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LDA Skills for Life Presentation. Phil de Montmorency LDA lead Skills for Life. 00 Month 2004. Why Skills for Life?.
LDA Skills for Life Presentation Phil de MontmorencyLDA lead Skills for Life 00 Month 2004
Why Skills for Life? DfES estimates that around 900,000 or 19% of Londoners have not achieved the level of literacy expected from an 11 year old (below level 1), and a staggering 2.3m or 48% of Londoners with numeracy skills (below level 1), with 21% of Londoners having English as a second language. E.g. Tower Hamlets / Hackney profile…………. Some statistics about the picture of provision in London. Economic and Social argument…..inclusion & productivity.
The Regional Response ESOL - PM strategy Unit requests urgent regional response. What were the issues? The Skills for Life Flagship group & ESOL Steering Group MAST – Multi-Agency Skills For Life Team
Skills for Life Regional Developments • The Aim – “To bring greater coherence and effectiveness to SfL in London against a dynamic background of wider strategic change” • ‘Ground breaking’ Multi-Agency approach through the London Skills Commission. (LSC, LDA, JCP, GOL, ALG) • Background research to develop evidence base - First ESOL then Literacy / Numeracy & Key Skills • Development of a Regional 3-year Action Plan.
Skills for Life Action Plan - Aim – “a more effective and coherent planning, purchasing and delivery of SfL in the capital.” • Goal 1: To reflect and address the differing needs, characteristics and goals of 14-19 year olds, and adults requiring Skills for Life through templates that detail how provision will be tailored. • Goal 2: To ensure that people have the Skills for Life that they need for work by delivering job-focused provision and establishing regional coordination for employment-focused Skills for Life. • Goal 3: To target public investment on priority Skills for Life groups through a financing model that makes the best use of public resources, and that stimulates private sector investment.
Skills for Life Action Plan - Aim – “a more effective and coherent planning, purchasing and delivery of SfL in the capital.” (cont….) • Goal 4: To ensure that promotion of SfL learning is targeted on identified priority groups. • Goal 5: To ensure consistently high quality across all Skills for Life provision, recognising its essential role in underpinning all curriculum provision. • Goal 6: To coordinate London’s Skills for Life provision through a Regional Body that develops and delivers a coherent regional purchasing strategy. The body will be led by the LSC, (under the auspices of the RSP), with the integral involvement of the LDA, JCP and other key partners.
Learner Goal Focused - • X WORK STUDY SOCIAL INCLUSION ‘SPECIAL’ X X X Examples of Intersections of goal and characteristic groups for template development G O A L S X X X 14-19WORKLESSOFFENDERSEMPLOYEESHOME-FOCUSED CHARACTERISTIC GROUPS
SfL templates – where do they come from? A key part of delivering the London SfL Strategy. Implementing Goals 1 and 2 of the Strategy involves looking at the range of SfL needs across London and at the range of provision available. Looking at what works well, we have been able to create templates that describe provision that meets the variety of needs.
Why do we need SfL templates? To give providers a set of minimum requirements that helps them to reshape and develop SfL provision so that it is more effective in meeting the differing goals of learners and of employers. To ensure that provision supports national and regional priorities to tackle worklessness, drive up workforce development, strengthen family and community cohesion, and combat child poverty.
Two kinds of template • Work focused – SfL for a job (at all levels), and could include volunteering. • ‘Social inclusion’ focused – SfL for personal and family support (helping children, health, housing, debt, community involvement etc.) • A dotted line between them – people will have more than one goal and may move from one type of template to another.
Key principles of templates Appropriate progression and achievement. Links between the learning provider and other key organisations (employers, ‘trusted intermediaries’, job brokerage etc). Supporting the learner through the stages towards their goal – the ‘routeway broker’ idea.
How do the templates work? • Template toolkit Part 1: Background, example templates and guidance. Part 2: Blank templates for providers to complete – matching existing/new provision, using Part 1 to help. Completion Templates are arranged in sections – initial assessment, learning provision, achievement, progression etc. Space to describe your provision and to indicate where you feel further development may be needed.
LDA Skills for Life Review • In November and December 2005, a ‘snapshot questionnaire survey’ of LDA funded projects • Some key results of the survey:- • Key findings • Good practice • Action Points
LDA Skills for Life Review (cont.) The case for the review of the LDA tasking framework:- The gap in current provision in London is at pre-entry level, and at entry level qualifications 1-2 that precede the PSA target and which allow progression onto embedded Skills for Life vocational training from entry level 3 and above. In order to meet the needs of those most disadvantaged we would therefore propose to change the Skills for Life target to allow flexibility to support pre-entry, and entry level 1-2 accredited training to support progression onto PSA ‘target bearing’ provision.
Review of LDA Tasking Framework – more to be done… • 2007-08 output targets (current proposals) & proposed supplementary indicators:- • Number of people assisted with basic skills development (for pre-entry and basic skills (‘entry’ levels 1 and ‘entry’ level 2 including equalities sub-targets) • Explore mechanisms for monitoring beneficiaries moving from worklessness into employment; basic skills assistance into jobs
Multi-Agency Skills for Life Team • Influence regional, sub-regional and local strategies – i.e. City Strategy Pathfinders, Olympics and Local Area Agreements • Overseeing the development, implementation and monitoring of specifications for the purchase of SfL. • Identifying partner priorities (including funding priorities) and how they align with specifications • Arranging and implementing essential data capture across partners for review and planning purposes • Feeding back on developments that may have regional / national implications.
Further information The London Skills for Life Strategy, Template Toolkit and other SfL documents can be found at: www.lda.gov.uk www.londonlsc.gov.uk www.jhconsulting.org.uk