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Mobile Ad hoc Networks COE 549 Routing Protocols I. Tarek Sheltami KFUPM CCSE COE http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/coe/tarek/coe549.htm. Outline. Routing Algorithms Classifications Proactive Routing: Table Driven Protocols Cluster-based Protocols. Routing Algorithm Classifications.
Mobile Ad hoc Networks COE 549Routing Protocols I Tarek Sheltami KFUPM CCSE COE http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/coe/tarek/coe549.htm
Outline • Routing Algorithms Classifications • Proactive Routing: • Table Driven Protocols • Cluster-based Protocols
Routing Algorithm Classifications Routing Algorithms Proactive Reactive Hybrid • Table Driven • Cluster-based • On-Demand • Cluster-based
Table Driven Protocols • Distance Vector Protocols such as: • Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP) [MUR96] • Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) routing protocol [PER94] • Least Resistance Routing (LRR) [PUR93] • The protocol by Lin and Liu [LIN99]. • Link State Protocols such as: • Global State Routing (GSR) [CHE98] • Fisheye State Routing (FSR) [PEI00a] • Adaptive Link-State Protocol (ALP) [PEI00a] • Source Tree Adaptive Routing (STAR) [ACE99] • Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol [SHE03b] • Landmark Ad Hoc Routing (LANMAR) [PEI00b] • However the most prominent protocol is DSDV
Table Driven Protocols • Try to match the link state and distance vector ideas to the wireless environment • Each node only needs to know the next hop to the destination, and how many hops away the destination is: • This information stored in each node is often arranged in a table, hence the term “table-driven routing” • Such algorithm are often called distance vector algorithms, because nodes exchange vectors of their known distances to all other nodes • An example is the Bellman-Ford algorithm, one of the first ones to be used for routing in the Internet
Bellman-Ford Algorithm • Consider a collection of nodes, connected over bi-directional wired links of given delays. • We want to find the fastest route from each node to any other node. • An example network: • Initially, each node knows the distances to its direct neighbors, and stores them to its routing table. Nodes other than their direct neighbors are assumed to be at an infinite distance. • Then, nodes start exchanging their routing tables.
Table Driven Protocols • As the number of nodes n increases, the routing overhead increases very fast, like O(n2). • When the topology changes, routing loops may form:
Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) • One of the earlier ad hoc routing protocols developed • Its advantage over traditional distance vector protocols is that it guarantees loop freedom • Each routing table, at each node, contains a list of the addresses of every other node in the network • Along with each node’s address, the table contains the address of the next hop for a packet to take in order to reach the node • In addition to the destination address and next hop address, routing tables maintain the route metric and the route sequence number.
Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV).. • The update packet starts out with a metric of one • The neighbors will increment this metric and then retransmit the update packet. • This process repeats itself until every node in the network has received a copy of the update packet with a corresponding metric • If a node receives duplicate update packets, the node will only pay attention to the update packet with the smallest metric and ignore the rest
Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV).. • To distinguish stale update packets from valid ones, the original node tags each update packet with a sequence number • The sequence number is a monotonically increasing number, which uniquely identifies each update packet from a given node • If a node receives an update packet from another node, the sequence number must be greater than the sequence number already in the routing table; otherwise the update packet is stale and ignored
Disadvantages of DSDV Protocol • Routing is achieved by using routing tables maintained by each node • The bulk of the complexity in generating and maintaining these routing tables • If the topological changes are very frequent, incremental updates will grow in size • This overhead is DSDV’s main weakness, as Broch et al. [BRO98] found in their simulations of 50-node networks
Virtual Base Station (VBS) • All nodes are eligible to become clusterhead / VBS • Each node is at one hop from its clusterhead • Clusterhead / VBS is selected based on the smallest ID • Gateways / Boarder Mobile Terminals (BMTs) • Clsuterheads and Gatewaysform the virtual backbone of the network
VBS.. • Every MT has an ID number, sequence number and my_VBS variable • Every MT increases its sequence number after every change in its situation • An MT my_VBS variable is set to the ID number of its VBS; however, if that MT is itself a VBS, then the my_VBS variable will be set to 0, otherwise it will be set to –1, indicating that it is a VBS of itself
CGSR infrastructure Creation • CGSR uses the Least Cluster Change (LCC) clustering algorithm • No clusterheads in the same transmission range • Each Cluster has a different code to eliminate the interference, typically the suggest 4 Walsh codes
Range of node #1 Some issues about pure Cluster-based Routing (VBS) Routing in VBS
Some issues about pure Cluster-based Routing (VBS) Routing in VBS
Drawback of VBS • All the nodes require the aid of their VBS(s) all the time, so this results a very high MAC contention on the VBSs • the periodic hello message updates are not efficiently utilized by MTs (other than VBSs and BMTs) • The power of the nodes with small IDs drain down much faster than that with large IDs
WEAC Infrastructure Creation Protocol An MT is eligible to be a clusterhead and willing to accept other MTs to be under its supervision if these MTs have a lower EL • Nodes Classifications: • myCH = 0 Clusterhead • myCH = -1 Free node • myCH > 0 Zone_MT An MT ignores any merge request messages that are sent to it by other MTs. However, if the MT is serving as a clusterhead, it will remain a clusterhead If an MT is serving as a clusterhead, it sets its warningThreshold flag to true, informing its zone_MTs to look for another clusterhead, nonetheless, they can remain with it till its BPL drains down to THRESHOLD_3 An MT ignores any merge request messages and will send iAmNoLongerYourCH message to all the nodes under its supervision, if it was serving other nodes
WEAC Infrastructure Creation Protocol.. BPL < THRESHOLD_1 BPL > THRESHOLD_1 Merge Accpt. Merge REQ 20 5 myCH = 0 myCH = -1 myCH = 20 myCH = -1 An MT sends a merge-request message to another MT if the latter has a higher energy level and it should be > Threshold_1
Selecting Gateways • The least number of neighbors method • The highest energy level method • The Gateway Selection Algorithm