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Wind Day 2. by John Zavalney. EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ?. Wind Day 2. Think, Pair Share prompt. What did yesterday ’ s convection activity have to do with wind?. EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Air is a Fluid. Wind Day 2. To do What?. Mix together?. To get?.
Wind Day 2 by John Zavalney
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 Think, Pair Share prompt What did yesterday’s convection activity have to do with wind?
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Air is a Fluid Wind Day 2 To do What? Mix together? To get? Acetic Acid + bicarbonate of soda = Sodium acetate + Carbon dioxide gas CH3COOH + NaHCO3 -> H2O + NaOCOCH3 + CO2
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Air is a Fluid Wind Day 2 Short answer reflection questions Why did the candle(s) go out? Draw a picture to explain it. What happened to the air that was originally around the candle(s)? Name two factors that cause air to move?
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 • Global Air Patterns • Read the Global wind article to learn where to draw the wind patterns on the map • Draw and label the wind currents More Complex Related activity http://www.teachingboxes.org/jsp/teachingboxes/weatherEssentials/wind/sequence/
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 ANIMATIONS Global Winds http://daphne.palomar.edu/pdeen/Animations/23_WeatherPat.swf Hadley cells http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/tlw3/eBridge/Chp29/animations/ch29/global_wind_circulation.swf Coriolis effect http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/brainbites/nonflash/bb_home_corioliseffect.html
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 Global Air Patterns End with Start with
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 Global Air Patterns Final Beginning Start
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 • Ocean/ shore Air Patterns • Read the seashore effect article to learn where to draw the wind patterns on the drawings • Draw and label the wind currents.
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 Day time on shore breeze Night time off shore breeze Students draw and label the breezes created by the coastal conditions. Write a brief explanation
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 Day time on shore breeze Land heats faster than water. Warmed air rises Warmer temperature creates LOW pressure Rising air cools creating an area of HIGH pressure
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 Day time on shore breeze 4. The air over the cooler water creates an area of LOW pressure 5. The cooler water creates an area of HIGH pressure 6. The offshore flow aloft
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 Day time on shore breeze 7. And the surface onshore flow, called the sea breeze are both created by the areas of LOW and High pressure
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 Night time off shore breeze Water cools slower than land. Warmed air rises Warmer water temp creates LOW pressure Rising air cools creating an area of HIGH pressure
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 Day time on shore breeze 4. The air over the cooler land creates an area of LOW pressure 5. The cooler land creates an area of HIGH pressure 6. The on shore flow aloft
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 Night time off shore breeze 7. And the surface off shore flow, called the land breeze are both created by the areas of LOW and High pressure
EXPLORE WHAT CAUSES WIND ? Wind Day 2 • 5 Words and a poster; reflection activity • Each answers the above question by showing all the different ways air moves by: • Drawing as many pictures as needed • Using only 5 words • Presenting to the class
Assessment Work on FINAL PROJECT PowerPoint Presentation Wind Day 2 • Develop story board • Gather research and resources • Begin putting your PowerPoint together