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Freshwater Charters Palm Beach FL

Freshwater Fishing in South Florida. Want to go freshwater Fly Fishing while you are in Florida.BASS.West Palm Beach fishing with the largest operation of Palm Beach bass fishing charters. Find fishing guides, fishing reports and lakes in South Florida.<br><br><br>CONTACT:-<br><br>call:561 255 0268<br><br>u200bWebsite:https://www.bassandexoticscharters.com<br><br>Mail:bassandexotics@yahoo.com

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Freshwater Charters Palm Beach FL

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BASS AND EXOTICS CHARTERSCaptain Skip grew up in upstate New York, fishing all sorts of ponds, lakes, rivers and streams. Moved to South Florida in 1989 where he turned his fishing to Florida waters. He moved to the Lake Ida chain in 1997 and has been fishing there ever since.

  2. Freshwater Captains Palm Beach

  3. Fishing the inshore saltwater estuaries, beaches. Capt. Danny also fishes the freshwater lakes and canal systems of Palm Beach

  4. South Florida Freshwater Fishing https://www.bassandexoticscharters.com/

  5. Freshwater fishing in Florida provides opportunities to catch some good size fish! Clown knife fish can be over three feet long, and peacock bass are one of the best sport fish in the world. 

  6. Bass Fishing Palm Bch Fl Visit us: https://www.bassandexoticscharters.com

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