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ASTRONET Coordinating strategic planning for European Astronomy. ASTRONET Context. Astronomy largely depends on big facilities Co-operation has made European astronomy a leader in the field
ASTRONETCoordinating strategic planning for European Astronomy
ASTRONETContext • Astronomy largely depends on big facilities • Co-operation has made European astronomy a leader in the field • Defending this position will require a new generation of infrastructures that are feasible only at the European or even global level => budgets & frame(s) to build and operate large-scale infrastructures ? • To convince our national authorities and other decision making bodies on our needs, we have to build a European strategy in astronomy: • A global scientific vision of the future of European astronomy • A roadmap for the coordinated development of ground and space based infrastructures for astronomy in Europe (incl. R&D and key technologies) • Develop durable procedures for cooperation and coordination btw agencies ASTRONET is a tool to organize this European strategic planning
ASTRONET partners (as of June 2005) Associates • ESA (International) • MPG (Germany) • >80% European astro • open to newparticipants and/or associates • 1 vote/country Participants • INSU (France, Coord) • BMBF (Germany) • ESO (International) • INAF (Italy) • PPARC (UK) • NOTSA (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden) • MEC (Spain) • NWO (NL)
ASTRONET Workpackages • Networking • A science vision for European astronomy • A roadmap for the development of infrastructures for European astronomy • Coordinated actions to strengthen AA in Europe • Consortium management • Consortium coordination
WP 1 Networking (INAF) Objectives • establish a forum for regular consultations between national and international funding agencies for European astronomy, including ESF andERC • integrate all qualified and interested partners in ASTRONET as full participants or Associates; • establish a forum for regular consultations between ASTRONET and related European networks, I3 consortia, and Design Study projects in astronomy and particle astrophysics as well as with EAS andEGU. Tasks 1.1 Systematic exchange of information between agencies; interactions with ESF and ERC; link with EAS and EGU (INAF) 1.2 Integration of new Participants and Associates (NOTSA) 1.3 Link with the I3, DS and astroparticle physics (PPARC) 1.4 Propositions on evolutions of ASTRONET (INSU)
WP 2 : A science vision for European astronomy (ESO) Objectives • Census of European Astronomy Resources and Scientific Strategies (institutions, personal, training, financing, evaluation, access to infrastructures) • Construct a Science Vision for European Astronomy • Make recommendations for European astronomical development in the world global context Tasks 2.1 Census of present European astronomical forces (ESO) 2.2 European Science Vision for Astronomy (NWO)
WP 2 : A science vision for European astronomy How to build the Science Vision ? • Scientific vision Working Group, including all ASTRONET partners + OPTICON and RADIONET representatives • Inputs: Census (incl national strategies, cf EAS 2004) + thematic panels • Collect relevant existing thematic panels reports, launch new panels when needed. Cosmic Vision is a major component • Close contact with WP3
WP 3 : A roadmap for the development of infrastructure for European astronomy(PPARC) Objectives • Starting from the Scientific Vision, produce a plan for the development of infrastructure for European Astronomy over the next 10-20 years: « the Roadmap » . • Engage stakeholders to develop an implementation plan for the Roadmap. • Co-ordinate the implementation plan for the Roadmap internationally by engaging with top level European and global bodies e.g. ESFRI & OECD GSF. Tasks 3.1 Produce a plan for the development of European astronomy over the next 10-20 years: « the Roadmap » (PPARC) 3.2 Identify means to implement the Roadmap (INSU) Includes: enabling technologies, development of multilateral facilities, mechanisms for collaboration especially beyond Europe, interactions with ESFRI and OECD GSF
WP 3 : A roadmap for the development of infrastructure for European astronomy How to build the Roadmap ? Science vision as input Input from advisory panels and Symposium Possible panels High energy astrophysics from space. Ultra-violet, optical & infrared astronomy from space. Ground based optical & infrared astronomy Radio & sub-millimetre astronomy Solar astronomy. Survey astronomy • Theory, computation • Virtual Observatory • Particle astrophysics • Education, training & outreach. Panel members include I3 representatives Team (Task leader, panel chairs, key participants from WP2) makes recommendations to the Board
WP4 :Coordinated actions to strengthen Astronomy and Astrophysics in Europe(BMBF) Objectives • Status quo of research processing and funding in AA • Identify formal, legal, administrative barriers to cooperation / joint programs • Develop a common action plan for future cooperation • Develop common evaluation procedures, rules of good practice, standards for the implementation, management, and administration of future medium or large size projects or infrastructures in astrophysics • Create a template for a call for proposals on a coordinated research activity • Launch a call for proposal Tasks 4.1 Investigation of formal and legal barriers for a European wide cooperation (BMBF) 4.2 Establishment of common evaluation procedures and standards for projects and infrastructures (BMBF) 4.3 Test implementation of a coordinated European research programme (NWO)
WP5/6 : Consortium Management and Coordination (CNRS/INSU) 5.1 Project management 5.2 Implementation and maintenance of communication tools 5.3 Organisation of meetings
Key deliverables and milestones • T0 + 1 :Kick-off • T0 + 6: Census of existing national surveys (organization, resources, scientific priorities) • T0 + 9: Start of a Web-based discussion forum on the future scientific challenges • TO + 12: Introduction of new participants • T0 +15: Symposium on “the scientific challenges of space & ground-based astronomy in the next 20 years” • T0 + 18: Science Vision for European Astronomy: final Report, Vision & Recommendations • T0 + 22 : Census on national research processing and funding • T0 + 30 : Roadmap Review Symposium • T0 + 30: Workshop on future evolution of Astronet • T0 + 34 : White book on the implementation of common structure & standards • T0 + 34 : Launch of a test call for proposals for targeted coordinated pan European activity • T0 + 36 : Roadmap for infrastructures
ASTRONET organisation • ASTRONET Board : • Reviews the project; takes strategic decisions, nominates new members + experts • Composition: 1 rep./participant + 1 rep.(without vote)/associate • open sessions with I3, DS, and ASPERA if selected • ASTRONET Executive Committee : • Implement the program following Board decisions; reports to the Board • Composition: Project coordinator, Project manager, WP leaders, Board chairperson
ASTRONET status • ASTRONET has been « recommended for funding » • 399 P.month; 2.5 Meuros • End of negociation phasis • Start date : TBD (Sept. 1st ?) • ASTRONET duration: 4 years