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Creating ARG how-to for educators

Creating ARG how-to for educators. Section Headings. *the following is mostly text with a few videos. Buxton, M. (2012). Augmented and Alternative Responses to 21st Century Social Change and Diversity. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 4(4), 15-24.

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Creating ARG how-to for educators

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Creating ARG how-to for educators Section Headings *the following is mostly text with a few videos Buxton, M. (2012). Augmented and Alternative Responses to 21st Century Social Change and Diversity. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 4(4), 15-24. Extra Credits. (2012, May 20). ARGs part I - what are alternate reality games? [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiU4AYPdIOw

  2. Sources continued Buxton, M. (2012). Augmented and Alternative Responses to 21st Century Social Change and Diversity. Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 4(4), 15-24. Kim, J. Y., Allen, J. P., & Elan, L. (2008). Alternate reality game. Communications Of The ACM, 51(2), 36-42. Kim, J., Lee, E., Thomas, T., & Dombrowski, C. (2009). Storytelling in new media: The case of alternate reality games, 2001- 2009. First Monday, 14(6) vmpeople. (2009, February 5). Documentary “the pirates society" alternate reality game [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpVpBcixek4. Szulborski, D. (2005). This is not a game: A guide to alternate reality gaming. Lulu.com: Raleigh, NC.

  3. Delivery of content Blog + video + pictures + links to different social media

  4. Creating ARG with teens Steps on creating ARG based on Owings (2009) article.

  5. Brainstorm theme • To be discussed on 10/4

  6. Pick game "verbs" • To be discussed on 10/4

  7. Make media plan • To be discussed on 10/4

  8. Design community • To be discussed on 10/4

  9. Decide on launch date October 12 • Make media plan

  10. Make game time line

  11. Create content • To be createdon 10/5

  12. Decide who to invite • Family and friends of the teens • Small group

  13. Sources Ireton, D., Pitts, J., & Ward, B. (2013). Library discovery through augmented reality: A game plan for academics. International Journal Of Technology, Knowledge & Society, 9(4), 119-128. Owings, H. (2009). Building an ARG. School Library Journal, 55(12), 26-27. Sharma, M., Ontanon, S., Mehta, M., & Ram, A. (2010). Drama management and player modeling for interactive fiction games. Computational Intelligence, 26(2), 183-211. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8640.2010.00355.x Battles, J., Glenn, V., & Shedd, L. (2011). Rethinking the Library Game: Creating an Alternate Reality with Social Media. Journal Of Web Librarianship, 5(2), 114-131.

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