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What is PALS?

What is PALS?. Partners in Active Learning Support FFA’s mentoring program Powerful way to engage young people Doesn’t require a lot of budget Does require a lot of heart Attracts non-traditional students. Overview.

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What is PALS?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is PALS? • Partners in Active Learning Support • FFA’s mentoring program • Powerful way to engage young people • Doesn’t require a lot of budget • Does require a lot of heart • Attracts non-traditional students

  2. Overview PALS is a mentoring program that matches high school agriculture students with elementary students to help get them excited about school, explore their interests in plants, animals and their environment, and develop their personal skills.

  3. Why PALS?Key Considerations • Third graders reading below grade level are unlikely to complete high school. • Underachievers in high school enter the work force at significantly lower paying jobs, are promoted more slowly and have a 50% higher divorce rate. • Every 12 seconds of the school day a child drops out of school (1,500 per day).

  4. Why PALS?Key Considerations • Schools are being pressured to be accountable for student success. • Many schools are under reduced funding. • Peer-mentoring programs are proven to be cost effective. • Mentoring proven more cost effective per $100 invested than computer-aided instruction or reduced class size.

  5. PALS Evaluation PALS participants were: • urban, suburban, small town and rural • 42% of mentors, 41% of mentees female • 18% of mentors, 20% of mentees culturally diverse • 53% of mentors, 64% of mentees at risk

  6. Benefits of PALS • 53% of teachers, counselors and coordinators reported improved school performance and attendance for mentors and mentees • 46% of mentors and 75% of teachers felt mentors had a better understanding of human development and of self

  7. Benefits of PALS • 77% of teachers, counselors and coordinators reported that mentees felt special, thus improving self-esteem and self-concept • 74% of mentors reported they demanded more from themselves because they viewed themselves as role models • 70% of the mentors rarely missed mentoring days or activities

  8. Bottom Line The PALS mentoring program can help break the cycle of low self-esteem, school drop-outs, joblessness family dysfunction, poverty and crime.

  9. What is a PAL? • A PAL is any high school student who serves as a mentor for a younger student.

  10. PALS can be good for: • Your FFA members • The elementary students • Your Agriscience Program • The community

  11. Three keys to a successful PALS Program: • Communicate • Communicate • Communicate

  12. Who maintains your PALS Program? • FFA Member • FFA Advisor

  13. What should the FFA member do? • Contact elementary principal • Set up schedule for PALS • Select the activities for the mentor • Order most of the necessary materials and supplies

  14. What should the advisor do? • Be involved at the start • Approve FFA members who participate • Verify the approval with administrators • Periodically check to be sure the program objectives are being met • Evaluate the program • Encourage students

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