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Jaguar in the Rainforest

Jaguar in the Rainforest. Larry. Introduction. Rainforest are important. Rainforest are located near the equator. Rainforest have heat and rain. They are located in South Asia, South America, Central America and Pacific Islands. There are many types of animals. Forest Floor and understory.

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Jaguar in the Rainforest

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jaguar in the Rainforest Larry

  2. Introduction Rainforest are important. Rainforest are located near the equator. Rainforest have heat and rain. They are located in South Asia, South America, Central America and Pacific Islands. There are many types of animals.

  3. Forest Floor and understory The forest floor and the understory are the lowest layer. The forest floor has big animals. It also is wet and dark. The understory has more light and some birds.

  4. Canopy and Emergent Layer The canopy and the emergent layer are the last parts of the rainforest. The canopy is the second part of the rainforest. The emergent layer is the tallest. It is home to butterflies and birds.

  5. Supplies/Products We get many supplies from the rainforest. We get wood from the rainforest and fruit. We get many things from the rainforest.

  6. Appearance The jaguars are very big. A jaguar is strong. A jaguar has a thick tail. Jaguars have big heads. A jaguar has big jaws.

  7. Habitat Jaguars live in South America. Jaguars also live in Central America. Jaguars live in the understory. Jaguars live in the rainforest.

  8. Diet Jaguars eat fish and turtles. Jaguars eat a lot of things. Jaguars eat deer. Jaguars also eat caimans.

  9. Predators and Prey Jaguars are endangered. A jaguars predator is a caiman. A jaguar’s prey is fish, turtles or caimans.

  10. Adaptations These things help jaguars survive. Jaguars have big legs to help it run faster from predators. It has sharp jaws because they help them eat other prey.

  11. Interesting Facts Jaguars can smell prey when it’s coming. It can kill almost anything.

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