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TRAVEL TO LONDON. TRIP TO LONDON. W e left on April 22 at 7:OO pm from Tenerife Airport. We arrived around 1:00 o’clock at the Royal National hotel. Monday.
Monday • We woke up at 7:00 o´clook and at 8:30 we have breakfast after that at 9:00 westartedour London tour. WewolkedalongsomeLondon´sstreets.First we bought our lunch .We visited a lot of monuments: The monumenthas 314 steps Courts of justice ST Paul´s Cathedral The teacher gave us free time and we went todrinksomething in Starbucks and visited the shop.
WevisitedtheTower of London and then we ate around it .At 15:45 we wenton a cruisealongtheThamesrivertoarrive at the London Eye ,but before we saw the Big Ben .Finally we ate in a Pub. • Big Ben and London Eye
TuesdaY We woke up at 8:00 o´clockin the morning and then we had breakfast. At 9:30 we went to the British Museum and we saw the largest covered square in the world.
After that wewenttoCandemTown , and theteachersgaveusfree time. Duringthetime westayed in Candemwehadlunch and we bought a lot of things , and thenwetookthe train and we went toHarrods. Finallywe ate in a good pub.
WEDNESDAY On Wednesday we went to Thorpe Park. We woke up at 8:00 o´clockin the morning and then we had breakfast . At 9:00 we took the bus and went to Thorpe Park .It was oneof themostamazingdays. Finallywe went to a pub and allof us saw thefootball match verymotivated !
We woke up at 8:00 o’clockin the morning we had breakfast and at 9:00 o’clockwe wenttoBuckingham Palace to see the Change of the Guard. THURSDAY
Then we went shopping in Picadilly , Oxford street , and m&m´s shop, and finallywesaw the Lion King and it wasamazingIlikedverymuch .Finally we ate in a pub .
FRIDAY We woke up at 8:00 o´clockin the morning we had breakfast and at 9:00 o´clockwe went tothe Natural Historymuseum. Wesaw incredible things .Then we bought our lunch and we ate it in Hyde Park .
After lunch we went to Madame Tussaudsmuseum, it was amazing .Finally we ate in a pub .
Sunday was our last day in the Royal National hotel and in London , Sunday was a sad day for us . I love London it was the most amazing experience in my life . SUNDAY We took the airplane at 3:00 o´clook and we arrived to Tenerife at 7:30 pm , then we took the bus and we arrived to the Cruz Santa at 9:00 o´clook.