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Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard. Grace Fellowship Church. Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011. www.GraceDoctrine.org. Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.—Amen.
Pastor/TeacherJim Rickard Grace Fellowship Church Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011 www.GraceDoctrine.org
DoxologyPraise God, from whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.—Amen.
John 17:6-19Christ Prays for His Disciples Protection. Part 2
Psa 121:7-8, “The LORD will protect (SHAMAR) you from all evil; He will keep (SHAMAR) your soul. 8The LORD will guard (SHAMAR) your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.”
SHAMAR is used to describe:* Those who guarded the city, SS 3:3; 5:7; Psa 127:1; Isa 21:11f.* The Temple, Jer 35:4.* The Palace, 1 Kings 14:27; 2 Chron 12:10.
Often the task would be to guard a person, either to serve as bodyguard, 1 Sam 26:15, or to guard prisoners, Josh 10:18; 1 Kings 20:39.
In Psa 121 - Imperfect Tense. The protection of our Lord continues each and every day. His guardianship is ever-present.
For example:1. God promised to protect Jacob when He met him at Bethel, Gen 28:15, 20.
2. God has promised to keep His people, like a shepherd caring for his sheep, Jer 31:10.
3. He describes Himself as the ultimate watchman over the city, Psa 127:1.
4. Part of the blessing in Num 6:24 is the request that the Lord might keep His people.
John 17:11-12, 15; 4 uses:1. Vs. 11, TEREO - Aorist, Active, Imperative, 2nd P.S.
Imperative Mood; an urgent request, or entreaty of Jesus to the Father on behalf of the disciples to guard and protect them.
2. Vs. 12, TEREO, Imperfect, Active, Indicative, 1st P.S., like Psa 121.The Stative Imperfect is for action in progress or continually occurring in past time.
While the disciples were with Jesus, He was continually protecting them from Satan, the Cosmic System and evil man with his religious falsehoods.
He not only physically protected them but also spiritually, with the Word of God that He taught them daily.
“In Your Name” – ONOMA, in the power of the person and authority of God the Father, by means of His essence or being, including His Word.
3. Vs. 12, PHULASSO, “custody and protection, defense against external attack”. Aorist, Active, Indicative, 1st P.S.
Constative Aorist, Jesus guarded the bodies and souls of His disciples by means of the authority and Word the Father had given to Him in hypostatic union.
4. Vs. 15, TEREO, Aorist, Active, Subjunctive, 2nd P.S.Subjunctive Mood used with HINA, “that”, imperatively, completing the entreaty of verse 11.
The Subjunctive also speaks to probability leaving room for the Will of the Father to act as Jesus makes His request.
“Evil one”, PONEROS, “toilsome, bad, evil or wicked”. Used substantively, “the evil one” referring to Satan Himself.
Jesus’ petition to the Father is to protect them from Satan himself which would include his Cosmic System.
2 Thes 3:3, “But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect (PHULASSO - Future, Active, Indicative), you from the evil one (PONEROS - Satan).”
Grace Fellowship ChurchThursday, December 8, 2011Tape # 11-138Jesus Prays for His DisciplesGod’s Divine Protection Great High Priestly Prayer, Part 45John 17:11-12; Psa 121:7-8; 2 Thes 3:3; Jude 1:24-25; Rev 3:10 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2011