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21 Ways to Attract Customers with Magnetic Content offers an extensive list of ideas for giving your website the power to pull in an audience and engage, inspire and bring them back.
Magnetism. The force of attraction. Your website— the HQ of your marketing— must have attractive power • Power to “pull” visitors in • Power to keep them there • Power to inspire sharing • Power to bring them back
Content marketing Content marketing The process of creating and delivering valuable content to your target customers.
More content marketing, more growth. On average, B2B marketers employ eight different content marketing tactics 90% expect to grow their business through content marketing Source: Content Marketing Institute & Marketing Profs survey of over 1,000 marketers
[1] Stories Tales must be told Discoveries Anecdotes Case studies Interesting experiences Live and learn Historical context 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[2] Comparisons For better or worse Product vs. product Before & after He said, she said Old way, new way Pros & cons 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[3] Mistakes No-no’s you need to know Things to avoid Ways to fail Dangers Myths 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[4] Interviews Let someone else get a word in Interview an expert Round-up opinions Man on the street Ask your audience Client point of view 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[5] Instructions Teach me something How to’s Shortcuts “Secrets” Tutorials Recipes 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[6] Demonstrations Show and tell time Video lesson Product in use Screen shots Highlights Test results 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[7] Examples Play a few bars Types Photos Best of’s Worst of’s Proven ideas 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[8] Stupid truths Brilliantly obvious “Yogi” quotes Believe it or not Oxymorons Ironic truisms Surprises 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[9] Exposés Got some good dirt? Scandals Secret plots Lies Reckless reporting Busts 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[10] Threats Proceed with caution Bad advice Dangerous territory Outdated ideas Upcoming changes New rules 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[11] Findings Look what I found! Test results Research Solutions Rare footage Busted myths 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[12] Familiar references Borrowed interest Celebrity connections Historical milestones Fact meets fiction Events & occasions Places 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[13] Scores Got some game? Competitions Rankings Financials Recaps World records 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[14]Reasons What do you think? Why to do things Don’t waste your time with... Considerations Justifications Explanations 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[15] Humor The best medicine Funny stories Satire Jokes & riddles Bloopers Life... 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[16] Applications How do you use this thing? Creative use cases Different combinations Varieties Real world examples 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[17] Quotes It’s been said... Famous quotes Famous people Foot-in-the-mouth Panel interviews Words of wisdom 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[18] Opinions Everybody’s got one Reviews Opposing views Editorials Proposals 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[19] Lessons Learn something new Wrong & right Profiles of pros Experiments Glossaries Best practices Good habits 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[20] News Now hear this... Breaking stories Opinion pieces New products Events Trends Sports angles 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
[21] Lists Numbers rule Tips Ideas Sequences Must-haves Alternatives Name it & number it 21WAYS TO ATTRACT CUSTOMERS WITH MAGNETICCONTENT
Content marketing TURNITON
Point your browser to FeldmanCreative.com for all your online marketing needs. Owner Barry Feldman has been a copywriter and creative director since 1988. A seasoned storyteller, Barry will help you create ultra- magnetic content and offer pointers to sharpen your site, attract and engage prospects, nurture relationships, generate sales, and build loyal brand advocates. I wrote this stuff for you. ‣ Free pointers at Feldman Creative ‣ Barry’s blog ‣ Additional SlideShare resources ‣ Articles on Social Media Today