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SENIOR YEAR COURSESAND GRADES COUNT!! -When you plan your schedule, choose courses wisely. Colleges look at the amount and types of classes you are taking. -Consider taking a CAP course or AP course which are college courses where you can earn college credit. -Did you know most four year colleges require you to take foreign language in college? Consider taking the 4th and or 5th level of foreign language for college credit. -Colleges request your senior mid year and final grades, so make sure you are continuing to work hard. -Early dismissals are only placed in your schedule if it fits. Not everyone will get an early dismissal, even if you request it.
Courses where you can Earn College Credit Listed below are classes offered here at N-W where students can earn college credit from NCCC. Credits are transferrable to most 2 and 4 year colleges. Course Credits Grade Calculus 4 Credits – NCCC 12 Precalculus 4 Credits – NCCC 11,12 College Composition I 3Credits – NCCC 12 College Composition II 3 Credits – NCCC 12 Intro/Adv. Marketing 3 Credits – NCCC (for Business Majors only) 10, 11, 12 French 4 3 Credits –NCCC 11,12 French 5 3 Credits – NCCC 12 Spanish 4 3 Credits – NCCC 11,12 Spanish 5 3 Credits –NCCC 12 Topics in Leadership 3 Credits – NCCC 10,11,12 NCCC Approx. $59/Credit Hour Advanced Placement (AP) Courses College Level Classes at NW Students may earn college credits in AP courses based on their scores on the AP exam. Scores range from 1-5. Credits earned vary by individual colleges. AP English (12th) AP Studio Art (11th,12th) AP World History (10th) AP Physics (11th,12th) AP US History (11th) AP Biology (11th,12th) AP Macroeconomics (12th) AP Chemistry (11th,12th) AP Government and Politics (12th) AP Stats (11th,12th) AP Calculus (12th) NCCC/Niagara University Seniors who are approved for Early Dismissals, may take courses at Niagara University or NCCC. Students will take regular college courses with college students. The cost to take courses at NU is $60 per credit hour which is significantly reduced from the regular tuition rate. The cost for NCCC courses is at the regular NCCC tuition rate which is approximately $130/credit hour. Students should talk with their school counselor if they are interested in taking a course at a college campus.
Standardized College Admission Exams • SAT – Reasoning Test – This SAT is a three-hour, primarily multiple-choice test that measures verbal and mathematical reasoning abilities that develop over time. Most colleges require SAT scores for admission. • Subject Tests – Subject Tests are one-hour, primarily multiple-choice tests that measure your knowledge of particular subjects and your ability to apply that knowledge. Check the requirements of the colleges you are considering. More selective colleges may require or recommend one or more Subject Tests for admission or placement. • ACT – Assessment Test – A group of tests administered by ACT and required or recommended by many colleges. The tests measure educational development in English, mathematics, reading, and science reasoning and are given at specified test centers throughout the year.
When do I take the exams and how often? “Rule of thumb” • SAT Reasoning: Spring of junior year AND Fall of senior year • ACT: Spring of junior year OR Fall of senior year • SAT Subject Tests: Spring of junior year AND/OR Fall of senior year IF REQUIRED
Why take both SAT and ACT? Colleges accept SAT and ACT scores equally. They accept the higher of the two Colleges will take the highest COMBINED SAT score if a student takes them more than once
What’s the difference? ACT English (1-36) Mathematics (1-36) Science (1-36) Reading (1-36) Composite (1-36) No penalty for wrong answers SAT *Critical (200-800) Reading *Math (200-800) Writing (200-800) Overall (600-2400) Fraction of a point deducted for wrong answers *Students should combine Critical Reading and Math Scores for total SAT Score.
ADDITONAL TESTING INFORMATION • Where do I take the exams? Niagara Wheatfield offers the SAT exam four times during the school year and the ACT exam three times during the school year. If you are not available on those test dates, you may take them at a local area school that offers them on different dates. • How do I receive the test accommodations stated on my IEP or 504 Plan? You must fill out an additional application and have your accommodations approved in advance of taking the exams. See your counselor to pick up the accommodation form. • Score Reporting: When you register for the tests there is a section where you can write in the codes of the schools that you want your scores sent to. There are some colleges that require score reporting to come directly from the Collegeboard. In addition, if you are planning on possibly playing Division 1 or Division 2 sports, you must put the code 9999 in the score report section , so your scores are sent to the NCAA Clearinghouse. This is required by the Clearinghouse. At a later date you may request that the Collegeboard send your scores to a college or the Clearinghouse, but they will charge you a fee.
ACT Test Dates and Deadlines 12 *Offered at Niagara Wheatfield HS
SAT Test Dates and Deadlines *Offered at Niagara Wheatfield HS
How to register? • Online • www.ACTSTUDENT.org (ACT) • www.collegeboard.com/mysat. (SAT) • You can choose to have your scores sent to four colleges at no additional charge • If planning on playing D1 or D2 sports makes sure to have your SAT’s sent directly to NCAA by writing the code 9999 in the score report section.
Important Codes • Niagara Wheatfield CEEB Code 335-028* • Niagara Wheatfield Test Center Code • ACT Exam – 193630 • SAT Exams – 33-834 * You must put the CEEB Code on SAT/ACT registration forms or Niagara Wheatfield will NOT receive your scores!
CCI Day What: College and Career Information Day WHERE: NCCC WHY: Useful Information on Colleges and Careers WHEN: March 4th- 2014. HOW TO SIGN UP: Go online to www.niagaracc.suny.edu Click on CCI Day icon and follow instructions AND Turn in Permission Form to Career Center NO LATER THAN February 25th!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT WILL I DO AFTER GRADUATION? -College? -Trade school? -Military? -Military Academy? -ROTC? -Work? HOW DO I DECIDE? In order to be well informed, stress free and able to make the right decision for you, you need to see your School Counselor and visit the Career Center NOW!!!!!!
SELECTING A COLLEGEWHAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU? 7 KEY FACTORS TO CONSIDER: • 1. PROGRAMS: Does the college you are considering have your major? • If applicable does it have my choice of sport? Extracurriculars? • Study abroad? Good job placement? • 2. COST: Can I afford it? Do they offer scholarships? • 3. CHANCES: Can I get in? Do I have the grades? • 4. LOCATION: Do I want a big city school or a small town school? • 5. SIZE: Will I be able to learn in a class with 300 students? • Will I do better in a small class? • 6. 2 or 4 year: What type of degree do you need? • If you are going to transfer to a four year school be careful about • which courses you take, so that the credits transfer. • 7. Public/Private: Which is the best choice for you?
COLLEGE VISIT • Tour classrooms and dorm rooms • Talk with students, faculty • Investigate your academic program • Meet with an admissions counselor • Verify admissions requirements • Inquire about a class visit • Discuss your chances of success: admission, graduation, placement, etc • Bring a copy of your transcript (request from Counseling Center 5 days prior to visit) • Ask thoughtful, mindful, active questions!
Top Factors in College Admissions Decisions (National Association of College Admissions Counseling, 2008) • Factors • Percentage
Helpful Hints for College Bound Students • When applying to college choose a safe school, a realistic school and a reach School • Group by decision policy • Early action • Early decision • Rolling • Regular admissions • Open admissions • Ask for Letters of Recommendation early • PAY ATTENTION TO DEADLINES!
NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse • Division 1 & 2 must meet eligibility • NCAA: www.eligibilitycenter.org • Fee • Request your transcript • When do I register? • You can register anytime after you compete 6 semesters of high school. Most students will register at the beginning of their senior year • How do I qualify to participate in sports at a D I or II school? • Complete minimum of 16 core courses • Take your SAT or ACT • Eligibility is determined by sliding scale • You MUST have your SAT or ACT scores sent to NCAA directly from Collegeboard or ACT. Scores on a high school transcript will NOT be accepted • NCAA code is 9999
Niagara County Community College • Must apply online • If you are interested in Nursing, Radiologic Tech or Animal Management you should apply in September as soon as the application is available online. They fill up fast. Also you must have earned at least a 75 on Chem Regents in order to be eligible. • Must take a placement test if you did not score higher than a 75 on your Math or English Regents. • NCCC does not require SAT, however, if you score well on the SAT you will not have to take placement test. • They have a Dual Admission Program. You must tell your advisor at first meeting if interested. • Distinguished Student Scholarship
MILITARY OPTIONS • ROTC -Start the process NOW -Offered at over 1,000 colleges -Very competitive -In exchange for paid college tuition and a post college career you agree to serve in the military after graduation. • Military Academies -Start the process NOW -VERY competitive -Once you graduate you become an officer in the military • Enter the Military after graduation -You should contact a recruiter School Counseling Website has more information and website addresses
TRADE SCHOOLS Are you interested in working in any of the trade areas such as Cosmetology, Plumbing, Auto, Heating and Cooling etc? If so: -Consider a trade school. Trade Schools are different from regular colleges because at most trade schools you take only the courses directly related to your field of choice. -Can go to BOCES after you graduate but must pay tuition. -Stop by the Career Center for more information
WORLD OF WORK AFTER GRADUATION • Civil Service Positions -Employment through the federal, state, or city government -Must take civil service exam to be considered • Check the want ads or attend Job Fairs • Contact the Employment Training Office through Niagara County. They can assist you in making a resume and finding employment. • Websites and additional info on our website
SENIOR YEAR • SEPTEMBER -Visit Career Center to finalize College Choices -Begin working on college applications or trade school applications which are due to the Counseling Center by October 31st. -Register for the October ACT and/or November or December SAT’s. -Register for the SAT subject test if required by your college of choice. -Request Letters of Recommendation from teachers • OCTOBER - College Applications into the Counseling Center by Oct. 31st -Complete Trade School Applications -If you are going into the military contact a recruiter - If you are going into the work force immediately after graduation begin making a plan. Visit the Career Center for Assistance. Check out the Counseling Website for information on Agencies that can assist you in finding employment
SENIOR YEAR • NOVEMBER -Contact schools to make sure your application is complete • DECEMBER -Attend Financial Aid Day at NW • JANUARY -Complete FAFSA application at fafsa.ed.gov -Check with prospective colleges about any additional financial aid forms that may need to be completed. • FEBRUARY -If you submitted FAFSA in January then you should be receiving your SAR report • MARCH/APRIL -Acceptance letters and Financial Aid packages arrive - Most schools ask for final decision and payments by May 1st.
SENIOR YEAR • MAY -After you made your final decision, notify the other colleges to tell them that you will not be attending. -Double check deadlines for housing, financial aid, etc. • JUNE -Have final transcripts sent to college GRADUATION!!!
What is the suggested deadline for turning applications into the Counseling Center?
ANSWER Answer: October 31st of Senior Year Be ready to apply when you return in September !
TRUE OR FALSE Colleges will look at your grades for Senior Year
ANSWER Answer: True (Colleges request final transcripts for all students)
The most important factor in College Admissions is: A. SAT/ACT scores • Grades in Core Classes (math, Eng, social studies, science and foreign language) • Grades in all classes • Letters of Recommendation
ANSWER Answer: B – your grades in your core classes.
Which College Entrance test has a Science section? • The ACT • The SAT • Neither • Both
ANSWER Answer: A. The ACT
You should take the SAT: A. In the spring of Junior Year B. In the fall of Senior Year C. At least two times D. All of the above
ANSWER Answer: D – All of the above!
Which of these NCCC Programs fills up quickly? • Culinary Arts • Nursing • Computer Aided Design • Liberal Arts – Math/Science
ANSWER Answer: B – Nursing Apply early to Nursing! Animal Management and Radiology Tech too!!