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Potential livestock value chain interventions

Potential livestock value chain interventions. LIVES Research planning workshop March 26-28, 2013 Addis Ababa . Livestock value chain interventions. Production Input/service supply interventions Processing/marketing interventions

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Potential livestock value chain interventions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Potential livestock value chain interventions

    LIVES Research planning workshop March 26-28, 2013 Addis Ababa
  2. Livestock value chain interventions Production Input/service supply interventions Processing/marketing interventions Livestock specific knowledge/capacity development interventions
  3. Livestock production interventions Breeds Fodder Health Market oriented animal husbandry
  4. Livestock input/service supply interventions Multiplication systems for (improved) breeds Veterinary drugs supply Health services Supply feeds, accessories
  5. Improved breeds Dairy Peri - urban fluid milk system – crosses with exotics Rural local butter system – crosses Jersey, Borana, Begait, Fogera Small ruminants Crosses with exotic breeds Improved local breeds (through ram selection) Large ruminants Mainly male animals/oxen from improved dairy butter breeds within the same location or pastoral areas – crosses with Borana
  6. Improved breeds Poultry Peri urban (semi) commercial system: exotic egg and broiler types Rural semi commercial system: local breeds Apiculture No improved bees – some characterization is on-going by Holetta research)
  7. Breed/animal multiplication and services On farm reproduction (part of animal husbandry practices) Specialized services Private AI services (dairy/beef) Hormone assisted mass insemination (dairy/beef) Heifer breeding farms in rural areas(dairy) Community breeding schemes (small ruminants) Production day old chicks (poultry) Pullet producers (poultry) AI for poultry Bee colony multiplication/AI (apiculture)
  8. Fodder development interventions Grazing area development Enclosures, cut and carry, rotational use,fertilization, over sowing Conservation of grasses (hay, silage) Planted fodder – backyard, cropland, irrigation plot Perennial grasses Perennial and annual (rotational) legumes Conservation (hay,silage) Crop residues Increase through cereal/pulses crop improvement (new varieties, feed/food) Treatment – chopping, urea, molasses Conservation (silage) Use of horticultural crop residues (banana, leafy vegetables)
  9. Input/service supply interventions for planted fodder development interventions Management system communal grazing areas Supply of forage seeds/ cuttings FTCs Private farmers Linkages with regional/federal level seed suppliers Mechanical chopping/bailing services
  10. Market oriented animal husbandry Animal reproduction – fertility management Housing Feeding and watering Health – mortality Waste management Business scale Timing Quality Animal identification/record keeping
  11. Supply of inputs/services interventions for market oriented animal husbandry District level coops and/or private shops stocking required inputs (feeds, drugs, accessories) using hub approach and agro dealership linkages Community animal health worker system (dairy, large/small ruminants) Women vaccination workers (pullets) Credit products to purchase commercial inputs and scale up operations
  12. Livestock processing/marketing interventions Collective action to reduce sales/processing cost per unit of product (hub approach) Milk collection centers Women butter groups for home processing of local butter Private/cooperative dairy processing: fluid milk/table butter (peri urban) and local butter in rural areas Marketing groups large & small ruminants Create linkages including contract farming Dairy farmers/milk collection centers with processors Apiculturist with export abattoirs/honey processors Poultry/dairy producers with institutional consumers Quality/food safety improvement Milk/butter quality testing/payment Slaughtering hygiene
  13. Livestock & environment interventions Utilization of manure for biogassproduction Zoning of livestock production in peri urban areas Create synergies between grazing areas development and apiculture Fewer/higher producing animals to reduce methane emission
  14. Livestock specific knowledge/capacity development interventions Commodity specific platforms Animal and forage husbandry training Training individuals/communities in commodity specific service delivery and input production Grazing area management Community breeding schemes Mass insemination Health service delivery Forage seed multiplication Pullet production/day old chick production Bee colony splitting Training processors in food quality and safety
  15. Equipment/supplies for market oriented livestock development for demonstration testing Ear tags/chips Electronic recording devices E-readers Mobile milking machines Quality testing equipment Heat detection devices Hormones Choppers/ bailers Incubators Bio gas electric generators/storage bags Modern housing
  16. Thank you
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