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California Immunization Registry (CAIR) Update

California Immunization Registry (CAIR) Update. Michael S. Powell, MSc Chief, Immunization Technical Unit Ventura County Update February 12, 2019. CAIR Overview. Metrics Release Highlights Regional Sharing Duplicate Patients Future Plans. CAIR2 – Patients and Doses*.

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California Immunization Registry (CAIR) Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. California Immunization Registry (CAIR) Update Michael S. Powell, MSc Chief, Immunization Technical Unit Ventura County Update February 12, 2019

  2. CAIR Overview • Metrics • Release Highlights • Regional Sharing • Duplicate Patients • Future Plans

  3. CAIR2 – Patients and Doses* * As of August 6, 2018. CAIR2 only. 4

  4. CAIR2 – Patients and Doses* * As of February 11, 2019. CAIR2 only. 4

  5. CAIR2 – Release 2.5 (UAT) • Data exchange • ACK for LOINC code ‘30963-3’ in OBX-3 returns incorrect text in ERR-8.  When sites submit an OBX code of ‘30963-3’ in OBX-3 of the OBX segment, the Informational ACK that is returned contains text in ERR-8 that is misleading • New QAK code to send in RSP when a protected record is queried in CAIR2.  HL7 will be releasing a new code for use in the QAK-2 of the RSP when a protected record is found when submitting a QBP.  The code for the QAK-2 will be ‘PD’ for “Protected Data”.  This new code will be in HL7 v2.8, which is currently in development • QBP error when org code in MSH-22 not a child of org code in MSH-4.  If a child org code is placed in MSH-22 of the QBP, but that child is not associated with the vendor or parent that is submitting the data, then an error is returned for QPD-3.4 and the query will error • Format of MSH segment in a CAIR2 ACK and RSP.  The current ACKs returned from CAIR2 do not conform to the national standard.  There are four fields of the MSH segment that need to be addressed in order to meet the CDC standard. MSH-15  MSH-16  MSH-21  MSH-7 • Sites Not Participating in Inventory Deduction receive NAK regarding lot number not found     • CAIR patient ID number not populated in PID-3.1 if multiple patients returned in RSP

  6. CAIR2 – Release 2.5 (UAT) • Patient • Populate City and County When ZIP Code entered  in patient record • Restricting Patients Comments.  Patient Comments will be hidden based on Use Role • Entering Patient Comments - Comment Start Date will be mandatory.  Make required field • Restricting patient comments to clinical roles • Inventory • Add Vaccine Inventory Information issues, radio buttons not working.  Once selected can not be changed. Select radio button for Vaccine Group, Trade Name or Manufacturer. Once the Manufacturer is selected no changes can be made to the selection.  If you select the radio buttons for Vaccine Group or Trade Name  the radio buttons are blank and the Cancel button when clicked on does not work.  The only way to get off the page is to click on Manage Inventory from the menu.

  7. Regional Sharing • Imperial County • Live April 9, 2018

  8. Regional Sharing • San Diego (SDIR) • Signed data sharing agreement (legal) • One large data load • Nightly batch updates • Go Live Goal: June 2019

  9. Regional Sharing • San Joaquin (RIDE) • Leveraging SDIR data sharing agreement • One large data load to begin • RIDE will utilize bi-directional real-time querying to get data from CAIR2 • RIDE will use VXU to submit data to CAIR2 • Go Live Goal: June 2019

  10. Duplicate Patients • Runmatch • Matching module used by CAIR2 • New Runmatch Module being piloted by Texas • California will be implemented after Texas validation

  11. Duplicate Patients • What have we done? • Cleaned up patients without Immunizations • Re-ran patients through runmatch • What’s left? • Ghost dups (~450K) • Pending Duplicates (~100K) • Improve data completeness • Crowd Sourcing??

  12. Duplicate Patients • Merging Patients

  13. Mass Vaccination

  14. Account Update, Enrollment

  15. CAIR Resource Center

  16. CAIR Resource Center

  17. Single Sign On

  18. Single Sign On

  19. Single Sign On User Login Mass Vaccination CAIR Resource Center CAIR2 MyVFCVaccines

  20. Single Sign On

  21. Helpful CAIR2 Resources • cairweb.org: • CAIR2 Training Videos • CAIR2 Quick Guides • Registration Links • FAQS

  22. Questions? • Michael.Powell@cdph.ca.gov

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