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4 TH EPISCOPAL DISTRICT MICHIGAN CONFERENCE Board of Christian Education Church School Certification Training CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION. The Rt. Rev. John H. Bryant Presiding Prelate & Senior Bishop of the Church The Rev. Dr. James F. Miller District Director of Christian Education
4TH EPISCOPAL DISTRICTMICHIGAN CONFERENCEBoard of Christian EducationChurch School Certification TrainingCHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION The Rt. Rev. John H. Bryant Presiding Prelate & Senior Bishop of the Church The Rev. Dr. James F. Miller District Director of Christian Education Bro. Jerry Givan Michigan Conference Director of Christian Education The Rev. Amelia D. Graham, Michigan Conference Church School Superintendent The Rev. Minnie Autry Registrar The Rev. Ernest J. Garrison Facilitator
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINSTRATION PURPOSE: This course is help the Director of Christian Education to understand the biblical purpose of Christian Education and how it should be administer in the African Methodist Episcopal Church 2
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINSTRATION OBJECTIVE: To instruct and illustrate the organization of Christian Education and how it fits in the local church 3
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION • LET’S REVIEW WHERE THE DEPARTMENT OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION BEGINS • “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, ‘All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.’ Amen” Matthew 28: 19-20(KJV) 4
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION We would probably all agree that Matthew 28:19-20, some call “the Great Commission”, is the basis scripture that give birth to Christian Education. In that King James Version, the word teach in reference twice; once before baptism and once after baptism. We believe it was strategically place that way to show the important of the Christian Education Ministry. 5
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION • We must first teach the nations that a conversation is necessary to obtain eternal life. In other words we must convince the world that a change is need to take place in their lives. • A person need to see that their life must change • A person does not know right from wrong unless they are taught right from wrong • A person must see that they are better off changing before they decide to change. 6
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION • After conversation and baptism, we must then teach the way of Christ. Being a Christian requires adoption of a certain Life Style that need to be taught in order for a person in understand and adopt. • One a person decides to change, they need to be taught the life style to adopt • What are the do’s and the don’ts • What will benefit they and what will not benefit them. 7
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION • LET’S LOOK AT ANOTHER SCRIPTURAL BEGINNING OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: • “Study to shew thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15 (KJV) 8
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION This second scripture reference to Christian Education comes from Paul instruction the early Church through a young pastor name Timothy to study. 9
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION This you look at these two scripture, and we can certainly find more, we understand the one of the major jobs of the Church is to teach and instruct believer on the way of life. As a matter of fact, the Christian Movement was “The Way Movement”. I believe this title or saying came from another scripture: ”I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14: 6 10
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION Well, what is meant by the “Way?” Well, that was the essence of Christ’s ministry, to follow his way of living by doing all that he has done. Remember: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, that works that I do shall he do also; and greater works that these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. “ John 14:12 11
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION So, the Christ is commissioned by Christ to teach. As we learned in the book of Acts, the overseeing of the Church was so great, that the Elders could not do it all. This is still the case, go the Church has other ministers to administer the teaching and instructing of the Saint, therefore giving birth to Christian Education. 12
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION From the 2008 Book of Discipline (page 78, paragraph 2.Commission on Christian Education) There shall be in every local Church a Commission on Christian Education, with duties as follows: 13
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINSTRATION From the 2008 Book of Discipline (page 78, paragraph 2.Commission on Christian Education) a. It shall make careful study of the Christian education needs of the local church and the means for meeting these needs such as: the correlation of the program of educational agencies for the various age groups; the recommendation and approval of curricula in harmony with the findings of the curriculum committee and the standards adopted by the division of Christian Education; the supervision of recruitment, training and assignment of Christian education workers in the local church. 14
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINSTRATION Establishing a Christian Education Ministry This is a lot. So, how do you get there: • First, it starts with your pastor (the vision) • Second, look at the needs of the people based on the vision of the pastor • Conduct a Survey • Interview parishioners • Have follow-up meetings 15
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION From the 2008 Book of Discipline (page 78, paragraph 2.Commission on Christian Education) b. It shall see that the Church School, Allen Christian Fellowship, Young People’s Division, missionary members and all their authorized classes, departments and groups are supplied with adequate and appropriate literature and proper equipment prepared and approved by the Division of Christian Education. 16
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION From the 2008 Book of Discipline (page 78, paragraph 2.Commission on Christian Education) c.It shall see that suitable missionary programs are carried out at stated periods in all the departments of the Church School and Allen Christian Fellowship, cooperating with the Young People’s Missionary Division. 17
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION From the 2008 Book of Discipline (page 78, paragraph 2.Commission on Christian Education) d. It shall see that appropriate days are observed annually as Church School Day, Decision Day, and Promotion Day. Plans for the observance of the days shall provide for the presentation to the church for work of the Church School, Allen Christian Fellowship, and other service agencies. 18
CHRISTIAN EDUCATIONADMINISTRATION From the 2008 Book of Discipline (page 78, paragraph 2.Commission on Christian Education) e. It shall cooperate in the proper observance of Resurrection (Easter) Day, Children’s Day, Allen Jubilee Week and Christian Education Week as prescribed by the Book of Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. These observances include Allen Jubilee Week in February and September, and Christian Education Week in September. The value and use of The Journal of Christian Education should be emphasized during all of these observances. 19
LOCAL CHURCHCHRISTIAN EDUCATIONSTRUCTURE PASTOR Chairperson DEPARTMENT OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Director CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Health Church School Youth Ministries Scouts Sons of Allen Y.P.D. Richard Allen Youth Council Music 20