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ECCE Education Task Force. Report on EUCEET II. Prof. Iacint MANOLIU (UAICR) ECCE Task Force Education Chairman. 42 nd ECCE meeting, November 11 th – 12 th , 2005, Istanbul, Turkey. Content. EUCEET – the origins EUCEET – partnership EUCEET – geography EUCEET and the Bologna Process
ECCE Education Task Force Report on EUCEET II Prof. Iacint MANOLIU(UAICR) ECCE Task Force Education Chairman 42nd ECCE meeting, November 11th – 12th, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey
Content EUCEET – the origins EUCEET – partnership EUCEET – geography EUCEET and the Bologna Process EUCEET and ECCE EUCEET II – main events EUCEET – the future
EUCEET - the origins 42nd ECCE meeting, November 11th – 12th, 2005, Istanbul, Turkey
1996SOCRATES Programmeof the European Commission is launched. ERASMUS – the higher education component of SOCRATES promoted a new action: Thematic Networks, aimed to define and develop a European dimension within a given discipline or others issues of common interest , through cooperation between university faculties or departments, academic or professional associations and other partners.
By that time, two TEMPUS Projects coordinated by Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest represented a sound base for the initiation of a Thematic Networks in civil engineering education: Tempus Joint European Project CESNET (Civil Engineering Schools NETwork ) Tempus Complementary Project CESCOOP(Civil Engineering Schools COOPeration)
Steps in the foundation of EUCEET • 18 February 1997, Athens: joint CESCOOP-CESNET meeting - the proposal to create a Thematic Network is made by Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest • 14 July 1997, Barcelona : CESCOOP meeting; the Thematic Network EUCEET is founded
Founding members of EUCEET : ENPC Paris Imperial College London City University London Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Politecnico di Torino Instituto Superior Tecnico Lisbon National Technical University Athens Technical University Berlin Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest Coordinator: Marie Ange Cammarota - ENPC Secretary General of the Steering Committee: Iacint Manoliu - TUCEB
29-30 September 1997, Cluj-Napoca: joint CESCOOP-CESNET meeting • First draft of the pre-proposal • Preliminary list of partners from eligible countries • 1st January 1998 Expression of interest sent to Brussels • March 1998 Brussels invites ENPC to present the Final Application • 1st April 1998 Final Application is sent to Brussels • 19 October 1998 TN Project EUCEET is approved by the EC • EUCEET I - 1st October 1998-30th September 2001 • EUCEET I - dissemination year 1st October 2001-30th September 2002 • EUCEET II - 1st October 2002-31st December 2005
EUCEET I Six themes: • “Curricula in European Civil Engineering Education at Undergraduate Level” (Iacint Manoliu, TUCEB) • “Accreditation and Quality Assessment in Civil Engineering Education”(J.L.Ferreira Lemos, University of Porto, • Manfred Federau, Engineering College Odense) • C. “Synergies between Universities, Research, Industry and Public Authorities in the Construction Sector of Europe” • (Laurie Boswell, City University London) • D. “Postgraduate Programmes and Continuing Professional Development in Civil Engineering Education”(Iacint Manoliu, TUCEB) • E. “Balance and Change in Civil Engineering Education” • (Patrick Holmes, Imperial College London) • F.“Demands of the Economic and Professional Environments in Europe with Respect to Civil Engineering Education” • (François-Gerard Baron, ECCE, Colin Kerr,Imperial College, London)
EUCEET II Six themes, 12 Specific Projects (SP) Theme A: 'Curricula issues and developments in civil engineering‘ (Iacint Manoliu, TUCEB) SP.1 Studies and recommendations on core curricula for various degree programmes (Stanislav Majewski,Silezian University of Technology Gliwice) SP.2 Practical placements as part of the civil engineering curricula (Antal Lovas,Budapest University of Technology and Economics) SP.3 Environmental and sustainable development matters in civil engineering education (Peter Ruge, TU Dresden) SP.4 Non-technical subjects in civil engineering education(Xavier Sanchez Vila, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunia Barcelona) Theme B: 'Development of the teaching environment in civil engineering education‘ (Eivind Brateland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim) SP.5 Problem-oriented, projects-based education in civil engineering (Manfred Federau, Engineering College Odense) SP.6 Use of ICT in civil engineering education (Ralf Reinecke, Munich)
Theme C: 'Promoting the European dimension in civil engineering education’ (Richard Kastner, INSA Lyon) SP.7 Harmonization of European construction codes and regulations (Josef Machacek, CTU Prague) SP.8 Synergies between TN EUCEET and other activities under the Socrates Erasmus programme. (Richard Kastner, INSA Lyon) Theme D: 'Enhancing the attractiveness of civil engineering profession‘ (SP. 9) (Francois Gerard Baron,CNISF and Colin Kerr, Imperial College London) Theme E: 'Recognition of academic and professional civil engineering qualifications’(Laurie Boswell, City University London) SP.10 Specialised knowledge and abilities of graduates of civil engineering programmes (Laurie Boswell, City University London) SP.11 Academic and professional recognition and mobility of European civil engineers (Carsten Ahrens, University of Applied Sciences, Oldemburg) Theme F: 'Lifelong learning in civil engineering' (SP.12) (Pericles Latinopoulos, Aristotle University Thessaloniki)
"Action Line 2" of the Bologna Declaration 'Adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees, also through the implementation of the Diploma Supplement, in order to promote European citizens employability and the international competitiveness of the European higher education system. Adoption of a system essentially based on two main cycles, undergraduate and graduate. Access to the second cycle shall require successful completion of first cycle studies, lasting a maximum of three years. The degree awarded after the first cycle shall be relevant to the European labour market as an appropriate level of qualification. The second cycle should lead to the master and/ or doctorate degrees as in many European countries.'
EUCEET Position on the Implementation of the Bologna Declaration in Civil Engineering Education At the EUCEET meeting of the Management Committee of EUCEET II, which took place on 19th September 2003 in Ciudad Real, was raised for the first time the opportunity of adopting a position statement on the implementation of the Bologna Declaration in civil engineering education. The general lines of such a position statement were defined. A draft was circulated among the MC members in the months following the Ciudad Real meeting.
At the next Management Committee meeting, held in Paris on 16th February 2004, the following position statement was adopted with clear majority: 'EUCEET is supporting and encouraging the application of the idea of two-tier education system in Civil Engineering as suggested in Bologna Declaration. The adoption of a system based on two main cycles, whenever takes place, must take into consideration the specificity of the civil engineering education and profession. Civil engineers perform and provide services to the community with significant implications for public safety and health.
As a consequence, the first cycle in civil engineering education shall be relevant to the labor market and shall ensure graduates with a level of competences tuned to the substantial responsibilities of the profession. A duration of 4 years (or the equivalent of 240 ECTS credits) seems to fit that purpose. A 4-year duration of the first cycle in civil engineering education is aimed also at facilitating transnational recognition of degrees and professional mobility of European civil engineers. In this respect, due consideration has to be given to the fact that various alliances between engineering organizations, such as Washington Accord and the Engineers Mobility Forum, have established that the required academic
component of the qualification of a professional engineer should be 4 or 5 yearsfull time study in University. The existing integrated 5-year curricula in civil engineering, leading straight to a Master's degree, is also compatible with the letter and spirit of the Bologna Declaration and with the vision of a European Higher Education Area.'
An additional activity undertaken by the Project, which was in some way a follow-up of the work carried out within the Themes A and D of the first phase, was to collect and to publish under a separate volume [4] a number of 26 reports on civil engineering education in 26 European countries, from which 25 countries partners in EUCEET, plus Russia.
Shift from the Integrated Programmes to the Two-Tier Programmes One of the major results of the implementation of the Bologna process in civil engineering education in Europe is the shift from the integrated programmes to the two-tier programmes. The solution preferred in most cases is to split the existing 5-year programme by introducing a Bachelor degree after the first 3 years. 1 Only at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia 2 At certain Technical Universities 3 Only at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondhein 4 At certain Technical Universities 5 At certain Universities
Paris, 6-7 June 1997, 25th meeting of the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE) • ECCE and ECCE members are invited to join the network • Prague, 30 October 1997, 26th ECCE meeting ECCE decides to participate in EUCEET, along with 6 of its members: • The Institution of Civil Engineers, UK • The Institution of Engineers of Ireland • Technical Chamber of Greece • Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal • Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Cannales y Puertos, Spain • The Union of Associations of Civil Engineers of Romania
In the following years, 8 other ECCE members joined the network: • Consiglio Nationali degli Ingegneri, Italy • Cyprus Council of Civil Engineers • The Czech Chamber of Certified Civil Engineers and Technicians • Zentralverband Deutsche Ingenieure • Association of Finnish Civil Engineers • Conseil National des Ingenieurs et des Scientifiques de France • Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers • Polish Union of Civil Engineers
ECCE Task Force Education • EUCEET II reports were included in the agenda of all ECCE meetings: • 37th ECCE meeting, Madrid, 4 – 5 April 2003 • 38th ECCE meeting, Munich, 19 – 20 September 2003 • 39th ECCE meeting, Moscow, 21 – 22 May 2004 • 40th ECCE meeting, Zagreb, 1 – 2 October 2004 • 41st ECCE meeting, Tallinn, 10 – 11 June 2005
EUCEET II 1st General Assembly, Athens, 20 – 21 February 2003 • 77 participants from 24 countries • Foundation of the Working Groups for SP.1, SP.2, SP.5, SP.7, SP.9, SP.10
EUCEET II 2nd General Assembly, Malta, 6 – 7 May 2004 • 90 participants from 25 countries • Foundation of the Working Groups for SP.3, SP.4, SP.6, SP.8, SP.12 • Foundation of the EUCEET – Tuning Task Force
EUCEET II 3rd General Assembly, Paris, 29 – 30 September 2005 • 115 participants from 29 countries
Should EUCEET continue as a Thematic Network within Erasmus 3 ? Should we build a EUCEET III ? A favourable response to these questions was unanimously received at the GA in Paris
Rationale and background of the Thematic Network The European Civil Engineering Education and Training (EUCEET) Network was established in July 1997 in Barcelona, at a meeting of partners involved in Tempus projects coordinated by the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Romania, and was granted a 3-year contract (1 September 1998-31 August 2001) within the third round of applications for Thematic Networks under the SOCRATES programme, followed by a one-year dissemination project (1 October 2001 - 30 September 2002). Another 3 year contract (1 October 2002 - 30 September 2005) was granted for the Thematic Network Project EUCEET II. The newly proposed EUCEET III project builds upon the existing network, and is aimed at consolidating and implementing the results obtained so far and at getting new and significant results in other areas of interest. The reasons for developing a new project EUCEET III, within Erasmus 3 Action of the SOCRATES programme, are very strong. Constructions represent the largest industrial sector in Europe. Civil engineering activities bear the greatest responsibility for the built environment and for the protection of the natural environment. On the other hand, civil engineering represents the domain with the oldest tradition in engineering education across Europe. Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, the coordinating institution for EUCEET I and EUCEET II and the applicant organization for EUCEET III, was in the year of its foundation - 1747 - the first civil engineering school in Europe.
There are a number of important things to underline in relation with the Thematic Network EUCEET. The first and most important feature is, without any doubt, the representativeness of the network. Many of the most prestigious civil engineering schools of Europe are active partners in the Network, conferring by thus weight and credibility to the reports, papers and other outcomes. Then comes the broadness of the network. Besides the academic world, there is a marked presence of the professional world. Professional associations, at both European and national level, research centers, design and construction companies are members of the network, providing by their presence the possibility to better validate the results. One can speak of the richness of the network, reflected in the activities undertaken by a large number of working groups and in the outputs of great relevance for all stakeholders in the civil engineering community. It should be also emphasized the uniqueness of the network, resulting from the fact that there is no major engineering field to be represented in its entirety in the family of thematic networks, other than the civil engineering field. A strong network of proven experience in a field of utmost importance for the higher education and for the economy of Europe, this represents the background for the proposed EUCEET III project.
The objectives of the Thematic Network Project 8 themes of major importance are proposed to be tackled during the 3-year contractual period • Implementation of the two-tier study programmes in civil engineering education across Europe, following the Bologna process • Enhancement of the cooperation between civil engineering faculties in Europe by the development of joint degrees • Doctoral programmes – 3rd cycle – and research in civil engineering faculties • Best practice in establishing and running multi-disciplinary programmes of education, involving civil engineering and other fields (economy, informatics, architecture, building services, geosciences, materials science etc) • Implementation of the framework for qualifications in civil engineering based on learning outcomes and competences • Approaches to teaching and learning, assessment and performance in civil engineering education • Making the European civil engineering education better known and more attractive outside Europe • Developing a synergy between academic and professional worlds aimed at recognition of professional qualifications
Partnership composition Partnership composition of the proposed Thematic Network Project is characterised by a good representation of both academic and professional worlds. As for the size of the partnership, a reduction occurred, as compared to EUCEET II. From 132 partners from eligible countries in the 3rd and last year of EUCEET II (2004-2005) the number of partners dropped to 105. This was due to the fact that invitations to join the new project were sent only to partners of EUCEET II which took an active part in the works undertaken for the accomplishment of the 12 Specific Projects and of the reports on lines 1 and 2 of Tuning. Emphasis was, therefore, put on the quality and not on the quantity. 75 academic institutions expressed their interest in actively participating in the new Project under Erasmus 3, distributed by countries as follows: France 5, Greece 5, Spain 5, Poland 5, Romania 5, United Kingdom 5, Czech Republic 4, Germany 4, Italy 5, Portugal 4, Belgium 3, Ireland 2, Hungary 2, Slovenia 2, Slovakia 2, Turkey 3, Denmark 2, Estonia 1, Cyprus 1, Latvia 1, Lithuania 1, Austria 1, Finland 1, Malta 1, Netherlands 1, Iceland 1, Norway 1, Bulgaria 1, Sweden 1.
There are academics partners from 29 eligible countries, out of 31 (25 EU, 3 EEA, 2 accession, 1candidate). Only academic partners from Luxembourg and Liechtenstein are missing, for the very obvious reason that there are no universities with civil engineering programmes in the two countries. A new partner, which could not join so far the network because the Department of Civil Engineering was just founded, is the University of Cyprus. From the 75 academic partners, 72 are Universities, 1 is an University of Applied Sciences (in Germany) and 2 are Technological Educational Institutes (in Greece). In the partnership is also present an academic association: the Association of European Civil Engineering Faculties (AECEF). As for the professional world, one has to underline the strong representation of professional associations, with 20 National Associations (Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, United Kingdom) and one trans-european association : European Council of Civil Engineers. In addition, 4 research centres (France, Poland, Portugal, Romania) and 4 companies (Germany, Hungary and Romania) are in the partnership.