفرنسية في عهد السلطان سيدي محمد بن عبد الله"مساهمة لطيفة الفيلالي.مركز الدراسات والبحوث العلوية,الريصاني2001 محمد الراجي."العلاقات المغربية الامريكية من مفهوم التعاون الى التحالف الاستراتيجي" بحث لنيل دبلوم الماستر في شعبة "الدبلوماسية المغربية".كلية العلوم القانونية و الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية سلا.جامعة محمد الخامس.الرباط www.eljadida.ma/galerie_photo_el_jadida/image

  31. Thank you very much for your attention

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