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Scott Eddins Mathematics Coordinator Tennessee Department of Education Scott.Eddins@state.tn.us (615) 741-3043. African Proverb: The Race at Sunrise. Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows that it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Scott Eddins Mathematics Coordinator Tennessee Department of Education Scott.Eddins@state.tn.us (615) 741-3043
African Proverb: The Race at Sunrise Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows that it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. The moral: It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you had better be running.
“How we educate our children in the future will be more important than how much we educate them.” • Thomas Friedman • World is Flat (2.0) 2006
Employment 1970’s High Skill Low Skill
Employment 1990’s High Skill Low Skill Semi Skill
Employment 2010 High Skill Low Skill Semi Skill
MSP GRANTS • Mathematics & Science Partnership Grants • Improve teacher content knowledge • Use scientifically based research • Partners IHEs with high need school systems
Standards & CurriculumA View from the Nation • Research study in Park City, Utah July, 2004 • Joint report by NCTM & ASSM • Coded curriculum standards nationwide
Understanding: • Is motivating. • Promotes more understanding. • Promotes memory. • Influences beliefs. • Promotes the development of autonomous learners. • Enhances transfer. • Reduces the amount that must be remembered. (Lambdin 2003)
How Difficult is this item? In what year did the battle of Gettysburg take place? a. 1861 b. 1862 c. 1863 d. 1864
How Difficult is this item? In what year did the battle of Gettysburg take place? a. 1776 b. 1812 c. 1863 d. 1944
The English benchmarks are organized into eight strands: • Language • Communication • Writing • Research • Logic • Informational Text • Media • Literature
The mathematics benchmarks are organized into four strands: • Number Sense and Numerical Operations • Algebra • Geometry • Data Interpretation, Statistics and Probability
Mathematical Reasoning • Using inductive and deductive reasoning to arrive at valid conclusions. • Using multiple representations to represent problems and solutions. • Understanding the role of definitions, proofs and counter-examples in mathematical reasoning; constructing simple proofs. • Using the special symbols of mathematics correctly and precisely. • Recognizing when an estimate or approximation is more appropriate than an exact answer.
Mathematical Reasoning • Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information, identifying missing information, and either finding what is needed or making appropriate estimates. • Recognizing and using the process of mathematical modeling when mathematical structures are embedded in other contexts. • When solving problems, thinking about strategy, testing ideas, trying different approaches, checking for errors and reasonableness of solutions, and devising ways to verify results. • Shifting regularly between the specific and the general, using examples to understand general ideas, and extending specific results to more general cases to gain insight.
nctm.org/focalpoints • Full document available • online • free download • for purchase • Q & A’s • Overview and more!
Percentage of Seniors Enrolled in the Fall and Graduated On-time (in Spring/Summer of Following Year) Source: Special Analyses of NCES Common Core of Data Enrollment and Graduate Reports
ACT CollegeReadinessBenchmark Scores • Through collaborative research with postsecondary institutions nationwide, ACT has established the following College Readiness Benchmark Scores: • A benchmark score is the minimum score needed on an ACT subject area test to indicate a 50% chance of obtaining a B or higher or about a 75% chance of obtaining a C or higher in the corresponding credit-bearing college courses. College Readiness Benchmark Score English English Composition 18 Math Algebra 22 Reading Social Sciences 21Science Biology 24 ACT Subject Area Test College Course(s)