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ACOUSMED Task 3:Harmonization and optimisation of the acoustic methodology Subtask 3.1: Target strength equations for anchovy and sardine . 2º AcousMed meeting 20-24 November 2010 Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, Spain. Biomass estimates based on ≠ TS. M. Iglesias, A. Ventero
ACOUSMEDTask 3:Harmonization and optimisation of theacousticmethodologySubtask 3.1: Target strengthequationsforanchovy and sardine. 2º AcousMedmeeting 20-24 November 2010 Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, Spain
Biomassestimatesbasedon ≠ TS M. Iglesias, A. Ventero Centro Oceanográfico de Baleares Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO), Spain
TS equationsconcerningsardine and anchovy (Mediterraneancountries) .
Past surveys: Re-analysis to check biomass differences • Toapplydifferent TS equations in pastacoustic data fromeacharea and to compare theresultingabundanceestimates. • Biomass estimates (tons)based on: • The TS already applied. • Sardine: -72.6, Anchovy: -71.2 (HCMR) • Sardine: -70.51, Anchovy: -75.3 (CNR- SICILY)
MEDIAS 0609 acousticsurvey • Northwesternmediterranean • Areacharacterizedbymulti-specificity: Sardine and anchovy + otherpelagicspecies. • Same L-W relationship • ANE: 4 polygons • PIL: 3 polygons
MEDIAS 0609 acousticsurvey • Valencia Gulf • AreacharacterizedbySardine and anchovy • Same L-W relationship • 6 polígonos para ANE • 7 polígonos para PIL