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Report on the Mandates Validation Exercise and Proposed Methodology for Their Prioritization

Report on the Mandates Validation Exercise and Proposed Methodology for Their Prioritization. Background. Results of the Mandate Screening Exercise Conducted by the CAAP. 1,349 mandates. MANDATES. COMMITTEE. CAJP. CSH. CIDI. CAAP. CEAM. SUMMITS. TOTAL. In effect. 207. 190. 139. 72.

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Report on the Mandates Validation Exercise and Proposed Methodology for Their Prioritization

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  1. Report on the Mandates Validation Exercise and Proposed Methodology for Their Prioritization

  2. Background

  3. Results of the Mandate Screening Exercise Conducted by the CAAP 1,349 mandates

  4. MANDATES COMMITTEE CAJP CSH CIDI CAAP CEAM SUMMITS TOTAL In effect 207 190 139 72 21 20 649 Expired 126 48 53 228 2 8 465 Duplicated 126 38 20 2 39 225 Not mandates 3 1 1 5 Procedure 3 1 1 5 TOTAL 465 277 214 302 23 68 1,349 Distribution of Mandates by Permanent Council Committee

  5. Results of the Validation Exercise

  6. TOTAL % MANDATES INITIAL RESULT INITIAL RESULT CAAP WGs CAAP WGs In effect 649 675 48.1% 26.8% Duplicated 225 409 16.7% 16.3% Expired 465 473 34.5% 18.8% Not a mandate 5 132 0.4% 5.2% Procedure 5 70 0.4% 2.8% Fulfilled 0 485 0.0% 19.3% Returned 0 243 0.0% 9.7% Other 0 29 0.0% 1.2% TOTAL 1,349 2,516 100.0% 100.0% Results of the validation exercise conducted by the Working Groups

  7. CAJP CIDI CAAP CSH CG CEAM CISC TOTAL % MANDATES INITIAL RESULT INITIAL RESULT INITIAL RESULT INITIAL RESULT INITIAL RESULT INITIAL RESULT INITIAL RESULT INICTAL RESULT INITIAL RESULT CAAP WGs CAAP WGs CAAP WGs CAAP WGs CAAP WGs CAAP WGs CAAP WGs CAAP WGs CAAP WGs In effect 207 147 139 209 72 59 190 108 0 108 21 0 20 44 649 675 48.1% 26.8% Duplicated 126 174 20 43 2 2 38 38 0 87 0 0 39 65 225 409 16.7% 16.3% Expired 126 3 53 107 228 276 48 56 0 12 2 0 8 19 465 473 34.5% 18.8% Not mandate 3 6 1 76 0 9 1 30 0 2 0 0 0 9 5 132 0.4% 5.2% Procedure 3 1 1 24 0 3 0 16 0 23 0 0 1 3 5 70 0.4% 2.8% Fulfilled 0 392 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 0 0 0 7 0 485 0.0% 19.3% Returned 0 173 0 46 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 243 0.0% 9.7% Other 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 29 0.0% 1.2% TOTAL 465 896 214 533 302 349 277 267 0 318 23 0 68 153 1,349 2,516 100.0% 100.0% Results of the Working Groups’ Validation Exercise by Permanent Council Committee and CIDI

  8. COMMITTEES AVERAGE MANDATES TOPICS CP/CIDI MANDATES/TOPIC CSH 108 19 5.7 CIDI 209 12 17.4 CG 108 12 9.0 CAAP 59 7 8.4 CISC 44 6 7.3 CAJP 147 5 29.4 TOTAL 675 61 11.1 Mandates in effect and topics by Permanent Council committee and CIDI

  9. Thematic distribution of mandates in effect by Permanent Council committee and CIDI

  10. Thematic distribution of mandates in effect by Permanent Council Committee and CIDI

  11. Thematic distribution of mandates in effect by Permanent Council committee and CIDI

  12. Proposed Methodology

  13. AÑO RESOLUCION MANDATO TEMA 3.- Reconocer la importancia de promover los principios, valores y prácticas de la cultura democrática, y solicitar a la Secretaría General “Promoción y Fortalecimiento de la que continúe apoyando este objetivo a través de programas de capacitación para promover los principios, valores y prácticas de la cultura Democracia: Seguimiento de la Carta democrática, de acuerdo con los artículos 26 y 27 de la Carta Democrática Interamericana, así como para mejorar el conocimiento, EDUCACION 2012 Democrática Interamericana” AG/RES. difundir los preceptos y promover la práctica de este instrumento interamericano en los países del hemisferio. Asimismo, encomendar a la 2705 (XLII-O/12) Secretaría General que continúe apoyando al Consejo Permanente y a los Estados Miembros, que lo soliciten, en la ejecución del Programa Interamericano sobre Educación en Valores y Prácticas Democráticas 43 a. Solicitar a la Secretaría General de la OEA que, en colaboración con los Estados Miembros y de conformidad con los recursos financieros disponibles y las normas y procedimientos aplicables en la materia: a) Promueva una mayor participación de los y las jóvenes Declaration of Medellín: Youth and en las actividades establecidas en el marco del Programa Interamericano sobre Educación en Valores y Prácticas Democráticas de la OEA, EDUCACION 2008 Democratic Values AG/DEC. 57 (XXXVIIIO/ el cual contribuye al fortalecimiento de la cultura democrática a través de la educación formal y no formal, al desarrollo y fortalecimiento 08) de metodologías pedagógicas con este propósito, a la promoción de una cultura de respeto a los derechos humanos y la paz con un enfoque de equidad e interculturalidad, y a la promoción de la cooperación horizontal y el intercambio de experiencias entre las diversas instancias que trabajan en este tema en los ámbitos internacional, regional, nacional y subnacional o local, según sea el caso; SEGUNDA REUNIÓN DE MINISTROS Y ALTAS AUTORIDADES DE DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE EN EL ÁMBITO DEL CIDI- Declaración de 20. Extender la vigencia del Programa Interamericano para el Desarrollo Sostenible (PIDS) por el período 2010-2014 e instar a la Comisión DESARROLLO 2010 Santo Domingo para el Desarrollo Interamericana para el Desarrollo Sostenible (CIDS) a que inicie un proceso de revisión y actualización del PIDS, tomando en cuenta la SOSTENIBLE sostenible de las Américas AG/RES. 2644 evaluación del mismo presentada a los Estados Miembros y las decisiones previstas en esta Declaración. (XLI-O/11) OEA/Ser.K/XVIII.2 CIDI/RIMDS- II/DEC.1/10 “A” priority mandates.- These are mandates to strengthen or implement programs and are defined as a set of actions and/or activities to be carried out in order to attain a specific objective and which shape and give meaning to the lines or core themes defined by each Committee of the Permanent Council and CIDI

  14. “B” priority mandates.- Mandates comprising activities designed to reach a given goal or to work effectively

  15. “C” priority mandates.- Mandates that provide political and/or administrative support to the activities of the various functional areas of the Organization, in order to help achieve expected outcomes, as well as mandates to detect and anticipate the financing requirements of a program or activity and at the same time seek alternative sources of financing that can get the job done as efficiently as possible.

  16. Proposed actions to take next

  17. The CAAP respectfully requests the Permanent Council to: 1.- Approve the mandate validation exercise conducted by the Working Groups . 2.- Arrange for that exercise to constitute the inventory of mandates to be subsequently updated and the basis for prioritization. 2.- Approve the classification by topic for the purposes of prioritization at a later stage. 3.- Instruct the CAAP, working together with the General Secretariat, to present a study regarding mandates prior to the period covered in this analysis. 4.- Take note of the presentation of the methodology suggested by the CAAP for prioritizing mandates, for subsequent review by that political organ.

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