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Refresher Course on Environmental Planning

Join Maria Veronica Arreza-Arcilla, Ph.D.(cand.), EnP for in-depth Sectoral Analysis covering Ecosystem Analysis, Resource Mapping, Climate Change & DRR, Forest Ecosystems, Coastal Planning, Biodiversity, and more. Gain insights into the Land Classification and Status of the Philippines with detailed statistics and analysis. Learn valuable information on a variety of land categories, government-owned lands, forest reserves, and more. Enhance your knowledge in environmental planning and ecosystem management.

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Refresher Course on Environmental Planning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Refresher Course on Environmental Planning Maria Veronica Arreza-Arcilla, Ph.D (cand.), EnP



  4. ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS Resource Mapping Climate Change & DRR Forest Ecosystems Coastal Planning Biodiversity

  5. Land Classification Status of the Philippines TLA of the Phils. 30M has. Alienable and Disposable Lands (14,1117,244 has. or 47.06%) Non-A&D (15.88 M has. or 52.94%) Classified Forest Lands 15.0 M has. (50%) Unclassified Forest Land 881,157 has. (2.94%) Titled Lands (8.11 M has (27.06%) Untitled 6.0 M has. (20%) Civil Reservations 165,946 has. (0.55 %) Agricultural Lands 4.2 M has. (14%) Gov’t-owned Lands Private Lands Military Reservations 130,330 has. (0.43%) Non Agri. Lands 1.800 M Has. National Parks 1.34 M has. (4.47%) DENR- Administered Lands Non DENR- Administered Lands Administratively titled 6.0 M Has. Fishponds 75,548 has. (0.25%) Patrimonial Lands 160,000 has. Judicially titled 2.0 M Has. Timberland 10.0 M has. (33.39%) Friar Lands Established Forest Reserves 3.27 M has. (10.91%) Source: Lands Management Bureau, 1998- 2-A -

  6. ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS Climate Change and DRR

  7. Cyclone tracks from 1884-2015 Map: Geographer David Garcia



  10. Isarogshrew rat Water monitor lizard Spiny tree frog BIODIVERSITY

  11. Synthesis: Ecosystem Analysis

  12. Thank you for your attention! -- 

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