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Social media marketing & advertising tips for business. Know your audience, learn about business objectives you want to achieve and more. Visit at https://betasocials.com/2019/11/20/social-media-advertising-tips-every-content-marketer-must-follow/
Getting your content noticed isn’t as easy as it seems. Changes in Google’s search algorithms have made site ranking quite difficult, especially in the highly competitive markets. If we talk about social media, organic reach is almost dead. Half of the content gets no shares. And, recently, Facebook announced not to show your content to the users who don’t have interests related to your industry. So, what’s the alternative to increase leads and sales? The answer is social media ads. By hiring the biggest social media agency in Nigeria, you can increase traffic and sales of your products. However, you can learn the social media marketing hacks, which can help you boostsales.
Quality Score refers to the number Google uses for rating your site in terms of quality and relevancy of keywords used. It influences the CPC. In the Facebook world, it’s called a RelevancyScore. Improving Quality Score is important. And, you can do so by increasing the post engagement rates of your social mediaprofiles. IMPROVEQUALITY SCORE
Engagement is important when it comes torunningad campaigns on different platforms such asTwitter.You need to pay for every user engagement, suchasprofile view, hashtag click, image expanding, etc.Ifyou’re doing that, stop right away. Instead, pay forthingsthat matter most for your business. These canbeapp downloads, followers, website clicks, video views,etc. Let’s take an example when you runafollowers campaign on Twitter, you pay whensomeonefollows you. But, along with that, you willgetimpressions, retweets, mentions, replies, etc. So, alwaysbestrategic with your social media advertising campaigns,andhave an open discussion with your social mediamarketing agency. GENERATE CLICKS FROMADS
INCREASEENGAGEMENT Targeting everyone on social media is a waste of money. After all, everyone has different interests, values, and preferences. For example, if you are selling products for the auto industry, then it won’t be good to show your social media ads to individuals who are related to otherindustries. Understanding your audience and targeting them for your social media ads allow you to increase engagement rate, thusearnings. Beta Socials
PROMOTE YOUR CONTENT ONSOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS Youmighthavepostedawiderangeofposts,mages,videos,etc. on your social media accounts. Have you promoted them? Might be not. So, consider promoting them now. Generating unique, newcontentisfine,butrepurposingalsoplaysanimportantrole in generating traffic. For promoting your existing content, you canusesitessuchasReddit,Digg,HackerNews.Gettingmore upvotes will help you increase exposure.
Remarketing Are you able to convert every lead? Of course not. Targetingaudiencethat once visited your social media profiles and website is a great waytoboost yoursales.Truly,itincreasesengagementratebythreetimesandconversion rate by two times. So, make the most of it. Analyze yoursalesfunnel comprehensively, and use remarketing techniques to pushappdownloads, sign-ups, and offers.In conclusion, social media advertising is one ofthebest online marketing methods to drive sales. To maximize returns, youneedto practice some strategies. Improve your quality score as this will helpyouget ahigherimpressionatalowercost.Trytolearnaboutyouraudienceand target specific users who can help you boost conversions.Promoteyour content on Digg, Reddit, and other platforms to increaseexposure.Hirethe biggest social media agency in Nigeria to design an effective strategyfor yourbusiness.
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