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Organizational Development Program

Organizational Development Program. Goals Program overview Participants Organizational Development (OD) Program Participants Career Path Development Expectations. Goals.

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Organizational Development Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Organizational Development Program

  2. Goals • Program overview • Participants • Organizational Development (OD) Program Participants • Career Path Development • Expectations

  3. Goals To increase Choice’s organizational effectiveness and viability by building high potential bench strength across multiple levels throughout the organization. To align ready talent with the strategic direction of the organization

  4. Program Overview

  5. Career Path Development

  6. Expectations • HR will partner with line management to: • Identify strengths • Identify career path • Determine what each candidate needs to aspire to next level • Create an action plan for each candidate incorporating short- and long-term goals • Continually assess plan and performance • Participate actively in program • The ultimate responsibility for development rests with the individual, supported by the company • A pattern of nonparticipation will indicate disinterest and will lead to removal from the program

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