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Passport for partnerships - Linking Québec and Europe in Research and Innovation

Passport for partnerships - Linking Québec and Europe in Research and Innovation. Montreal, QC January 31, 2014. Overview. BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015. Context leading to Horizon 2020 Galway Statement on Trans-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Plymouth Conference on Ocean Literacy

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Passport for partnerships - Linking Québec and Europe in Research and Innovation

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  1. Passport for partnerships -Linking Québec and Europe in Research and Innovation Montreal, QC January 31, 2014

  2. Overview BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 • Context leading to Horizon 2020 • Galway Statement on Trans-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance • Plymouth Conference on Ocean Literacy • Rome Symposium on Marine and Arctic Infrastructure • H2020 Call for Proposals and Work Plan Highlights for 2014 and 2015 • Blue Growth agenda - BG • Sustainable Food Security agenda – SFS • EU Policy Dialogue with Canada and the US on Marine initiatives • Canadian Marine Advisory Working Group • Next Steps • Contact: Helen.Joseph@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

  3. BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 The Galway Event: Hosted by the Irish Prime Minister under the Irish Presidency of the European Union 23rd May 2013 – Science Workshop 24th May 2013 Signing ceremony of the "Galway Statement"

  4. BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 The Galway Statement Between Canada, The European Union and The United States of America established in May 2013 the Transatlantic Ocean Research Alliance Canada-EU-US Marine and Arctic Research

  5. Trans-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 • Status: Political statement by all three parties to advance jointly by: • utilizing existing bilateral science and technology cooperation agreements and multilateral cooperation frameworks; • recommending priorities for future cooperation and, where possible, • coordinating the planning and programming of relevant activities in these areas • Goal: To better understand the Atlantic Ocean and to promote the sustainable management of its resources. The work will also study the interplay of the Atlantic Ocean with the Arctic Ocean, particularly with regards to climate change. • In Work Programme 2014-2015: Several topics are identified as relevant for the implementation of the Galway Statement: • Involving US and Canadian entities strongly encouraged • https://www.marine.ie/home/aboutus/newsroom/pressreleases/EUUSCanadalaunchAtlanticOceanresearchallianceinGalway.htm

  6. ERA-Can II Rome Symposium onArctic and Marine Research Infrastructure BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 • Symposium was held in Rome, Italy in September 19-20, 2013 • It was a high-level symposium on fostering transatlantic collaboration for the development and use of Arctic and marine research Infrastructure • Brought together an international group of researchers, infrastructure managers and funding agency officials • Three themes explored: • Science planning for the short and long term • Coordination, harmonization and access: • Proposing, evaluating and funding research infrastructure • http://hmri.ca/era-can-ii-rome-symposium-on-arctic-and-marine-research-infrastructure/

  7. Ocean Literacy BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 • Ocean literacy is a priority within the European Union; reflected in H2020 Call • Conference was held at Plymouth University in September 2013 under the guidance of the European Marine Science Educators Association • http://www.emseaplymouth2013.org/

  8. H2020 Work Plan 2014Sustainable Food Security * BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 * Draft calls- to be confirmed

  9. H2020 Work Plan 2014Blue Growth * BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 * Draft calls – to be confirmed

  10. H2020 Work Plan 2014Blue Growth (cont’d) * BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 * Draft calls – to be confirmed

  11. H2020 Work Plan 2015 * BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 * Draft calls – to be confirmed

  12. EU in policy dialogue with US and Canada BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 • Two bilateral working groups: • US-EU and Canada-EU each two WGs: Marine & Arctic research; • 3 Step approach: • Information exchange • Joint priorities • Joint actions • Scope defined by agreed mandate between the parties • Goal (e.g. Canada- EU marine group mandate): To further the proposed work on select marine issues under the EU-US Science and Technology Agreement, in particular: • Ocean stressors • Aquaculture • Observing systems • Marine microbial ecology • Ocean Literacy

  13. Canadian, EU and US WG co-chairs: BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 • Marine Working Group: • Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada – Currently Helen Joseph • EU DG Research and Innovation • US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) • Arctic Working Group: • Canada Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada • EU DG Research and Innovation • US National Science Foundation (NSF) • Events to date: • Galway event - May 2013 • Plymouth conference – Ocean Literacy – September 2013 • Rome symposium – Research infrastructures - September 2013

  14. Marine Advisory Working Group - Canada BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 • Formed after the Galway meeting, May 2013 • Objectives: • Help shape Canada’s response to the EU’s Horizon 2020, so as to maximize scientific, economic, environmental and social benefits to Canada, and implementing the Galway Declaration; and • Plan the content that Canada would like reflected within future Calls for Proposals under Horizon 2020 • Geographic scope of interest to the Marine Advisory Working Group – Canada is the North Atlantic Ocean, and northwards into the central Arctic Ocean • Membership: Started with the delegation that participated in Galway, Ireland in May 2013; needs to be re-visited

  15. Next Steps BLUE GROWTH FOCUS AREA WP 2014-2015 Continue to follow announcements and information coming from the EU’s H2020 regarding Sustainable Food Security and Blue Growth work program elements Continue efforts of the Marine Advisory Working Group – Canada to help shape our response to the EU’s H2020 and to begin to influence/plan the content of future Calls for Proposal Membership of the Marine Advisory Working Group - Canada: Membership needs to be re-visited; Add more names to the distribution list to receive updates/news items Contact until March 28th, 2014: Helen.Joseph@dfo-mpo.gc.ca Thank you Questions?

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