1 / 39

: : :302 307 :13553001635 Email: mengxfouc

??????. ??:?????:??????????:???????302 ??????????307????:13553001635Email: mengxf@ouc.edu.cn. ????. ???????,??????????,??????????? ????Matlab, ????GrADS(?????). ????. ??????????????,??????????????????????????,???????????????????????????????????????????????????,???????????????????.

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: : :302 307 :13553001635 Email: mengxfouc

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Presentation Transcript

    1. ??????????

    3. ???? ???? ???,?????? ????,????? ?????? ????Matlab, ????GrADS(?????)

    4. ???? ??????????????,?????????????? ????????????,??????????????????????????????????????? ????????????,???????????????????

    5. ???????? 1 Ascii?; 2?????; 3 netcdf??; ??????????? 1 Fortran???????; 2 Matlab??????? ?????? 1 Graher ; 2 Surfer ; 3 Matlab; ?????? 1 GrADS; 2 FERRET ????

    6. ???? Grapher2.doc Surfer7.doc Surfer8?????????.doc MATLAB ????,?????? GrADS?????????? GrADS????grads-ug.pdf FERRET USERS GUIDEferret_users_guide_v602.pdf

    7. ???? ?????30% ?????20% ??,????? ?????50% ????,????,???????

    8. ??? ?? ???????????? ?????? ??????

    9. ??????????????????????,???????????????????

    10. ?????? Grapher, Surfer, Matlab, Origin? Grapher???????? Surfer???????? Matlab?????????

    11. ?????? ?????????????????????? GrADS, FERRET,GMT?

    12. ??? ???? ???????? ??????

    13. ???????? ???? ??,?????,??,???,???,????? ????????,?????;????,?????? ??:?????(?)??????,?????????,???ASCII????? ?????????????????

    14. ???????? ???? ????,??,??,??? ??????????????????? ????,?????? ??????????????????????? ??????????????? ?Levitus, COADS, HadSST? ?????????,??:????(?)???????,??(??????)??????????????,???????Netcdf?? ???????????????????

    15. ?????????? ASCII?(????) ??????????????????,????,????????? ??? ???????????????????????????????(??????,????????????????) NetCDF?? ???????????????????????(?????????????)

    16. ?? ???????????????????,Grapher, Surfer, Matlab, Netcdf for Matlab, Fortran, GrADS, Ferret ???(???????????????,???????),????????ETOPO5, Levitus, COADS, Hadley SST, AVHRR SST, SODA, ECCO?

    17. ??????????

    18. ????????????? ????,???,???,????? ?????? ????,????,????,??????????????????????????? ????????????????

    19. ?????? Grapher, Surfer, Matlab, Origin? Grapher???????? Surfer???????? Matlab?????????

    20. Grapher?????? ??Colorado?Golden Software???????????, ?????????,????????????

    21. ????1 ???(???)????(line/symbol) ??:?Levitus???????????(???????????????)???????? ??:?Levitus????180E,EQ???????????? ??:?Levitus????180E, 30S(/ EQ /30N), 30m???????? ??:?TOGA-TAO?????????????????????

    24. ????2 ?????(hi-low-close) ???????5??? ??:???????????2005?1???

    25. ??2 ????????????????????, ???????,????????

    26. ????3 ??pie ?? bar ??:????????????????,50???2?,51-60?3?,61-70?7?,71-80?15?,81-90?10?,91-10?3?, ??????????????? ????????? ??:??????????,??????

    34. Surfer?????? ?Grapher??,Surfer????Colorado?Golden Software???????????, ??????????,??????? (?????????????????,????????????????( *.grd ) ??: ???????,????????????? ??????????????????????? *.grd, *.bln,*.CSB?

    35. ????*.grd????? GS ASCII? GS ???(??) Surfer7.grd

    36. ???? ???? ???????,??Surfer???????? *.grd (Blank??) ??

    37. ????1 ??? (contour) ?test.dat???? ??:?1939?8?????????????,?????,???????1?C,??5?C?????

    38. ????2 ???(vector) ?????1??2?*.grd?? ?test.grd????

    39. ????3 ????(base) ?????*.bln, *.csb?? ?world.bln ?world0360.bln????

    40. *.bln????? Length, flag 5,1 ?????(5),??(1,?????????blank?,0?????blank?) X1,y1 X2,y2 X3,y3 X4,y4 X5,y5

    41. ????4 ???????blank?? ????*.grd, *.bln ?test.grd????

    42. ????5 ???(wireframe) ?sample3.dat????

    43. ????6 ???(image map) ?sample3.dat????

    44. ????7 ?????(shaded relief map) ?sample3.dat????

    45. ????8 2??????,???????? ????(stack maps) ????(Overlay maps) ?sample3.dat????

    54. Matlab?????? Matlab??Matrix Laborotory (?????) ??? MathWorks????,???????,???????????????1984???1.0?,??????2006? Matlab????????????????????????????????????????????????

    55. MATLAB??? 1. ???? 2. ??????????(Windows,Linux?) 3. ?????? 4. ??????? 5.?????????? 6. ??????????????? Mathematics, Maple?

    56. MATLAB??? ?????? ??MATLAB???????,??,??????????,?MATLAB?????????????????? (???????? ) ????? ????????????????????,??MATLAB?????????????????????????????

    57. MATLAB ????

    58. MATLAB ????? ???? ? MATLAB ????????,????????????????:?? MATLAB ???? File | Set Path ??,??????????

    59. Netcdf for MATLAB ??? ??netcdf toolbox.rar(??????????matlab????????,??????) ????.?Matlab? File - Set path - Add with subfolders ????????????mexcdf53_pcwin ? netcdf ???; ? mexcdf53_pcwin\PCWIN ????dll?????MATLAB?? \bin\win32 ???

    60. Matlab?????? ????command window????? ???????*.m??

    61. ???????

    62. ??????

    63. Matlab???? (????????????????) ??????? ????, ?????????????????? ???????


    65. Matlab?? ??????? ???????????(???)?? ????????? ASCII????? ???????? Netcdf????? ??????? ????

    66. ASCII????? ?? load ??\??? (*.dat, *.txt, *.mat(???????,????load??)) ? aa=load(??\??? ); ?????????,?????aa ? fid=fopen(??\??? ,r) data=fscanf(fid,%f) ?????????,?????data

    67. ???????? fid=fopen('etopo5.gds','rb'); all=fread(fid,[4320,2161],'float32'); contour(all) ? all=fread(fid,inf,float32); rose=reshape(all,4320,2161); contour(rose)

    68. Netcdf????? ncload('etopo120.cdf'); ? file=???\???.cdf'; aa=netcdf(file); aa{1} %?????????? . aa{n}

    69. ??????? ???????

    70. (2)??????? ???????

    71. (3)??????? plot(y) plot(x,y) plot(x,y1,x,y2,) plot(x,y1,r:,x,y2,)

    72. ????? scatter(x,y) ??????? scatter(x,y,z)??x,y????????z??? scatter3(x,y,z) scatter(x,y,s) s ??,???? rd scatter(...,filled) ???????

    73. ??????? >> x= 0:0.01:10; >> y=tan(x); >> plot(x,y) >>

    74. ????????????? ?????????????????

    75. ?????? axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax] axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax] axis tight ???????????? axis ij ??????,?????? axis xy ???? axis on/off

    76. ???????? subplot?? ???????????: >> x = 0:0.1:20; >> subplot(2,2,1) >> plot(x,sin(x)); >> subplot(m,n,p) m?,n?,?p??? subplot(m,n,1:2) subplot(2,2,[1 3]) subplot(2,2,2) subplot(2,2,4)

    77. 2. ???? ????? title(.) ?????? xlabel(), ylabel() ???????????? text() gtext() ????? legend(,,) ??????? grid on/off

    78. (1) ????? ?MATLAB?,??????3??????????: ??Insert ????Title??; ???????(Property Editor); ??title???

    79. ????? >> x = 0:.1:2; >>y1=sin(x); >>y2 = sin(x-0.25); >>y3 = sin(x-0.5); >> plot(x,y1,'-.b', x,y2,'--r*', x,y3,'-.gh') >> title('There three lines') >>

    80. (2) ?????? ??????3??????????????: ??Insert????Label??; ???????(Property Editor); ??MATLAB ???????;

    81. ?????????? ???????(Property Editor)??????? ??Tools??,??Edit Plot??,????????? ???????????,???????;????????????,?????????Properties ???????????;????View?????Property Editor??

    82. (3)???????????? ?????MATLAB???????????????,???????????????MATLAB ???text???gtext????????????gtext???????????,???????????? text(x,y,) gtext()

    83. ?????? >> x=linspace(-3,5,100); >> y=cos(x); >> z=sin(x); >> plot(x,y,x,z) >> title('?????????????') >> xlabel('x?????') >> ylabel('Y?Z??') >>

    84. (4)????? ???????????????,??????????,???????????????????????3???????: ??Insert ??????Legend??; ???????legend??; ??legend??? legend str1,str2,str3, legend(str1,str2,str3), legend off, legend hide, legend show, legend(,pos), pos=1,2,3,4,-1??????????,??????,???,???

    85. ????? ??

    86. (5)??????? ????????,???????????????,???????????,MATLAB ??????grid?????????: grid off????????; grid on????????; grid minor??????????;

    87. ????????? >> x=linspace(-5,5,100); >> y=x.^4+22*x.^2-6*x+10; >> plot(x,y) >> grid on >>

    88. 3. ??????? ??????plot3(x,y,z) plot3(x,y,z,s) ????????? ????? mesh(z), mesh(x,y,z),mesh(x,y,z,c) meshc????????? meshz?????????? ????? surf(z),surf(x,y,z), surfc ????????? waterfall,????mesh meshgrid ????????????? >> x=[1:1:50];y=[1:1:50]; >> [X Y]=meshgrid(x,y);

    89. (1)??????plot3 >> % ??????????????? >> t = 0:pi/50:20*pi; >> plot3(sin(t),cos(2*t),sin(t)+cos(t))

    90. (2) ????? ??mesh???????????: >> z=peaks(50); >> mesh(z); >>

    91. (3)????? ???surf??????????? : >> [X,Y]=meshgrid([-4:0.2:4]); >> Z=exp(-0.5*(X.^2-Y.^2)); >> surf(X,Y,Z) >>

    92. ?????? ???????(bar and area Graphs) ???(pie Charts) ???(hist) ??????(stem, stairs) ????????? (compass,quiver,quiver3,feather?) ??????(contour Plots)

    93. (1)??????? ??????????????????,????????????????????????????,??????????????,??????????????

    94. bar(???)?? >> y=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] >>bar(y)

    95. ?? ????????????? ????pie pie(x),pie(x,e),pie(x,e,labels) ????pie3 ??x??<1,?x???????????????,??????????? pie(x,explode,labels) pie([1 3 5 3],[0 1 0 0],{a,b,c,d}) ?? ???????????? ????

    96. ??? ????????? n=hist(y), ?????y????10? n=hist(y,n),?????y????n? ??:????????? [n,xout]=hist(y,n) bar(xout,n) ??bar????????

    97. (3)?????? stem ??(???)stem(Y),stem(X,Y) stem3??stem3(Z),stem3(X,Y,Z) stairs??(???) stairs(Y),stairs(X,Y)

    98. ???????? ?? stem(y)?????????? ? >> y=rand(20,1); >> stem(y) >>

    99. (4)????????? compass?feather?quiver?quiver3?

    100. ??????????? ?compass???????? : >> w=0:0.1:6; >> z=sin(w).*exp(j*w); >> compass(z) >>

    101. (5)?????? ???????????????????????

    102. ?????? contour(z),contour(x,y,z) contour(z,n) n?????? contour(z,v) v?????????, ????????[1 3 5 6] >> [x,y,z]=peaks; >> [c,h]=contour(x,y,z) >> clabel(c) %????????

    103. ???????? ??contour?????????: >> [x,y,z]=peaks; >> contour(x,y,z) >>

    104. ?????????? ??contourf?????????: >> [x,y,z]=peaks; >> contourf(x,y,z,20) >> colorbar

    105. ?????? colorbar(horiz) % ????? colorbar(vert) % ?????

    106. ????????(1) ??Levitus???????????????????(??: ???????????),????????????

    107. ????????(2) ???????????? (??????????)???????????????????????, ??Matlab?????????? 1.???????,??,???1,???2,. 2.??????????????? xi=linspace(xmin,xmax,nx); yi=linspace(y1,y2,ny); 3.[XI YI]=meshgrid(xi,yi) 4.[XI YI ZI]=griddata(x,y,z1,XI,YI) 5.contour(ZI) ??: ????????????????? ???:?????*.bln,????Surfer?Grid blank????GS ASCII *.grd??,??????Matlab???/???????Nan,????

    108. ????? http://rimmer.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/coast/getcoast.html ???????????, ?????????bln??, ?????????mat_to_bln.for

    109. Ferret?????? Ferret??????NOAA/PMEL/ TMAP (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/ Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory/the Thermal Modeling and Analysis Project,?????????)?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????

    110. ?? ???????,????? ????, EOF,FFT,??,??,???? ????,??,??,??????,????? ??,???????????, ???Ferret?????????,??????????

    111. ???? ??????????,???????????,???,???,???,????,??????,raster(??),???,????,?????? ????????(??Grads) ????????, ????????

    112. Ferret?? ?????????? ????,??????Matlab,?????? ????????,??????????? ????????????(Ferret?????????Netcdf??,?Grads?Netcdf?????????,?????????????) ???????? shaded sst; con rose,cont rose(?????????) ???? ????(ferret.jnl)????????, ??????????????????? (*.jnl?????,??GrADS?*.gs,Matlab?*.m??)

    113. ?? ??ferret??,??????xwindows,?????????(?????????Grads,???GrADS???xwindows???.) ???????Ferret,????Ferret?????,Thinking like a Ferret (?????????)

    114. Ferret Ferret(????)??????,????????????? C:\Program Files\TMAP\fer_dsets\data\?? etopo20.cdf, etopo40.cdf, etopo60.cdf, etopo120.cdf, levitus_climatology.cdf, coads_climatology.cdf, esku_heat_budget.cdf, monthly_navy_winds.cdf, polydata.cdf? ????Ferret??????

    115. ??????? Ferret????ASCII???,???????,???????????(??????????Netcdf??,?????*.nc? *.cdf;?????TMAP???????). ?Netcdf???????Ferret????????.

    116. ????????? set data ??ASCII???????? file/var=var1,var2, filename file=set data/ez Netcdf????? use filename(.cdf) (??set data filename.cdf) use=set data/format=cdf

    117. ASCII????? ???? file/variable=aa d:\aa.dat plot aa ???? file/col=2/vars=aa,bb d:\aabb.dat file/col=n/vars=z1,z2,,zn d:\z.dat file_reading_demo.jnl

    118. ???????? ???????????????????? binary_read_demo.jnl

    119. Fortran???????? ??????????? REAL VARI(10), VAR2(10), VAR3(10) ... OPEN(UNIT=20,FORMAT='UNFORMATTED',ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL',FILE='MYFILE.DAT') ... DO 10 I=1,10 WRITE (20) VAR1(I), VAR2(I), VAR3(I) 10 CONTINUE ... set data/ez/FORMAT=UNF/VAR=var1,var2,var3/col=3 myfile.dat ?? (??\???) file/FORMAT=UNF/VAR=var1,var2,var3/columns=3 myfile.dat

    120. ???????Fortran?? ???????????? real VAR1(1000), VAR2(500) ... OPEN(UNIT=20,FORMAT='UNFORMATTED',ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL', FILE='MYFILE.DAT') ... WRITE (20) VAR1 WRITE (20) VAR2 .... DEFINE AXIS/X=1:500:1 xaxis DEFINE GRID/X=XAXIS mygrid FILE/FORMAT=stream/SKIP=1003/GRID=mygrid/VAR=var2 myfile.dat 1003????1?1000????2?????(2????1?????,??????2?????)The argument 1003 is the sum of the 1000 data words in record 1, plus 2 words of record length information surrounding the data values in record 1 (variable var1), plus 1 word of record information preceding the data in record 2.

    121. ????????? REAL VARI(10), VAR2(10), VAR3(10) ... OPEN(UNIT=20,FORMAT='UNFORMATTED',ACCESS=Direct',FILE='MYFILE.DAT') ... DO 10 I=1,10 WRITE (20,rec=i) VAR1(I), VAR2(I), VAR3(I) 10 CONTINUE ... file/format=stream/var=var1,var2,var3 myfile.dat

    122. ????????? REAL*4 MYVAR(10,5) ... OPEN(UNIT=20, FILE="myfile.dat", ACCESS="DIRECT", RECL=10) ... DO 100 j = 1, 5 100 WRITE (20,REC=j) (MYVAR(i,j),i=1,10) .... DEFINE AXIS/X=1:10:1 x10 DEFINE AXIS/Y=1:5:1 y5 DEFINE GRID/X=x10/Y=y5 g10x5 FILE/VAR=MYVAR/GRID=g10x5/FORMAT=stream myfile.dat If the file consisted of a set of FORTRAN REAL*8 or C doubles, then the data would look like: dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd ... and the following Ferret commands would read the data into "myvar": DEFINE AXIS/X=1:10:1 x10 DEFINE AXIS/Y=1:5:1 y5 DEFINE GRID/X=x10/Y=y5 g10x5 FILE/VAR=MYVAR/GRID=g10x5/FORMAT=stream/type=r8 myfile.dat

    123. ??????????? ???????,?????x,y,z,t??,??,???????????,?????? ... def axis/x=1:nx:1 xax def axis/y=1:ny:1 yax def axis/z=1:nz:1 zax def axis/t=1:nt:1 tax def grid/x=xax/y=yax/z=zax/t=tax mygrid file/format=stream/var=num,num1/grid=mygrid ($file)

    124. Netcdf????? use ????\??? set data ????\???

    125. ????n?? ???? use ???(???Netcdf????) set data ??? (??????????) ?????????? set region/x/y/z/t/I/j/k/l ????????????????,?? con (sst-273.16)*9/5 ???? frame/file=aaa.gif ???? cancel ???(??????????)

    126. ??????? set window/new ??????? set window n ????n,???????, ???n???,??????? set window/aspect=0.5 ???,???0.75 set window/size=0.5 (<1????) Ferret????n?????,??????GrADS(????????) set window/clear ?set window/c ? cancel viewport ???????? set window/location=0,0.5 cancel window n ?????n???

    127. ????? set viewport upper; ???? set viewport lower;???? ???????,???? set viewport left set viewport right ???????,???? set viewport ul /ur /ll /lr ???????,???????????


    129. ????i,j,k,l?????????? list ???[i=i1:i2,j=.] show grid/i=/j=/k=/l= var

    130. *.jnl??? go ???.jnl ??C:\Program Files\TMAP\examples ?*.jnl????Ferret

    131. go tools??? go ???(.jnl) ?: go land go fland . go tools???C:\Program Files\TMAP\go

    132. ??????plot PLOT /I/J/K/L /X/Y/Z/T /OVERLAY/ SET_UP /FRAME /D/ TRANPOSE/ VS/ SYMBOL/NOLABEL /LINE /COLOR /THICKNES /SIZE /HLIMITS /VLIMITS /TITLE /STEP /NOAXES /DASH /NOYADJUS /AXES /HLOG /VLOG /NOKEY /I/J/K/L /X/Y/Z/T ????????? /X=40E:60W /OVERLAY ???????? /D ???? plot/line/symbols/I=1:30 sin(I) plot/vs temp, salt ?????

    133. ??????contour ??? (contour/con) ?????GrADS (set gxout contour),?Ferret?contour?????? ?levitus?????? use levitus_ climatology contour temp[k=1] (contour??????????) ???,????????[x=,y]?? ?? set region/x=x1:x2/y=y1,y2/z=z1:z1/t=t1:t2 ????????,????? con temp ??????? go land (???????) ?????? go fland red

    134. contour????????? contour/I/j/k/l/x/y/z/t/d/fill/levels/key/nokey/line /I/j/k/l ??????? /x/y/z/t???????????????? /d ??/fill?????; /line?contour/fill?????? /levels=(lo,hi,delta) /levels=(lo,hi,delta,ndigits) ?contour????, ???? ?????????? /levels =40 ??????40 = 40c ??????0,??0 =2000d?????2000 =2000dc?????2000??????0 /levels=( 5)??????5???? /levels= (inf)(lo,hi,delta)(inf) ????(lo,hi,delta) ??????,??????????? /key ??colorbar,key=continous???colorbar /nokey?colorbar ???contour/fill????key???

    135. contour??(?) contour/noaxis/palette/pen/sigdigs /size/spacing/nolabels/overlay/title /noaxis???? /palette ???? /pen???? /sigdigs??????????????? /size ????????? /spacing????? /nolabels ???ferret??????? overlay ? /ov ????????????? /title=. ?????

    136. ???? ??? go mp_demo.jnl mercator??????? go mercator_demo [ymin, ymax] [yticks]

    137. ??????fill fill = contour/fill ?????,???contour/line?? ????????GrADS (set gxout shaded)

    138. ??????shade ????,???contour/line??? ?????GrADS (set gxout fgrid)

    139. shade????????? shade/I/j/k/l/x/y/z/t/d/frame/key/levels /line/noaxis/nokey/nolabels/overlay /palette /title/transpose/modulo/hlimits /vlimits/ axes /transpose?????? /hlimits /vlimits/ ??????? /axes [1 1 0 0]????????,?0????

    140. ??????vector ???(vector) vector u,v ?coads_climatology.cdf????

    141. Vector?? vector/length/flowline/xskip/yskip /length 1cm???????? /flowline ??? /xskip ????

    142. ???????? repeat/l=1:12 con sst; go fland repeat/I/j/k/l/animate repeat/animate = animate

    143. ?????????? Netcdf?? save/file=???.cdf/clobber/I/j/k var1,var2, save = list/form=cdf/file= ASCII ??????? list/form/file var1,var2,

    144. Netcdf??????? LIST/FORMAT=CDF variable_name SAVE/FILE=example.cdf/I=1:100 sin(I/100) yes? SET DATA coads_climatology yes? SAVE/L=1 sst,airt,uwnd,vwnd ????????,?ferret???????Netcdf???????

    145. ????let define ?????,????????define let = define/variables let var=f(var1,) let ??? Grads??define

    146. ????define define ??????,??,????

    147. ????transformation transform???? ??20C?????? yes? USE levitus_climatology yes? SET REG/Y=10s:30n/X=140E:140W yes? PPL CONSET .12 !label size yes? CONTOUR temp[Z=0:200@LOC:20] ?? yes? QUIT Fill/line/levels=(-10)(12,30,2)(35) temp[X=130:200@AVE,L=1:50:5] ??? ??????transform?? ????? show transform

    148. ????show show show data/grid/variable/. show data 1

    149. ????set mode set mode metafile (?????????*.plt) cancel mode metafile SET MODE META filename SET MODE JOURNAL filename SET MODE PPLLIST filename SET MODE/LAST Resets mode to its last state. SET MODE DIAGNOSTIC ???? P409 set mode options

    150. ??????set mode(1) ASCII_FONT imposes PPLUS ASCII font types on plot labels set CALENDAR uses date strings for T axis (vs. time step values) set DEPTH_LABEL uses "DEPTH" as Z axis label set DESPERATE attempts calculations too large for memory canceled DIAGNOSTIC turns on internal pro gram diagnostic out put canceled GRATICULE sets drawing of graticule lines on all subsequent plots cancelled GUI un sup ported; used in GUI development IGNORE_ERROR continues command file after errors canceled INTERPOLATE automatically interpolates data between planes canceled

    151. ??????set mode(2) JOURNAL re cords key board com mands in a jour nal file set LATIT_LABEL uses "N" "S" no ta tion for la bel ing lat i tudes set LONG_LABEL uses "E" "W" no ta tion for la bel ing lon gi tudes set METAFILE cap tures graph ics in GKS metafiles can celed PPLLIST listed out put from PPLUS is di rected to the named file can celed REFRESH re freshes graph ics on sys tems lack ing "back ing store" can celed SEGMENT uti lizes GKS seg ment stor age set STUPID con trols cache hits in mem ory (di ag nos tic) can celed VERIFY dis plays each com mand file line as it is ex e cuted set WAIT waits for car riage re turn af ter each plot can celed P409 set mode options

    152. ????(gif ) ????? ferret -gif ???????? ???? frame/file=aa.gif ????????????aa.gif ?????????,?????.gif

    153. Ferret????? show transform show commands show alias show functions go/help string

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