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Instagram stories is one of the most engaging mediums for a business. Learn the best tips to effectively incorporate it into your business strategy. For more info <br>https://betasocials.com/2019/12/24/how-to-use-instagram-stories-effectively/
BetaSocials HowTo Use Instagram Stories Effectively
Overview It is next to impossible not to have heard about Instagram stories. This highly engaging medium, if used correctly, can be extremely helpful while promoting your brand. It is one of the most important features of the web to date. It helps maintain the momentum of the brand, and with a billion users worldwide, it is a goldmineforcapturinganewaudience.Instagramisalsooneofthoseplatforms whichonlyworksifyouconstantlyupdateit.So,thereisaneffort,butitpaysoff withaboostinsalesattheend,so,oncan’treallycomplain.Herearesomeofthe bestInstagramstorytipscompiledbythetopSocialMediaAgencyinNigeriafor makingyourpaththroughInstagramstoriesmucheasier.
CreateRelevant Content On A RegularBasis Agoodruleofthumbwhenitcomestolearningtheinsandoutof Instagramadvertisingisthattheyaretemporarycollateralsandgive alotmorebreathingspacethanotherplatforms.Youcanbealittle morecasualinyourapproach.Anaturalunfilteredstorywillalways workbetterthanapolishedstoryonInstagram. BETASOCIALS
HASHTAGS ANDGEOTAGS CAN BE OF GREATHELP Youhavetoappealtothemassesandbeabletocapturetheirimagination. Thisisalittledifficultiftheycan’tevenseeyou.Toincreasediscoverability, usethecorrectgeotagsandhashtags.Theyalsohelpyougainfollowersas theyhelpyourcontentreachtherightaudience.But,youhavetobe extremelycarefulaboutthehashtagsastheyneedtoberelevantandnot bringintrafficthatisirrelevanttoyoursearch. BETA SOCIALS
Instagram runs on creative expression. Which is why they have an entire mode called create mode. IG stories help you move beyond photos andvideos, to create text-heavy backgrounds(type), speak to youraudience directly via live streaming, recordvideosthatwillplay the lastframe first (rewind), taketheir opinion(polls), and so muchmore. LookBeyond Photos andVideos
Time YourStories Just like most things that are online, there is an ideal time to post and another not so ideal. You must have seen this with personalstoriesaswell.Therearespecificperiodsinwhich,if you post, you will end up with more views. In business, this becomes even more important to follow. Stories that are uploadedbetween9AMto11AMperformbetterthanalmost all othertimes.
USESTICKERS One might think that things like stickers are slightly juvenile.In the caseofInstagram,theyareanythingbutthat.Theycanactuallyhelp yourcontentstandout.Thetinygraphicshavethepowertoenhancethe story you are conveying to the audience. It is also an excellent way to expressemotionviaapostthatdoesnotinvolveaperson. BETASOCIALS
Don’t Forget AboutAnalytics The advent of Instagram analytics provided you as a business the ability to see what exactly is working and what is not. See and figure out what posts of yours got the most attention and also additionally see why they worked. The metrics provide you with a comprehensive view of theimpressions, reach, and the behavior of your audience. This also tells you howmany tapped through, replied, andbounced away. I t is a business at the end of the day, but with Instagram, you have the leeway to enjoy yourself while creating. When you create content, remember to keep an openmind, experiment, and create content that you would love to watch and share. I f you need help, the top Social Media Agency in Nigeria is a good place to start your businessstrategy.
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