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VACCINES—MICROBIOLOGY {S1}. BY RANJEET RAMAN. Childhood vaccines may include MMR, Polio, DTP, BCG, Varicella, Hep B .
Childhood vaccines may include MMR, Polio, DTP, BCG, Varicella, Hep B. • Smallpox eradication was possible because it was a stable virus with no animal reservoir, no subclinical carrier state, prompt antibody response, and an easily recognized clinical presentation.
Measles vaccine is live attenuated virus, so it’s heat/light sensitive. It is neutralized by antibodies from mother’s milk, so must be given no earlier than 9 months.
Polio vaccine is of two types: • Salk: The killed virus type must be injected. Does not provide gut immunity. • Sabin: The live attenuated type is given orally and provides gut immunity, but there is a tiny risk of reversion to virulence. It is being used for the eradication campaign.
Diphtheria vaccine is the toxin only. It is combined with pertussis and tetanus vaccines (DPT). • Tetanus vaccine is also a toxin vaccine. • Pertussis is a killed bacteria OR an acellular subunit vaccine. The whole killed virus prep can cause fever, prolonged crying, febrile seizures, and hypotonic shock. The acellular subunit vaccine is much safer.
Thus the DPT vaccine only consists of toxins and subunits, and cannot itself become infectious. • Hepatitis B vaccine was the first recombinant DNA vaccine. An HBV surface antigen (“S antigen”) is grown in yeast and then injected.
BCG vaccine is the only tuberculosis vaccine. It is a live vaccine from attenuated M. bovis. If is effective against disseminated/Meningeal TB but not against pulmonary TB. It also interferes with PPD test. • Rotavirus vaccine was withdrawn because it causes intussusception.
Haemophilus influenza B is the main cause of bacterial meningitis. The vaccine is purified polysaccharide conjugated to a T-cell-stimulating protein such as tetanus toxin. • This was the first conjugated vaccine. Conjugation enhances immunogenicity and T-cell response.
Strep pneumoniae has 90 serotype variants. Vaccines usually carry around 20 different serotype polysaccharide capsules to provide decent coverage. • Meningococcal vaccines cover all serotypes except type B. Type A is epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa (the meningitis belt).
Influenza vaccines use whole killed virus or membrane proteins. • Antigen drift is the steady accumulation of mutations. It is what necessitates new vaccine formulations every year. • Antigen shift is the reassortment of genome segments between human and avian influenza. Shifts cause major new epidemics.
Yellow Fever vaccine is live attenuated and should never be given to infants! • Anthrax vaccine uses lethal factor, edema factor, and protective factor, but without the capsule. • Smallpox vaccine is the Vaccinia virus.
ERADICATED • Smallpox • Virus has single serotype • Humans are only reservoir • No carriers or subclinical infection • dz easily recognized so prompt immunization, Ab response also prompt • Vaccine is stable and effective
CHILDREN’S VACCINES • Measles • Live attenuated, heat-sensitive, SQ injection after 9 mo old • Coverage in central Africa is poor • Polio • Salk (inactivated): safe, injected, protects against paralysis not infection, USA • Sabin (oral): fairly safe, gut immunity, used in EPI
DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) • D,T: inactivated toxin plus alum, P: whole killed, aP: acellular subunit • IM injection • DTaP has lower adverse reaction rate than DTP • Hepatitis B • Recombinant HBsAg made in S. cerevisiae • Poor worldwide coverage at present • MMR: live attenuated • Hib: capsule polysaccharide linked to carrier (conjugate vaccine) • Pneumococcus: multivalent vaccine
ADULT VACCINES • Meningococcal: 4-valent vaccine, recommended for college students • Influenza: whole killed virus or purified membrane proteins, reformulated each year • TRAVELLER’S VACCINES • Hepatitis A: inactivated virus, 2 doses • Yellow fever: live attenuated, booster q10yrs, contraindicated > 4 mo old
Japanese encephalitis: whole inactivated virus, used especially for SE Asia • Salmonella typhi: two types: Ty21A (oral 6yr+every 5yr), ViCPS (inject 2yr+every 2yr) • Rabies: three types available • BIODEFENSE • Anthrax: live attenuated, short term side effects • Smallpox: vaccine virus, autoinoculation is primary risk