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School of Health: Clean Water to Oceans Project

School №606 focuses on health education and innovation, offering various services promoting a healthy lifestyle. Through collaboration with the SEED program, students engage in projects like Clean Water to Oceans, studying water purification through biological filters. The project aims to create prototypes for water purification systems. Participants monitor water quality, test biofilters, and incorporate living organisms for cleaning polluted water. Contributors include students and teachers.

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School of Health: Clean Water to Oceans Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Our school - is the «School of Health» Only a healthy child can get the amount of knowledge which is suggested by the training programThe school offers a great range of educational servicesfrom education to inventing standards of a healthy lifestyle through sport sectionsclubs and other means of education

  2. School № 606 has participated in the SEED program for 10 years Based on this collaboration students have had the opportunity to • participate at collaboration projects • test water • program GoGo Boards • work on solutions to energy-saving problems • make highly technical projects Collaboration with SEED program

  3. The participants of the project

  4. Clean Water to Oceans Through the Creation of Ecosystems as a Biological Filter of Water Our project

  5. establish in an experimental way what living organisms contribute to the purification of the water of the rivers, that flow into the oceans and seas • carry out monitoring of a number of biological indicators of the purity of the water • conduct experiments on efficiency of water purifications by biofilters from organic substances • according to the results of the experiments to create a prototype of an ecosystem Our target

  6. We determine the quality of the water to contaminate

  7. 2. H2O + means for washing dishes 1. H2O + organic contamination We pollute the water with various substances 3. H2O + oil 4. Clean H2O

  8. Using the root system of eichhornia to purify water H2O + organic contamination + eichhornia Clean H2O + eichhornia

  9. Sudakov A. V., the Principle of School №606 • Bogatova M. N., the teacher of Chemistry and Biology • Budnik N. E., the teacher of Biology and Ecology • The students of the 7, 8 and 10 classes: Krasavin E. , Filippova M. , Kuzina M. , Allakhverdieva A. , Allakhverdieva P. , Gosteva D., Motigullina R. , Sazonov A., Pavlov A. The creators of the project:

  10. Thank you for attention !!!

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