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Notur: - Grant f.o.m. 2010 is 16.5 Mkr (was 21.7 Mkr) - No guarantees that funding will increase in 2010 - Same level of operations maintained in 2010 as for 2009 - Explore collaboration with met.no on investment (in 2011) Need to start work on an investment plan for 2011-2012.
Notur: - Grant f.o.m. 2010 is 16.5 Mkr (was 21.7 Mkr) - No guarantees that funding will increase in 2010 - Same level of operations maintained in 2010 as for 2009 - Explore collaboration with met.no on investment (in 2011) Need to start work on an investment plan for 2011-2012. New call for research infrastructure in September. Application for Notur to be resubmitted, but details of the call are unknown
Tier-1: - Annual grant for 2010-2012 is 5 Mkr - No guarantees that funding will increase - Same level of operations maintained in 2010 as for 2009 New call for research infrastructure in September. Application for Tier-1 to be resubmitted, but details of the call are unknown Small funding has consequences for Norway’s contribution to Nordic Tier-1 and national Tier-2. There will be no significant expansion of Tier-1/2 resources. Personnel effort, services maintained by NorGrid (3D) and network capacity maintained to be able to continue participation.
NorStore: • Total grant 37 Mkr. Period 2010-2013 • Grant 2010: ca. 10 Mkr. Includes equipment, operations, support, training, development, dissemination, advanced support. • - Recruitment of project leader on-going.
Two new Nordic projects: • Resource sharing/bartering; create market where countries can trade/buy resources, users can access resources abroad (0.5 FTE) • - Cloud computing; competence project to use cloud technologies for science (cycles + data), combine private and commercial clouds; look at implications for national infrastructures (1.0 FTE)
European e-Infrastructure Performance pyramid: EC / FP7: PRACE Tier-0: Petascale systems Process coupling Tier-1: national systems DEISA Local systems EGEE / EGI
PRACE roadmap Preparatory Phase: 10 M€ / yr (5 M€ / yr EU) Implementation Phase: 100-150 M€ / yr (10 M€ / yr EU)
PRACE • PRACE Initiative: the consortium • - MoU signed April 2007 • - Initial partners: • - France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, UK, Italy • - Austria, Finland, Greece, Norway, Poland, Portugal, • Sweden and Switzerland • - Later: Cyprus, Ireland, Serbia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Bulgaria • PRACE Project: EC/FP7 project • - Preparatory Phase: Jan 2008 – Dec 2009 • - Principal Partners (6) that commit ≥ 20 M€/yr from 2010 • - General Partners (8), including NO, SE, FI
PRACE • PRACE Initiative: • - Will turn into a legal entity April 2010, seat Brussels • - Statutes for legal entity nearly ready • - Agreement for ‘initial period’ (5 year) • PRACE Project: EC/FP7 project • Preparatory Phase: Jan 2008 - Dec 2009 (ext. April 2010) • First Implementation Phase: May 2010 – May 2012 • Project has been called for a hearing February 8 • Proposal for 2nd Implementation Phase to be submitted 2010
PRACE PRACE Implementation Phase: - Evolution of the Infrastructure/Entity - Dissemination and Training - HPC Ecosystem Relations - Operations, Evolution of the (Technical) Infrastructure - Industry relations - Petascale Applications - Procurement Strategy - Future Technologies Norwegian contribution: 85 PM (of which 61 PM EC-funded). Additional: 40 k€ for participation in prototypes
PRACE • PRACE legal entity: • Temporary central office: Brussels (12-18 months) • Cost central office: 0.8 – 1.2 M€ / yr • Membership fee: ca. 50-75 k€ / yr flat fee
European DCI EGI is the core of a Distributed Computing Infrastructure for Europe - EGI = EGI.eu (central office) + NGIs + EIROs - Specialized Support Centres are defined on EGI, e.g., for HEP
EGI • EGI = EGI.eu + NGIs + EIROs • NGI = a legal entity that ’oversees’ the national e-Infrastructure • should be able to provide uniformity across shared resources • expected to financially support the operation of the national eInfrastructure and support the national user community. • EGI.eu = the central office or coordinating body: • ‘glue’ that enables coherence between the NGIs • management and coordination of standards and interfaces • runs central services for the European infrastructure • EIRO = European Intergovernmental Research Organization • There are 7 EIROs: CERN, EFDA, EMBL, ESA, ESO, ESRF, ILL • EIROs that have signed the MoU: CERN, EMBL
EGI NGI responsibilities: Each NGI must carry out a number of International Tasks (operations, support, monitoring, dissemination, ...). Ca. 4-6 FTE. The four Nordic countries aim to create a group of 20-25 people to carry out these tasks together. The group will be distributed and will be integrated in the future Nordic eInfrastructure Collaboration (eNORIA). EGI has defined a number of Global Tasks (centralized) that will be carried out by one or more NGIs. NGIs sent in bids for this. Global Tasks are mostly related to coordination and administration (not too interesting...)
EGI • Status: • EC published a reserved/closed call for EGI. Deadline is November 24. EC contribution is 25 M€ for 4 years. • EGI.eu legal entity established February 2010, seat Amsterdam. • Membership fee for NGIs and EIROs to sustain EGI.eu. Fee is weighed by country size. For Norway, the annual fee is 38.500 €.
EGI • Expected start EGI-InSPIRE project: May 2010 • An application will be submitted to RCN in March 2010 for funding, incl. participation in EGI, for 2.5-3 year period • The funding needed in 2009 and 1H2010, e.g., for membership fee, comes from current NorGrid grant (expires 12/2010)