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Mobile IPv 6

Explore the advancements in IPv6 mobility support including routing, security, and real-time flows. Comparison with Mobile IPv4, terminology, node requirements, and operations of home agents and mobile nodes are discussed.

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Mobile IPv 6

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  1. Mobile IPv6 Kan ZhigangNokia Research Center Beijing, P.R.Chinahttp://graceken.home.chinaren.netext-zhigang.kan@nokia.com

  2. Clues New features of IPv6 Mobility supported +

  3. Glances to IPv6 1. Routing and Addressing 2. Plug and Play 3. Bringing Security to the Internet 4. Real-time Support and Flows

  4. Outlines • Introduction • Comparison with Mobile IP for IPv4 • Terminology • Overview of Mobile IPv6 • New IPv6 Destination Options and Message Types • Modifications to IPv6 Neighbor Discovery • Requirements for IPv6 Nodes • Correspondent Node Operation • Home Agent Operation • Mobile Node Operation

  5. 1. Introduction Why Mobile computers are likely to account for a majority or at least a substantial fraction of the population of the Internet during the lifetime of IPv6. Without it, packets destined to a mobile node (host or router) would not be able to reach it while the mobile node is away from its home link.

  6. 1. Introduction • What • Yes • No

  7. 1. Introduction - Building blocks for Mobiel IPv6 Qos AAA Multicast TE MoTCP MoUDP Mobile IPv6 Arch 3G Macro Mobility Base Protocol Others Micro Mobility Others Seamless Handover Fast Handover Smooth Hadover Regional Reg Head comp Technique2 Technique3 Buffer Mang Others Technique1 Others Others

  8. 2. Comparison with Mobile IPv4 (1) Advantage (2) Route Optimization (3) Ingress filtering (4) Multicast packets (5) Foreign agents (6) Security mechanisms (7) Black hole (8) IPv6 Routing header, Not Encapsulation (9) Neighbor Discovery, Not ARP (10) Dynamic home agent address discovery mechanism (11) Control traffic

  9. 3. Terminology General Terms IP interfacenode subnet prefixrouter interface identifier host link-layer addresslink packet

  10. 3. Terminology Mobile IPv6 Terms summary

  11. 3. Terminology Mobile IPv6 Terms summary 7. foreign subnet prefix8. foreign link 9. home agent 10. care-of address 11. binding 1. home address2. home subnet prefix 3. home link 4. mobile node 5. correspondent node 6. movement

  12. 4. Overview 4.1. Basic Operation 4.2. 4 New IPv6 Destination Options 4.3. IPsec Requirements for New Destination Options 4.4. 2 New IPv6 ICMP Messages 4.5. 3 Conceptual Data Structures 4.6. Binding Management

  13. 4. Overview 4.1. Basic Operation

  14. 4. Overview 4.1. Basic Operation

  15. 4. Overview 4.1. Basic Operation

  16. 4. Overview 4.1. Basic Operation

  17. 4. Overview 4.1. Basic Operation

  18. 4. Overview 4.1. Basic Operation

  19. 4. Overview 4.1. Basic Operation

  20. 4. Overview 4.2. New IPv6 Destination Options 2. Binding Acknowledgement 1. Binding Update 3. Binding Request 4. Home Address

  21. 4. Overview 4.4. New IPv6 ICMP Messages 1. Home Agent Address Discovery Request 2. Home Agent Address Discovery Reply

  22. 4. Overview 4.5. Conceptual Data Structures Binding Cache Binding Update List Home Agents List

  23. 4. Overview 4.6. Binding Management 2. Mobile node & Correspondent node 3. Multiple care-of address 1. Mobile node & Home agent

  24. 5. Four New IPv6 Destination Options and Two Message Types 5.1. Binding Update Option 5.2. Binding Acknowledgement Option5.3. Binding Request Option5.4. Home Address Option5.5. Mobile IPv6 Destination Option Sub-Options

  25. 5. Four New IPv6 Destination Options and Two Message Types 5.6. ICMP Home Agent Address Discovery Request Message5.7. ICMP Home Agent Address Discovery Reply Message

  26. 6. Modifications to IPv6 Neighbor Discovery 6.1. Modified Router Advertisement Message Format6.2. Modified Prefix Information Option Format6.3. New Advertisement Interval Option Format6.4. New Home Agent Information Option Format

  27. 6. Modifications to IPv6 Neighbor Discovery 6.5. Changes to Sending Router Advertisements6.6. Changes to Sending Router Solicitations

  28. 7. Requirements for IPv6 Nodes 7.1. Requirements for All IPv6 Hosts and Routers 7.2. Requirements for All IPv6 Routers 7.3. Requirements for IPv6 Home Agents 7.4. Requirements for IPv6 Mobile Nodes

  29. 8. Correspondent Node Operation 8.1. Receiving Packets from a Mobile Node 8.2. Receiving Binding Updates 8.3. Requests to Cache a Binding 8.4. Requests to Delete a Binding

  30. 8. Correspondent Node Operation 8.5. Sending Binding Acknowledgements 8.6. Sending Binding Requests 8.7. Cache Replacement Policy 8.8. Receiving ICMP Error Messages 8.9. Sending Packets to a Mobile Node

  31. 9. Home Agent Operation 9.1. Receiving Router Advertisement Messages 9.2. Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery 9.3. Primary Care-of Address Registration 9.4. Primary Care-of Address De-registration 9.5. Intercepting Packets for a Mobile Node 9.6. Tunneling Intercepted Packets to a Mobile Node 9.7. Renumbering the Home Subnet

  32. 10. Mobile Node Operation 10.1. Sending Packets While Away from Home 10.2. Interaction with Outbound IPsec Processing 10.3. Receiving Packets While Away from Home 10.4. Movement Detection 10.5. Forming New Care-of Addresses 10.6. Sending Binding Updates to the Home Agent

  33. 10. Mobile Node Operation 10.7. Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery 10.8. Sending Binding Updates to Correspondent Nodes 10.9. Establishing Forwarding from a Previous Care-of Address 10.10. Retransmitting Binding Updates 10.11. Rate Limiting for Sending Binding Updates 10.12. Receiving Binding Acknowledgements

  34. 10. Mobile Node Operation 10.13. Receiving Binding Requests 10.14. Receiving ICMP Error Messages 10.15. Receiving Local Router Advertisement Messages 10.16. Receiving Tunneled Router Advertisements 10.17. Using Multiple Care-of Addresses 10.18. Routing Multicast Packets 10.19. Returning Home

  35. 11. Conclusion 1. Logical Architecture, not implementation method 2. Be close to RFC standard 3. Commercial implementation could be considered 4. Implemented in IPv6 stack 5. Some questions still exists

  36. Thanks! Suggestions are welcome!

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