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Create an Accessible PowerPoint Presentation. Instructional Support Computer Services. What is Accessibility?. Wikipedia D efines accessibility as being the degree to which a product, device, service or environment is available to as many people as possible. .
Create an Accessible PowerPoint Presentation Instructional SupportComputer Services
What is Accessibility? Wikipedia Defines accessibility as being the degree to which a product, device, service or environment is available to as many people as possible.
What is Accessibility?(continued) Microsoft Defines accessibility as making something that can be usable by anyone – including those with disabilities. Since it is difficult to find out specifics about our audience, we need to create documents and presentations that are as accessible as possible for everyone.
Accessible PowerPoint PresentationsWhy? • Better screen reader navigation • Screen readers read a presentation using synthesized speech for the blind and low vision • Introduction to the Screen Reader • Screen reader Demonstration • Better communicate content to all people • Sufficient structure and contrast to enable a presentation to be understood
How to Navigate this Presentation • Slides are presented in 3 ways: • Why: Presents the rationale for the required or suggested guideline presented • Hands-on/Try It: Complete the activity specified on the slide • How-To: For reference only. Read the information so that you will know how to accomplish the task presented at another time • Have fun!
Identify & Fix Accessibility Problems Accessibility Checker
Use the Accessibility CheckerWhy? • Identifies potential accessibility issues. • Flags issues into three categories: • Errors: Content is difficult or impossible to understand • Warnings: Content in most, but not all cases difficult to understand • Tips: Content could be presented in a better way to improve user experience • Offers recommendations to fix problems
Use the Accessibility CheckerHands-On: Try It Select the File tab from the Ribbon Select Info from the left menu Select the Check Issues button, and then Check Accessibility The Accessibility Checker task pane appears to the right. View the Inspection Results
Identify Objects Alternative Text
Describe Non-Text ElementsWhy? • Images & objects cannot be discerned by a screen reader: • Pictures & Logos • Charts & Tables • Auto Shapes & Smart Art Graphics • Embedded & Grouped Objects
Add Alternative Text to ImagesHands-On: Fix It! • Right-click the image on this slide • From the menu that appears, select Format Picture, and then select Alt Text • In the Title window, enter a title for this picture, for example, “Lecture Hall” • In the Description window, enter text that best describes the scene, for example, “Instructor teaching a class of students in a large lecture hall.” • Select the Close button
Add Alternative Text to ChartsHow to! • On the Chart’s border, right click • From the menu that appears, select Format Chart Area • On the Format Chart Area dialog box, select Alt Text • In the Description window, read the suggested descriptive narrative text • Select the Closebutton
Add Alternative Text to TablesHands-On: Fix It • Right-click the table on this slide • From the menu that appears, select Format Shape • On the Format Shape menu dialog box, select Alt Text • In the Title window, enter a title for this chart, for example, “Enrollment data by department”. • In the Description window, enter text that best describes the content, for example, “This enrollment status list provides the names of students, their department, and enrollment status.” • Select the Closebutton
Define the Structure Tables
Define a Clear Table StructureWhy? • To enable screen readers to better navigate content accomplished by: • Clear column headings • Ensuring that the focus moves across the row and then down to the first cell of the next row • Avoiding Blank cells (causes a screen reader to believe that there is nothing more on the table to be read)
Define a Clear Table StructureHands-On: Test it! • Select the first cell • Continually tap the [Tab] key • Ensure that the focus moves across the rows and then down
Define a Clear Table StructureHands-On: Fix it! • View the Warnings in the Inspection Results pane for this table • Delete the empty column • Split the merged cell and adjust text accordingly • Read instructions in the Notes pane on how to split a merged cell
Define a Header Row for a Data TableWhy? • Row and column headers: • Distinguishes the heading text from the data area • Provides context of table’s the contents • Assists screen readers with navigation
Define a Header RowHands-On: Fix It • Select the first row of the table • Select the Design tab from the Table Tools menu • In the Table Styles Options group, select the Header Row checkbox.
Define the Structure Slides
Ensure that Slides Have Unique TitlesWhy? • For those who cannot view slides: • Slide titles are used for navigation • Slide titles are used for selection • Example: If two slides have the same title, there will be no distinction between them when read by a screen reader • Proceed to the next slide where you will notice that the slide contains the same title as this slide
Ensure that Slides Have Unique TitlesWhy? • This slide contains the same title as the previous slide • Read the Tip reported for this slide in the Inspection Results Pane • Change the title for this slide • Replace the word Why? with the word Continued
Add visible titles to your slides: • Select Outline View from the pane • Place the mouse pointer to the right of the Title slide box for this slide • Type a unique name Tip: To restore a deleted slide placeholder text box, select Reset from the Slides Group on the Home tab.
Create an Invisible Slide TitleWhy? A presenter may prefer not to have a slide title as it may interfere with the design of a slide An Invisible slide will be represented in Outline View to be read by screen readers
Create an Invisible Slide TitleHands-On: Try It Select the Home tab, and then select Arrange from the Drawing Group Select Selection Pane View the Selection and Visibility pane to the right Select the eye icon to the right of the title, for example, Title 1 Notice that the title is hidden from this slide, however, the slide title remains on the Outline
Verify the Reading Order of ObjectsWhy? • Screen readers: • Cannot display all of a slide’s content at once • Read content in the order that they are added to a slide • Information must be coherent when read aloud • Objects used that are not part of a slide template may not be in the correct order to be read
Verify the Order of ObjectsHands-On: Try It Return to Slide view Proceed to the next slide Click on any open area on the slide Tap the Tab key to select the next shape in sequence Follow the instructions presented on the next slide to fix the incorrect order of objects
Fix the Order of Slide ElementsHands-On: Fix It • 3. From the Selection& Visibility pane on the right, select an item to be placed in the correct reading order 2. From the Arrange menu select Selection Pane • 4. Select the Re-order arrows to place the item in the correct reading order. 1. Select Home tab, select Arrange from Drawing section Note: The bottom most item in the Arrange panel is read first
Create Meaningful HyperlinksWhy? Screen readers scan documents for links and will read them Hyperlinks must be descriptive to the end user Hyperlinks that are typed in full will be helpful for people who will be reading presentations converted to printed material
Create Meaningful HyperlinksExamples • Example of a non-descriptive link: • Hands-on training is available for instructors on the methods and best practices to create accessible Word documents for students. Read more . . . • Example of a descriptive link: • The Computer Services training and workshop schedule at http://seminars.temple.edu lists hands-on workshops that are available for instructors on the methods and best practices to create accessible PowerPoint presentations for an audience.
Create Meaningful HyperlinksHow to Select the text that you want to use for the hyperlink Right-click the text From the Insert Hyperlink menu, type the web address in the Address: window Select OK
Communicate Multimedia
Caption Audio & VideoWhy? Essential for those with hearing loss Essential for those with auditory processing issues
Caption Audio & VideoHow-To • If inserted videos do not include a caption: • Identify a tool or service to provide a caption OR • Provide a transcript • Include who is talking • Describe sounds such as music or voices • Learn how to create a transcript • Visit the ACCESS site at Colorado State University • http://accessproject.colostate.edu/udl/modules/multimedia/tut_video_transcript.php
Best Practices Slide Design
Use a Pre-defined Slide LayoutWhy? • Slide Layouts hold slide placeholder text and graphic boxes that are set to: • Enable Screen Readers to read content • Ensure structured headings and lists • Ensure proper reading order • Slide attributes convert to PDF
View the Slide LayoutHands-On: Try It! Select the Home tab from the Ribbon Select Layout from the Slides group View the predefined layouts that are available
Choose a Suitable Font Type & SizeWhy? • People with certain disabilities have problems using a computer to read: • Serif Fonts • Example: Times New Roman, Garamond • Italics • The recommended fonts for electronic presentations and the Web: • Sans-Serif Fonts • Example:Verdana, Arial, Tahoma
Choose a Suitable Font Type & Size(continued) • Reserve underlined text for links • Fonts no less than 24 points • Text needs to be readable from the back of a room
Choose Suitable ColorsWhy? • Color blind people have difficulty reading: • Combination of red and green or • Combination of green and yellow • Color used to indicate a point of interest cannot be discerned by the visually impaired (i.e. the required items are in red) • Use an * to indicate a point of interest • Ensure that circles, or arrows, or other graphics used to indicate a point of interest has associated “Alt” Text
Correct a Font Type, Color, & SizeHow-To Select the Home tab on the Ribbon View the tools in the Font group Select the text to be corrected, and then select the appropriate tool from the group
Select a Pre-Defined Design TemplateWhy? • The Design tab on the Ribbon displays pre-defined template styles that ensures: • Consistent design throughout presentation • Fonts that are sized for viewing • Sufficient contrast
Apply a Design StyleHow-To • Select the Design tab from the Ribbon • View the templates that appear • Select a template based on the following best practices • Avoid using red, green, and orange in combination • Choose a color scheme with sharp contrast • Choose solid colors • Avoid Serif fonts
Enable a Screen Reader to View & Read Editing Tips
Type Information in Outline ViewWhy? • Screen readers read text information from Outline view • Information not included in the outline will not be read by a screen reader • The Outline provides an overview& validates: • slides are logically sequenced • slide titles are unique and meaningful • reading order is correct
View the OutlineHands-On: Try It! On the View tab, in the Presentations View Group, select Normal In the pane that displays the Outline and Slides tab, select the Outline tab The Outline View will appear
Type Information in Outline PaneHow-To Place the mouse pointer in the area to insert text Begin typing text Press Enter, and then press the shift and tab keys simultaneously to create a new slide Press Enter, and then the Tab key to add a bullet item below the new slide Note: Shift & Tab will promote a paragraph Tab will demote a paragraph
Best Practices Presentation Techniques
Oral Presentations In the Classroom
Oral PresentationsPrepare & Distribute • Address all errors and warnings in the MS Accessibility Checker • To ensure that distributed materials are accessible • Distribute the presentation electronically before the live presentation • To enable the visually impaired follow along with the oral delivery and help the learning disabled process more content