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Dr. Roger Christopher, Presiding Bishop
2. Dr. Roger Christopher, Presiding Bishop & Prelate When it comes to the Word of God, Bishop Christopher is one of Gods unmistakable giants. Just preaching a good sounding sermon without the benefit of a good message is simply NOT ENOUGH, according to him. Doing this leaves holes in Christianity that takes a lifetime to patch up. It would be an understatement to say that he has a deep abiding love for the houses of God that are strewn throughout the world, and takes great pride in bringing the ones together who love unity. Bishop is ready, willing, and able to be the tie that binds.
I see hope about the size of a mans hand, and surely that must be the sound of an abundance of rain for Independents Fellowship International.
3. Rev. Dr. Laura B. Christopher, International Women Leader Together with her husband of 40 years, and 42 years of personal ministry, Dr. Laura is well able to be a founding succourer for Independents Fellowship International.
There is absolutely no area of ministry in which she has not successfully worked. Get a good positional grip and hold on she says. This independent Christian organization is headed for greatness and glory, and it will happen sooner rather than later.
4. God is doing something exciting! This multi-independent-church organization has decided to ban together for strength, for fellowship and for powerful change.
We each remain autonomous, and we come together for motivational assemblies to feel the collective might and experience the spiritual effect that comes from an electric atmosphere.
5. i.f.i. supports its mission by focusing in three areas. Building a powerful national and international network of independent churches, ministries and individuals
Establish new churches
Assist new churches in structural, organizational, and legal matters pertaining to the establishment of its ministry
Produce strong, capable and ethical ministerial leadership in the body of Christ
Giving independents the opportunity to gather and absorb the collective might and motivation of others, providing impetus to their own autonomous ministry
Providing an avenue of strength, unity and fellowship and a means of affiliation
6. i.f.i. operates with eleven Tenets of Faith The Scriptures
The Godhead
Man, his fall and redemption
Salvation is the gift of God to man
Eternal life and new birth
Water baptism
Baptism in the Holy Ghost
Divine healing
Resurrection of the just and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ
Hell and eternal retribution
7. Pastors, ministers and individuals who want to fellowship and benefit from the resources, seminars, conferences and workshops
Pastors and churches who desire affiliation
Pastors and ministers who need licensing and ordination
Women pastors and ministers
9. Pastors, ministers, churches, ministerial organizations or individuals must know that they are always autonomous
Each affiliate should adhere to Tenets of Faith and other factors regarding organizational spiritual covering
Each affiliate should help to build a solid organization and work to ensure its growth from generation to generation
Affiliate Fee information:
For a church - initial fee: $195 (annual renewal fee: $100)
For a ministry with no congregant body - initial fee: $105 (annual renewal fee: $55)
For individuals - initial fee: $50 (annual renewal fee: $25)
Initial fees may be divided into three consecutive monthly payments
Renewal fees must be paid by March 31 of each year
Included with the initial fee:
Affiliation letter
Affiliation certificate
Use of i.f.i. logo
Advertisement on the i.f.i. website (churches & ministries) i.f.i. affiliates Building a Ministry is hard and lifelong work and cannot at any juncture be taken lightly or built upon through treachery, betrayal, disloyalty or duplicity else it will SURELY fail in the long-run.
Building a Ministry is hard and lifelong work and cannot at any juncture be taken lightly or built upon through treachery, betrayal, disloyalty or duplicity else it will SURELY fail in the long-run.
10. i.f.i. currently operates with seven Jurisdictional / State Overseers Bishop Roger Christopher: 901.826.9886 Tennessee
Presiding Bishop
Bishop Robert Burnette: 901.xxx.xxxx Tennessee
Assistant Presiding Bishop
Bishop Ronald O. Cobbs, Sr.: 619.733.0393 California
West Coast Regional Bishop
Rev. Dr. Carlton E. Mebane: 301.737.4544 Maryland
Rev. Jessie Gilmore: 662.566.8937 Mississippi
Rev. Jerry D. Drake: 563.593.4852 Iowa
Dr. Laura B. Christopher: 901.826.9887 National/Intl